What age is to old for you?


New Member
I am currently dating a guy that is 14 years older then me.....Everyone is saying he is too old for me. I am so attracted to his maturity level. He knows exactly what he wants, financially stable and takes charge whenever we are together. I like these qualities in a man. The guys I meet that are around my age are not worth the time of day. They dont really know how to treat a women. but my mom is only 8 years older then him...weird...what do you guys think?
Don't worry about what others think. How do you feel? If you're happy (and it sounds like you are) Enjoy!
Do what makes you happy and tell them to mind their business and not yours!
Do what every makes you happy honey. My husband is 9 years older than me. We both have been married before. My exhusband was 1 year older than I and got on my last nerve, still do (we share 3 children). In anycase, I have always kinda had an old soul (at least thats what I have been told) and hubby and I we mesh well. I am currently 32 and he just turned 42 in Sept. In any case be with whomever FITS you, your needs, your personality and make you happy.
As long as it isn't illegal keep doing what you doing and enjoy your man. I think as long as you are both adults then its okay.
It's fine. My dad is 13 years older than my mom. They aren't still together but they were for a while. I also have a tendency to date older guys. I'm 22 and dated a guy who is 30. My current boyfriend is 28. It's all about who you connect with.
I'm jelly. I always attract guys 10+ years YOUNGER than me. Live your LIFE as you see fit. As long as he is good to you, respects you and your feelings....SCREW what other people think and say. You can only live for you. :yep:
I'm dating someone currently who is 12 years older. To be honest it has to be one of my best dating expriences so far.. Older men know what to do younger ones don't. Go for it girl! Be happy!
If you get along, who cares if he is older. For me, no more than 20 years :look:. I've always been more attracted to older men.
There was a point in time where my limit was like 3 years.

Now, i am currently considering involvement with a man who is 12 yrs older (i'm 25, he is 37).

I'm scared y'all, LOL. I don't know what to expect. I don't know how my family would feel about it.
Whatever age you feel comfortable with. I have a friend that has this same problem. People telling her the guy is too old for her so she's keeping him into the "friend" category. But he makes her happy and she enjoys spending time with him. DO what makes you happy. Personally my age limit cuts off at about 5 years older. Thats what I like but Im finding alot of youngins tend to be attracted to me.
I've always preferred older men. 10 years +. Guys around my age just don't do it for me. And my dad was in the home. So it's not that. Just a personal preference. My ex was 11 years older than me and we had no problems as far as age was concerned. We had the same likes and dislikes, goals, morals etc.. If age is the biggest problem ya'll have, girl please. Screw them, and love your man.
If you are happy with the age difference nothing else should matter. I perfer older men also for the same qualities you mentioned.