Novelist Anne Rice ditches Christianity for Christ..Is this possible? Discuss

I KNOW! I'm not asking why in the sense of needing an answer. I am asking why to make a point. Regardless, people need to be accountable for their own actions.

I get that. But if we are unwilling to enlighten them or pray for them, why do we feel the need to use them as excuses? I don't go to church because this or that? Have u spoken up, spoken to them or the pastor, or even brought it before God? Why let it effect your walk and relationship with God?

Not saying u specifically but in general.
I get that. But if we are unwilling to enlighten them or pray for them, why do we feel the need to use them as excuses? I don't go to church because this or that? Have u spoken up, spoken to them or the pastor, or even brought it before God? Why let it effect your walk and relationship with God?

Not saying u specifically but in general.
I agree that they shouldn't be used as excuses nor let it affect their relationship with God. I think sometimes other Christians' actions can be a turn-off to some while not affecting others at all.
This is what I've been leaning toward to believe since the beginning of the year. Not sinning is a life goal of mine. Just the thought of sin is miserable. I also want to get out of this feeling like everything is a sin when I know it's not (ie. not going to church all the time, speeding in your car, etc). Only the things mentioned as clearly wrong against God within the right context of scripture are sins.

This idea of "I will never stop sinning" was addressed in my womens' Christian group. Everyone agreed with this quote but to me, I always felt it was such a defeatist attitude. I also sometimes believed people used this as a way to justify sinning in the future. I mean, I understand people having sin weaknesses, but doesn't God say:

Isaiah 40:29
"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."

I also asked them about Matthew 5:48 which says:

"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Why would Jesus make a commandment that was completely impossible even with God's help?
This idea of "I will never stop sinning" was addressed in my womens' Christian group. Everyone agreed with this quote but to me, I always felt it was such a defeatist attitude. I also sometimes believed people used this as a way to justify sinning in the future. I mean, I understand people having sin weaknesses, but doesn't God say:

Isaiah 40:29
"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."

I also asked them about Matthew 5:48 which says:

"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Why would Jesus make a commandment that was completely impossible even with God's help?
Oh wow! We are seeing eye-to-eye on this concept of sin. It always confuses me when people say "If you continue to walk in darkness, you're on your way to hell" but then turn around in the next sentence and say "but no one is perfect, no one will be free of sin as long as we live on this earth." I just can't buy that anymore. When I hear that, it also makes me think sin is okay since we can pray and ask for forgiveness. But what is true repentance all about? Isn't it turning away completely from that sin, as in, never ever doing that sin again? I just think not sinning shows true love and belief in the Word of God. But I don't know. There's scriptures about Paul in Romans 7 and the scripture where Jesus says to forgive your brother 7 X 70 times that people use to support we can't stop sinning.
This idea of "I will never stop sinning" was addressed in my womens' Christian group. Everyone agreed with this quote but to me, I always felt it was such a defeatist attitude. I also sometimes believed people used this as a way to justify sinning in the future. I mean, I understand people having sin weaknesses, but doesn't God say:

Isaiah 40:29
"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."

I also asked them about Matthew 5:48 which says:

"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Why would Jesus make a commandment that was completely impossible even with God's help?

The problem is not God. We are the problem. I don't live a sinful life now nor believe that I can never stop sinning. But I also know that I can only stop with the help of God. A lot of the problem has to deal with 1- people not realizing that it is a daily battle and a daily surrender, and 2- people believing that God mercy and love is endless, and it is. But it doesn't mean that you can intentionally go out and sin because you will be forgiven. It's the intent and knowledge behind the sin. 3- Sometimes, we are unwilling to let go of certain things that God has told us we have to let go of. It may be something as simple as not listening to secular music or hanging with certain people. He doesn't do it to be difficult. He does it because He knows you better that yourself. He knows your future and knows that most likely, those are doorways to satan and sin and/or are disruptions to the life He wants to give you.

That is why it is important to seek a close relationship with God daily. Learn the sound of His voice. Be obedient.
What Anne Rice is doing is selfish and confusing (for others). I think she has a problem accepting what should and should not be a sin. We have to understand that this is not about us, this is about God. If God is against sin, that means that we have to be a against it as well. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is not something that you pick up and drop when you are ready.

It is interesting that she writes books about vampires and there is a thread that was discussing things along that line.

