I was never a serious atheist, the idea of a Creator-less universe just never added up to me. But I was an agnostic for several years, from my teenage years up unto about 2 years ago (im 25).
I was raised Christian and used to go to Sunday school as a child, but as we got older we never were forced to go with my mother to church. I always had spiritual yearnings to be connected with God and a philosophy that would help guide my life, but I do think that not frequently going to church as a child, made it easier for me to stray. My mother is a very spiritual/religious person, but she is a "church hopper" so not having a church home was also an issue. Plus my dad is about as religious as a stick, so we never really had a Sunday ritual.
As a teenager I went through a rebellious stage where I thought religion in general and Christianity in particular was stupid, mind control. Oh, the things I would say
, The funny thing is as much as I would talk down on religion, I was so depressed and lonely, that the few times I did go to church, I would cry over my feelings of disattachment and envy people who had such strong faith and community.
My college years were my years of searching. I took classes on Buddhism, Sufism, Islam, African traditional religions, and read so many books on different religions, really hoping to have an Aha! moment and find that one religion that would make everything make sense. None of my close friends are into religion and are agnostic/spiritual/at times mocking, so this was a very personal journey for me. At one moment, I was very close to converting to Islam, but something always help me back.
It really wasnt until about 3 years ago, when I was living the worst possible life for me. I wont go into details but those were my most shameful years and I really hit some low points, and did some things that I try to erase from my mind. When I moved back home to get myself together and finish up with school, I started becoming interested in Christianity again. I know that my family was praying for me during my crazy years, and I thank God for them. I really think their silent prayers, particularly my mom,aunt,and nana, helped to boot kick me into living better.
I would have moments during contemplation where I would feel extreme peace and optimism, and I really felt that God was trying to get me to listen to let me know to stop doubting his existence, and once I did, my life got 1000 times better!
I'm definitely noooo saint,nor am I a theological wizard, nor is my faith as strong as granite. But I know now in my heart that God is real, and he wants us to live our lives the RIGHT way. There are still many things about myself that need improvement, and I'm nowhere where I want to be, but faaar from where I was!
I'ts crazy, but back in the day, I would hate listening to gospel music, now I love it!
woooh, sorry for this essay ladies! but thanks for this thread to let me express it.