Wet Sets at home/safe effective way to dry??


New Member
I usually blow dry my hair at home or get wet sets at the salon.The salon is time consuming and I want to go the healthier route at home with wet sets.I have to first learn how to do them..but my main concern is the drying period.My hair is almost to my lower back so air drying can take a day(don't have time for that)..lol.I need advise on effective way tools/hooded dryers ect on drying long hair maybe under or around a hour.Should I get a counter top dryer?Invest in a large/tall hooded dryer?..HELP!!!
TIA :grin:
I use a soft bonnet dryer by Select Pro Gold. It takes more than an hour for me to dry though so I can't help you there, lol.

I hear the Pibbs really cuts down on drying time but I don't have one.
It really doesn't matter if you get a table top dryer or a tall hooded dryer. If you're going to rollerset at home, you need to invest in one of them. I wash and rollerset my hair early, every Sunday. I air dry on rollers for most of the afternoon. Then I go under the dryer. When I airdry in the afternoon, I only have to sit under the dryer for 15 minutes. I hope this helps
Thank you...That was very helpful!Thank you to the rest of the ladies as well!!
if i had that much hair (it's beautiful, by the way) i would look into a standup one. i don't have the funds for a pibbs, but if you do then i would suggest one, cause they really are great -- that is what the local dominican salon used when i got blowouts. here is one that i have been eyeing; it is similar to the pibbs but without that price tag.


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I got a Tourmaline Tools Hood Dryer for Christmas (not as expensive as the Pibbs and possibly not as powerful, but I'm not complaining.). I was able to dry an SL rollerset in about 30 minutes, and having BC'd to neck length (scraping SL), I cut that time to about 20-25. I mid-priced hood dryer might be your best bet.