This idea of "I will never stop sinning" was addressed in my womens' Christian group. Everyone agreed with this quote but to me, I always felt it was such a defeatist attitude. I also sometimes believed people used this as a way to justify sinning in the future. I mean, I understand people having sin weaknesses, but doesn't God say:

Isaiah 40:29
"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."

I also asked them about Matthew 5:48 which says:

"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Why would Jesus make a commandment that was completely impossible even with God's help?

I personally don't think it is possible to stop sinning because there are sins that you are committing that you are unaware of. For example, what would make you think God is ok with speed if you are going over the speed limit? As you become closer to God you will sin less but you will never get to the sinless status of Jesus. If that was possible, there would be no purpose of Him dying on the cross.
Oh wow! We are seeing eye-to-eye on this concept of sin. It always confuses me when people say "If you continue to walk in darkness, you're on your way to hell" but then turn around in the next sentence and say "but no one is perfect, no one will be free of sin as long as we live on this earth." I just can't buy that anymore. When I hear that, it also makes me think sin is okay since we can pray and ask for forgiveness. But what is true repentance all about? Isn't it turning away completely from that sin, as in, never ever doing that sin again? I just think not sinning shows true love and belief in the Word of God. But I don't know. There's scriptures about Paul in Romans 7 and the scripture where Jesus says to forgive your brother 7 X 70 times that people use to support we can't stop sinning.

Walking in darkness means walking without God guiding you. When you walk down the path that God leads you on, you are still going to stumble and fall (sin) but now you are able to see what you are stumbling over. The difference between Christians and non-believers is that we recognize when we are sinning (because we are walking in the light of the God), non-believers don't think that are sinning and what they are doing is justifiable (they are walking in darkness).
Walking in darkness means walking without God guiding you. When you walk down the path that God leads you on, you are still going to stumble and fall (sin) but now you are able to see what you are stumbling over. The difference between Christians and non-believers is that we recognize when we are sinning (because we are walking in the light of the God), non-believers don't think that are sinning and what they are doing is justifiable (they are walking in darkness).
Well what about disobedience? I'm taking disobedience to mean...

FOR EXAMPLE: the bible says "flee from sexual immorality"...let's say I decide to fornicate... wouldn't that be disobedience, and wouldn't that be sin? Let's say I pray and ask for forgiveness, then a week later, I fornicate again. Am I really sorry for that sin? I don't think so. It's showing I actually like doing that sin and not trusting God to wait until I'm married to have sex. It's not showing that I believe that Jesus died on the cross for the punishment of my sins. He came to save us FROM our sin, not IN our sins.

But I see what you're saying about the difference in a believer and non-believer on how they feel about sin. I guess the person that says "I'm a Christian" but justifies sin or doesn't think the sin they're doing is wrong, they truly are not a Christian. ;)

But I do have a question... if you walk without God guiding you, are you still considered a Christian? If so, how?
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I have been feeling similar to what this lady is saying about ditching Christianity and following Christ. But I'm seeing it in the way of ditching organized religion and believing what man says. I am different in her thoughts because I am not for homosexuality, but I do not look down on homosexual people.

This is how I feel. It is after all biblical. Jesus taught love. He was not for prostitution but He didn't love Mary any less. I thought Rice was referring to the people who are anti-gay people, who treat them less than but maybe not.

What Anne Rice is doing is selfish and confusing (for others). I think she has a problem accepting what should and should not be a sin. We have to understand that this is not about us, this is about God. If God is against sin, that means that we have to be a against it as well. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is not something that you pick up and drop when you are ready.

It is interesting that she writes books about vampires and there is a thread that was discussing things along that line.

I personally don't think it is possible to stop sinning because there are sins that you are committing that you are unaware of. For example, what would make you think God is ok with speed if you are going over the speed limit? As you become closer to God you will sin less but you will never get to the sinless status of Jesus. If that was possible, there would be no purpose of Him dying on the cross.

Isn't it? The forerunner of Stephanie Meyer. :nono:
I'm not denying that it is a daily struggle. And I have heard that since we are living in a corrupted, earthly body, and not our heavenly one, our souls fight against our flesh when we sin. I think Paul alluded to this?

But shouldn't our ULTIMATE goal be to become sinless? Or does not only happen when Christ returns?

I mean, why would God gives us commandments like
John 8
"She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."

Or state:
1 John 3:9

No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.

If we say we are born again, how can we then say we will never stop sinning then? So shouldn't our sinning at least decrease overtime during our daily struggle and eventually be gone once and for all?

IF God can do all things, cannot He, with His power, leads His followers to eventually never sin?
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I personally don't think it is possible to stop sinning because there are sins that you are committing that you are unaware of. For example, what would make you think God is ok with speed if you are going over the speed limit? As you become closer to God you will sin less but you will never get to the sinless status of Jesus. If that was possible, there would be no purpose of Him dying on the cross.
That's the thing. I think a lot of people make everything a sin to justify the statement "We can't stop sinning." Like you just mentioned speeding. I do not think speeding is necessarily a sin against God. It's man's law not to drive over the speed limit. Just like watching tv, I don't think that's necessarily a sin unless you let tv influence your mind and actions. And I don't think not attending church or women preaching is a sin either. I just believe the things that are clearly laid out in the bible as wrong: homosexuality, fornication, murder, stealing, adultery, gossip, hatred, slander, malice, filthy communication, greed, pride, and much much more are sins.

The problem is not God. We are the problem. I don't live a sinful life now nor believe that I can never stop sinning. But I also know that I can only stop with the help of God. A lot of the problem has to deal with 1- people not realizing that it is a daily battle and a daily surrender, and 2- people believing that God mercy and love is endless, and it is. But it doesn't mean that you can intentionally go out and sin because you will be forgiven. It's the intent and knowledge behind the sin. 3- Sometimes, we are unwilling to let go of certain things that God has told us we have to let go of. It may be something as simple as not listening to secular music or hanging with certain people. He doesn't do it to be difficult. He does it because He knows you better that yourself. He knows your future and knows that most likely, those are doorways to satan and sin and/or are disruptions to the life He wants to give you.

That is why it is important to seek a close relationship with God daily. Learn the sound of His voice. Be obedient.
I agree that the problem is not God and that the problem is us. We are not willing to give up the sin that we love to do and have full knowledge of that it's wrong. When we sin, we have to think about what made us sin. We can't keep blaming it on Satan. We have free will too. Why not just completely stop if we know clearly that it's wrong? Why go through this seeking God daily and daily repentance when he's suppose to be in our hearts, minds, and souls at the point of salvation? I also wonder about the scriptures that SND411 posted about in regards to being holy and blameless, living upright and pure, keeping His commandments, sin no more, and more.
What Anne Rice is doing is selfish and confusing (for others). I think she has a problem accepting what should and should not be a sin. We have to understand that this is not about us, this is about God. If God is against sin, that means that we have to be a against it as well. Christianity is a lifestyle, it is not something that you pick up and drop when you are ready.
Yeah, what she's doing is a bit confusing. I think the bolded is a problem that most Christians have, hence the reason we have so many threads asking "Is [this] a sin?" or "Is [that] against God?" But I think Anne's problem is different than that, actually worse. It seems like since her son is gay, she feels like being gay is okay even though the bible clearly speaks against it. And she mentioned not being anti-secular humanism. We all know that indulging in the evil desires and pleasures of this world is wrong, so she can't be ditching religion for Christ.
That's the thing. I think a lot of people make everything a sin to justify the statement "We can't stop sinning." Like you just mentioned speeding. I do not think speeding is necessarily a sin against God. It's man's law not to drive over the speed limit. Just like watching tv, I don't think that's necessarily a sin unless you let tv influence your mind and actions. And I don't think not attending church or women preaching is a sin either. I just believe the things that are clearly laid out in the bible as wrong: homosexuality, fornication, murder, stealing, adultery, gossip, hatred, slander, malice, filthy communication, greed, pride, and much much more are sins.

I agree that the problem is not God and that the problem is us. We are not willing to give up the sin that we love to do and have full knowledge of that it's wrong. When we sin, we have to think about what made us sin. We can't keep blaming it on Satan. We have free will too. Why not just completely stop if we know clearly that it's wrong? Why go through this seeking God daily and daily repentance when he's suppose to be in our hearts, minds, and souls at the point of salvation? I also wonder about the scriptures that SND411 posted about in regards to being holy and blameless, living upright and pure, keeping His commandments, sin no more, and more.

