What Annoying Things Do You Do To Your So?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, SO was watching cartoons (with his extra grown behind). I was bored and wanted him to pay me attention. I was all on his back with my blanket (think baby wearing African style). I had my legs wrapped around him with my feet in his hands....

I kind of knew I was being annoying...so I asked him. "On a scale of 1 - 10 how annoying am I right now.
He said, " you are at a solid 7 1/2."

It was the first time he admitted to me being annoying and I thought it was hilarious (but left him alone).

I could go on with the annoying things I do but I wanna hear what y'all got first :drunk:
Yesterday, SO was watching cartoons (with his extra grown behind). I was bored and wanted him to pay me attention. I was all on his back with my blanket (think baby wearing African style). I had my legs wrapped around him with my feet in his hands....

I kind of knew I was being annoying...so I asked him. "On a scale of 1 - 10 how annoying am I right now.
He said, " you are at a solid 7 1/2."

It was the first time he admitted to me being annoying and I thought it was hilarious (but left him alone).

I could go on with the annoying things I do but I wanna hear what y'all got first :drunk:

:lachen: That totally sounds like something I would do!

I annoy my FH all the time. Especially when he's doing stuff on his phone because I want him to pay attention to me. (But then when he's paying attention to me and won't stop touching me up I get annoyed and tell him to leave me alone :lol:).

Some of the things I do to annoy him:

  • Call his name and when he answers say 'nothing!'.
  • Try to poke or grab or pretend to punch or kick his junk.
  • Scratch him with my toenails when we're lying down.
  • He has a thing where he hates his neck being touched because when he was a kid some other kid karate chopped him in the throat. So, naturally, I always try to touch his throat.
  • When he asks what we're gonna eat for dinner or whatever I say 'food'.
  • I'm always quoting films. Especially Titanic and Twilight. And I'll sometimes respond to whatever he says to me with a film quote.
  • I ask him if I can put make up on him (he always says no).
  • I ask him if I'm annoying him when I know I'm annoying him.
Damn, I'm annoying!:lachen: There are more things I do I just can't remember them all right now. But he loves it really. Lol. He loves the attention. Plus, he can be just as annoying sometimes.
Sometimes I leave a recyclable in the sink instead of putting it in the bin. I always say it's because I need to rinse it out well before I get rid of it. It drives him crazy. I rinsed out a can of cat food and left it in the sink. He put it on the counter and that sucker sat there for a month because we each refused to be the one to put it in the recycling bin.
Luckily my husband does not get annoyed easily but I LOVE the look on his face when I:

- Call his name from across the apartment have him come to where I am and ask him "What chu doin?" when I know exactly what he's doing.

- Sing "Snap for the kids, snap for the kids, snap in a circle few times" like Beyonce over and over and over again. I didn't know this annoyed him because I do it all the time and one day after I said it about 10 times in a row he was like "Oh you just gonna keep going huh?"

-When he's trying to have a serious conversation and I start dancing on him from the front, side and back. He does the same thing to me so I don't feel bad at all.
I say the most absurd things when he is trying to have a serious conversation.

I said some sh*t like. "I hate underwear, they are only for people who need to hold their vaginas in"

He always like what?! Why?! He just says my name and shakes his head.

I hump his butt randomly and he hates it.

I squeeze his fat and tell him how much I love it.

I fake jealousy. I tell him he's not allowed to smile at women. That if there are woman in the train to wait for the next one.

Shake my butt in his face when he is trying to get work done.

At least once a day I ask him how he deals with me. He must like it because I he does some of the same things to me now.
Try to put my finger up his butt :-( He hates it but it is the funniest thing in the world to me.

I also hang off him like a little monkey every chance I get.
I do that too :lol:. I also stick my hand up his shorts or grab his butt or crotch like a man grab's a woman's when I walk past.

I boop his nose like Lucy does on Charlie Brown

I act like im going in for a kiss and blow a big, loud raspberry on his cheek.

I yell at him when he drives crazy
Oh and if his eyebrows are out of place I fix them, he hates it because his mom used to do that HAHA!

Also, say it's 1 hair on his eyebrow that's going a diff direction, I'll try to pull it out. I've only done that once or twice because I got the death stare after LOL!
[QUOTE="SheenaVee, post: 21402773, member: 37847"
  • Call his name and when he answers say 'nothing!'. He does this to me!
  • Try to poke or grab or pretend to punch or kick his junk. I do this!
  • I ask him if I can put make up on him (he always says no). I do this!
  • I ask him if I'm annoying him when I know I'm annoying him. I do this!
When he calls me 1,000 times to see something on t.v. and I won't come but I expect him to come to me on the first request, or I threaten that I will never come to him again. :darkcloud: (That's kinda selfish of me isn't it)?

He also gets upset when I demand to him that he not wash the dishes...(It's because I don't want to grab for a dish that is greasy or taste like soap because HE DID'NT WASH IT CLEAN OR RINSE IT OUT COMPLETELY).
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- When he's in the middle of writing something, I'll hit the pen to mess him up. You can tell when he was writing while I was in the room, because his paper will be full of all kinds of random lines and squiggles. :lol:
- He has a spot on his chest that's really sensitive and he doesn't like it touched. So of course I poke at it and karate chop it whenever I can. :lol:
- I'll call his name from the other side of the house, and when he replies, I say "shut up" :lol:
- I scratch him whenever I walk by him.
- When we hug, I try to bite his neck.
- I try to tickle him at least twice a day.
- When he's falling asleep, I'll snatch the blanket off of him, or
- I'll playfully try to push him off the bed.
- If he's watching tv, I'll walk in front of it reeeaaaal slow.
- If he's using the computer, I'll block the screen with my hands.
- If he's typing something, I'll run my fingers all over the keyboard and push a bunch of random sh*t.
- When he's in the middle of talking, I'll interrupt by singing some random song. Or I'll try to say what he's saying, which ends up with me saying a bunch of nonsensical stuff.
- We could be talking about swimming pools and I'll interrupt with "This doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about, but did you know that daddy long legs spiders are really poisonous?"

There's more I'm sure, but that's all I can think of for now. :lol: We're both childish and he messes with me a thousand times more than I mess with him. :giggle:
Try to put my finger up his butt :-( He hates it but it is the funniest thing in the world to me.

:lol: I do this too and he hates it. It's hilarious how quick he squeezes his buttcheeks together.

-Stick my fingers in his ears while he's trying to concentrate on something.
-In one of our first apartments, if you ran water in the kitchen sink the shower water would get ice cold. We'd do this to each other :lol:.
-Try to pull his chest hair out.
-Give him a wedgie.
-When I say "How you doin" the way Wendy Williams does lol.
-He HATES to lose, especially when he's playing video games online, so when he has a losing streak then finally wins I'll make explosion sounds and act like I'm a guy who's jacking off and just had an orgasm.
-i slap his butt
-im messy..he's OCD( i grew up with help. what can i say)
-i try to hump him lol
-i try to think of roleplay ideas and he thinks most of my ideas are WTF(his words)
-i scream while he drives but i drive like a maniac myself :look:
-i play hood music super loud. i dont see the problem as he plays country music loud too :nono:
-i ask him questions about scenarios i read on here and other forums. Like yesterday i asked him, "how soon would you start dating as soon as i breakup with you?"
him: NEVER
me: well thats sweet cos i would be on a date the next day or the same day
him: well we all know how you roll
haterrrrr :lol: