What age did you get your first relaxer?

16 (jheri curl). 20 or 21 first relaxer. I begged my dad for the curl, and I remember the lady that put the curl on my little sister and my hair kept saying, "they have virgin hair."
I was 15 or 16. I Can't remember why i got one after going so long without one(compared to my friends). My cornrows were so thick and lush and my hair was mid-back length. I didn't like the way my cornrows came out after that and it kinda disappointed me.(Maybe i should mention that i have a big head and some thin spaced-out straight backs on my noggin =:nono:)My hair didn't break off until i started to get outrageous colors and not taking care of it.I am still relaxed but my hair is much healthier now(it's been about 5 years) and i'm on a mission to grow it out for a lot of reasons,one being that my husband has only seen pics of me with long hair...and because i miss it too:look:!
I was 11 years old and got it for my 6th grade graduation. I thought I was grown then. I remember we had to keep it a secret from my grandmother so that my then 39 year old mother wouldn't get in trouble:lachen:. Had it until age 33 when I BCed and got a texlax. Lovin that for the last four years.
It was 3 days before my 20th b-day. I was away at college and planning on going home for the weekend. I was scared to death at what my mother would say. She always told me not to put chemicals in my hair (she was sooo right, as usual:yep:). At that point I figured I was grown. So, I let my roommate put a PCJ in my hair. All I remember is hair in the sink and trying to figure out what I was going to tell my mother. The next day I had to go to a real hair dresser to get it fixed. That's when I got my first Affirm relaxer. It's a wonder my hair did't fall out. G is Good!!
I was 15. My mom didn't like the idea of it she wore a press/curl. But her hair was a diff. hair type. I wore my hair braided (w/no added hair) up to that point or press n curls. My hair would laugh at press/curls and revert back with 1 drop of sweat or humidity. I was in high school, playing sports, and I wanted to be able to wash my own hair and wear it down. It was funny when I got it bcs everyone was surprised how long my hair was bcs they always thought I had short hair that would not grow. I was lucky bcs the woman doing my hair then always took good care it and knew how to deal with my texture 4a/b. She did the best rollersets and my hair was always shiny.
I was about three when my mom started 'running past' my hair with a relaxer 3-4 times a year...in reality it was barely texturized. I didn't care, all I knew was that I didn't have to suffer through my mother's heavy-handedness anymore.

At five, she started letting me go to the shop and get it done, but that lady was rough:nono: I dealt with it though, because I wanted to be a 'big girl' like my mom and big sis. (I can't even trip though, ol' girl kept our hair swangin':lachen:)

Even though I was introduced to chemical processes early in life, my hair hasn't looked that good since:ohwell:
I was 4 or 5! It was not because my mom had difficulty dealing with it, but rather because she heard 'it'll make her hair grow'. My hair was sparse and cottony soft. I remember going to the shop, the chemical smell and the embarrassment after the rollers would come out and you could see more of my scalp than hair:lachen:. But I did have the fliest Michael Jackson baby hairs! I wore that for a few years, then extension braids for a few years, then she'd press it, then I started getting a relaxer every 4-5 weeks at 10 y/o by a stylist. I've been relaxed since then...but seriously considering transitioning.
i don't remember the first real age i got a perm (you no how your family tells you so and so messed up your hair)
anyway the age i do remember is 10 years old
i got mine at 5. my hair was long thick (4b).and ive always been tenderheaded so getting it pressed was too much of a hassle for the fam. on goes the relaxer, off went some of the length but the thickness stayed. i dont remember if it burned or anything like that. i just remember everytime my hair was washed after that, it got shorter and shorter :ohwell:. it got back to a decent length as i got older tho
Wow, and I thought I was young!! I was around 8 but only used to relax about twice a year.
I got my first and last relaxer at 18 years old, for my H.S. prom. Shortly afterwards I remember growing my hair out and I went right back to lightly pressing it.
i was 4 when i had my first
i dont remember anything about it, really.

Me too. I remember it because the women in the salon were stuffing my mouth with candy and gum to try to get me to shut up. No one other than my mother had done my hair before and I think the whole salon thing scared me. I was screaming before anyone even touched my head.