It's not daily repentance. It's seeking a closer relationship with God so that we can be more aware of our shortcomings. He is supposed to be in our hearts but God can't thrive where sin is given free reign. You can't serve two gods. It's either God or give in to your flesh. We all have our things. For example, I loved secular music. I loved to dance. I see nothing wrong with it. The Lord asked me to lay it down. Not because there is something wrong with it but because it inhibits my relationship with Him. I struggle with it sometimes but the closer I get to God, the easier it is. Somedays, when I'm walking down the street or am in a store and hear a song I used to love, I miss it. But I remind myself of what God has asked of me. I start to talk to God. And before you know it, I don't even remember going through that lil moment. But what if my relationship wasn't nurtured? I'm talking about I LOVE LOVE LOVE music and dancing. I would have probably slipped and currently be in disobedience. Why risk it? It's not worth it to me.

I don't see why there is a problem with actively seeking him daily? ( not saying you do) When you start dating, don't you seek to nurture the relationship by talking to the person daily? Taking an interest in what the other person likes? Why is it ok to nurture a relationship with a person but with God, we give him the remnants of our day and time? How can you say you love God but not want to nurture that relationship and give Him the best of yourself?
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Hmmm... I go back to the original post...because there's some things being overlooked.

We have a novelist who had always considered herself an "outsider" from other Christians. How much of an outsider..? she wrote books glorifying vampires after the death of her daughter...her son is gay and obviously has been the brunt of attacks from people, including Christians... she was married to an atheist...

....She's a writer... one who CREATES imagery or stories based on what's in their head. Her works are clearly an extension of her pain, confusion and experience over the years... she said she is LEAVING Christianity, which means she has been a Christian all along? Can a follower of Christ in good faith write about vampires? Can a follower of Jesus espouse homosexuality? The very act is an abomination to the Lord.

By denouncing Christianity..what exactly does this mean? Is she about to start her own church? Will we expect new literature from her on her brand of Christianity??

Folks just can't seem to separate standing up and believing God's Word and hating people.. The balance is to hate the act/sin, not the person. A person who has God living in them WILL HATE sin. I know gay people and Love them, but I won't stand with them to support gay rights at a march, that's going against my beliefs. Show up with a "Jesus Loves You" T-shirt on and give out hugs? Perhaps. :spinning: Homosexuality (like any other abomination to God) falls under this thin veil. It's unfortunate there are Christians who go to the extreme and invoke violence against gays, but that, IMHO, is where the balance is off...God is not a part of that. It's a choice they make to sin by being violent to others.

Rice clearly is going through a major life change, and I pray to God she doesn't lead too many astray ....lest we forget, she's a very influential writer with a cult following.

Prayers are in order for young Christians worldwide and for Anne Rice.

Novelist Anne Rice says she's quit being a Christian but hanging on to Christ. She's just fed up with his followers.

Author Anne Rice posed in 2008 with her writer son,
Christopher, when both had new books coming out.
Hers was "Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana"
while his, "Blind Fall" dealt with gay life.

The author, whose vampire books were huge sellers long before Twilight and whose return to her childhood Catholicism dominated her more recent works, posted a series of comments on Facebook(confirmed by her publisher as authentic, according to Associated Press).
For those who care, and I understand if you don't: Today I quit being a Christian. I'm out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being "Christian" or to being part of Christianity. It's simply impossible for me to "belong" to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I've tried. I've failed. I'm an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else.
The mother of openly gay novelist Christopher Rice goes on to say:
I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.
Rice talked about growing up Catholic, drifting away as a teen, and marrying an atheist. After the death of a young daughter, she began writing her vampire books,
...about lost souls looking for answers, so in a sense I was always on this journey back. I do get people saying, "How can you be such a fool to believe in God?' I sense many are young Goth kids who feel abandoned. I just say, look, you're looking for the same things that I was, transcendence and redemption. I found what my characters were looking for."
Even now, as she tosses off organized religion, Rice posts that she's still
... an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God... Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been, or might become.
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It's not daily repentance. It's seeking a closer relationship with God so that we can be more aware of our shortcomings. He is supposed to be in our hearts but God can't thrive where sin is given free reign. You can't serve two gods. It's either God or give in to your flesh. We all have our things. For example, I loved secular music. I loved to dance. I see nothing wrong with it. The Lord asked me to lay it down. Not because there is something wrong with it but because it inhibits my relationship with Him. I struggle with it sometimes but the closer I get to God, the easier it is. Somedays, when I'm walking down the street or am in a store and hear a song I used to love, I miss it. But I remind myself of what God has asked of me. I start to talk to God. And before you know it, I don't even remember going through that lil moment. But what if my relationship wasn't nurtured? I'm talking about I LOVE LOVE LOVE music and dancing. I would have probably slipped and currently be in disobedience. Why risk it? It's not worth it to me.

I don't see why there is a problem with actively seeking him daily? ( not saying you do) When you start dating, don't you seek to nurture the relationship by talking to the person daily? Taking an interest in what the other person likes? Why is it ok to nurture a relationship with a person but with God, we give him the remnants of our day and time? How can you say you love God but not want to nurture that relationship and give Him the best of yourself?
This is true. Now I see what you're saying. I shouldn't have started off my question with "Why go through seeking God daily...?" I sometimes have a hard time expressing what I really want to ask or say with words.

Question... you said you see nothing wrong with secular music and dancing, but it inhibits your personal relationship with Him. Do you think there's some people out there that can listen to this music and dance without it inhibiting their relationship, or is that not up to us to determine? (This can be for anyone to answer as well).
Hmmm... I go back to the original post...because there's some things being overlooked.

We have a novelist who had always considered herself an "outsider" from other Christians. How much of an outsider..? she wrote books glorifying vampires after the death of her daughter...her son is gay and obviously has been the brunt of attacks from people, including Christians... she was married to an atheist...

....She's a writer... one who CREATES imagery or stories based on what's in their head. Her works are clearly an extension of her pain, confusion and experience over the years... she said she is LEAVING Christianity, which means she has been a Christian all along? Can a follower of Christ in good faith write about vampires? Can a follower of Jesus espouse homosexuality? The very act is an abomination to the Lord.

By denouncing Christianity..what exactly does this mean? Is she about to start her own church? Will we expect new literature from her on her brand of Christianity??

Folks just can't seem to separate standing up and believing God's Word and hating people.. The balance is to hate the act/sin, not the person. A person who has God living in them WILL HATE sin. I know gay people and Love them, but I won't stand with them to support gay rights at a march, that's going against my beliefs. Show up with a "Jesus Loves You" T-shirt on and give out hugs? Perhaps. :spinning: Homosexuality (like any other abomination to God) falls under this thin veil. It's unfortunate there are Christians who go to the extreme and invoke violence against gays, but that, IMHO, is where the balance is off...God is not a part of that. It's a choice they make to sin by being violent to others.

Rice clearly is going through a major life change, and I pray to God she doesn't lead too many astray ....lest we forget, she's a very influential writer with a cult following.

Prayers are in order for young Christians worldwide and for Anne Rice.

This would be the 2nd time. She first left when she was 18. 38 yrs later she reconciled. Now she is making this claim. I am upset about it because of the effect on others. But all I can and will do is pray for her.
Thanks Laela and explosiva9. I didn't realize the history of Anne Rice. I didn't even know who the woman was before looking into this thread. Is she popular in some sort of way? If not, do you think she may want more attention (whether it's fame or getting people to buy her vampire books)?
This is true. Now I see what you're saying. I shouldn't have started off my question with "Why go through seeking God daily...?" I sometimes have a hard time expressing what I really want to ask or say with words.

Question... you said you see nothing wrong with secular music and dancing, but it inhibits your personal relationship with Him. Do you think there's some people out there that can listen to this music and dance without it inhibiting their relationship, or is that not up to us to determine? (This can be for anyone to answer as well).

Ok. Some music we know aren't good on any account. Too violent, sexual, etc. Some a happy feel good music with no sexual undertone. For me, not even the happy feel good is okay because it has a snowball effect. Same with dancing. Will that change as i progress in my walk, maybe. Maybe not. Only God knows. Everyone's walk is different. What may be a problem for u may not be for me. God may tell u to not watch a tv show or tv in general. But God may not require that of me. That's are part of your walk. So in general i don't feel that certain secular music is bad (and i can be wrong in this thinking ) but I know that for me and the path God wants me on, there is no room for it.

God knows u better than u know yourself. He also knows your entire path. If God says something inhibits it, He knows why. I don't think it's completely up to us. Some things we do we know are not helping but sometimes things we think are insignificant are also barriers. It can be as simple as how we dress. This is my opinion and belief. As I said, I could be wrong.
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Thanks Laela and explosiva9. I didn't realize the history of Anne Rice. I didn't even know who the woman was before looking into this thread. Is she popular in some sort of way? If not, do you think she may want more attention (whether it's fame or getting people to buy her vampire books)?

She is a big time author. Her vampire series is very well known. She wrote interview with a vampire and queen of the damned. Both were made into movies. The first starring tom cruise and brad pitted and the latter starring Aaliyah.
She wrote some titles after her conversion but I don't think they did as well.

Lol. Brad Pitted. Lol. I meant Brad Pitt. Sorry for all the typos. I'm on my phone.
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Ok. Some music we know aren't good on any account. Too violent, sexual, etc. Some a happy feel good music with no sexual undertone. For me, not even the happy feel good is okay because it has a snowball effect. Same with dancing. Will that change as i progress in my walk, maybe. Maybe not. Only God knows. Everyone's walk is different. What may be a problem for u may not be for me. God may tell u to not watch a tv show or tv in general. But God may not require that of me. That's are part of your walk. So in general i don't feel that certain secular music is bad (and i can be wrong in this thinking ) but I know that for me and the path God wants me on, there is no room for it.
Okay cool. When it comes to secular music for me personally, I feel like it can hinder me spiritually. Sometimes, I can ride with music on in my car without really listening to it for real. But I know there's been several times when I start listening to the music, something tells me to just cut it off, especially sexually explicit lyrics. The lyrics actually becomes disturbing sometimes to my mind. So I guess that little voice that told me to cut it off was God. But at the same time, I felt like I was genuinely saying no to listening to the music as well.
Pooh, I'm not an Anne Rice fan... just something about her books. She has writing works on Jesus now... so she now has a hybrid of religious works.. a touch of darkness with some light? I'm just leery (and not convinced) about her writings...

Feel free to go to her Web site to see for yourself:

Her son's Web site...

Thanks Laela and explosiva9. I didn't realize the history of Anne Rice. I didn't even know who the woman was before looking into this thread. Is she popular in some sort of way? If not, do you think she may want more attention (whether it's fame or getting people to buy her vampire books)?
Pooh, I'm not an Anne Rice fan... just something about her books. She has writing works on Jesus now... so she now has a hybrid of religious works.. a touch of darkness with some light? I'm just leery (and not convinced) about her writings...

Feel free to go to her Web site to see for yourself:

Her son's Web site...
:perplexed I just skimmed through those reviews on the site... it sounds like she might be along the lines of gnosticism with all the talk about the strange powers of Jesus as a child. I'm leery of her works too.
Pooh, I'm not an Anne Rice fan... just something about her books. She has writing works on Jesus now... so she now has a hybrid of religious works.. a touch of darkness with some light? I'm just leery (and not convinced) about her writings...

Feel free to go to her Web site to see for yourself:

Her son's Web site...

I have never read her books. I only saw the movie adaptations of queen and lestat.
But what about a married couple that happens to be barren? Is that disordered?

Look up what disordered regarding sin means. the sense that the behavior is anti-procreation, anti the order that God established. A barren married couple is not disordered.

But....what is wrong about an individual declaring what they see as problematic...hence, Rice? She's not saying follow her.
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Well what about disobedience? I'm taking disobedience to mean...

FOR EXAMPLE: the bible says "flee from sexual immorality"...let's say I decide to fornicate... wouldn't that be disobedience, and wouldn't that be sin? Let's say I pray and ask for forgiveness, then a week later, I fornicate again. Am I really sorry for that sin? I don't think so. It's showing I actually like doing that sin and not trusting God to wait until I'm married to have sex. It's not showing that I believe that Jesus died on the cross for the punishment of my sins. He came to save us FROM our sin, not IN our sins.

Think of it as smoking. The more you smoke (sin) the harder it is to stop once you realize how terrible it is for you. A sin that I know a lot of people had a hard time stopping (including myself) was cursing. That habit developed in high school and it took a couple of years for me to stop once I realized how bad and unnecessary it is. I really wanted to stop cursing but being around people who cursed and not knowing another way to express myself, it took me a while to get rid of that habit. I think the fact that we go to God forgiveness shows that we believe we are forgiven.

But I see what you're saying about the difference in a believer and non-believer on how they feel about sin. I guess the person that says "I'm a Christian" but justifies sin or doesn't think the sin they're doing is wrong, they truly are not a Christian. ;)

But I do have a question... if you walk without God guiding you, are you still considered a Christian? If so, how?
That is a great question and I don't know the answer to it. I am leading towards no but I don't have anything to back it up with except for a gut feeling. If I had to take a guess you could think of it in the sense of, if God isn't leading you who is? You are either leading yourself or you are being lead by the world. It would be like the deaf leading the blind. I could be completely wrong and I hope the wiser ladies will chime in.

Okay cool. When it comes to secular music for me personally, I feel like it can hinder me spiritually. Sometimes, I can ride with music on in my car without really listening to it for real. But I know there's been several times when I start listening to the music, something tells me to just cut it off, especially sexually explicit lyrics. The lyrics actually becomes disturbing sometimes to my mind. So I guess that little voice that told me to cut it off was God. But at the same time, I felt like I was genuinely saying no to listening to the music as well.

As you become closer to God you will start to have a dislike for the things that are not of Him. When I put the radio onto the popular stations I have to shake my head and ask myself what was I thinking.
Sounds to me like she wants attention. OK if that's what she wants to do. People do it all the time. But why the BIG announcement. I saw this on CNN but only got to see a small part of it. I've never even heard of her until now. Many people have pulled away from organized religion and continued to develop their relationship with God. Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it'll make some people think about how they treat others and give her a chance to really focus on her relationship with God. But on the other hand it can lead some away from God. She seems angry at people and how she's been judged or expected to live her life. Maybe she doesn't really know Christ the way she thinks she does.
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I feel her on this and I know she is not targeting the catholic church, but all of christians. Thing is, your faith is personal and you express it within a community so that everyone's experiences differ. I am a catholic and will not convert to another denomination, ever...and I also refuse to be:

... to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control(St. Mark's Church allows for it). I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism (well, I reject the founding philosophies for this country and Europe in general based upon the Enlightenment Period). I refuse to be anti-science (many great catholic scientists). I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ,....

She's right in many respects. I won't try and ingratiate myself with those who cannot think past their own interpretations. She is opposed to Bigots and Self-Righteous Morons for Christ. I don't blame her.

Kayte, when was this article written? I'd like to share it.

completely co-sign with the above :yep:

Hi Volver_Alma_Gitana

I haven't visited the thread since I last posted
in terms of the date? was posted the same day I saw it featured on my MSN te first day of this thread

Maybe she doesn't really know Christ the way she thinks she does.
that's not fair....:nono:

There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jeus
and she says she is! She says she is in Christ Jesus....
so why say that?
No one is righteous....says the BIBLE.... no-not one
the thread seems to have become a referendum om Anne Rice's "sinning"
rather than a look at why people leave Christianity

you might.... feel (general you) are superior to Anne Rice:yep:
as a follower of Christ...and thus you can condemn her supporting worse sins than yours
or mine
so..she is a worse sinner than you or me
and you can even question her love of Christ...
even though she says...she get to judge her because of
her so-called sins.... that's the issue ..right there and an illusion
the civilized us! versus the horrible Anne Rice and her associate sinners

Forget it...there's no such thing,sisters
you are NOT a better Christian than she is
Jesus said ..those without sin may cast the first stone
Are you without sin? ..any of us?
For the record..I am NOT pro Anne Rice or con Anne Rice
& I won't enter into discussion
about the evils or ethic or lack of in her earlier writings...

I just do not remember anyone before making such a
declarative public statement before in renouncing the Christain religion
& she's not alone..far from it
even on this forum there are those who ..while they may not agree with her lifestyle can empathize with her anger....and of why she's leaving
I brought the topic to suggest...rather than blame her as a high profile figure for leaving Christianity
that it's BEEN HIGH time the Christian religion take a serious inventory....
of itself and get back to Christ..who embraced everyone...even advocating loving....enemies.

none of us are better Christians ..if you think you are
that ironically considered sin
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