We're in the Army


New Member
Well ladies...DH and I have decided that we are going into the services. He is having trouble finding a job and we ran into some martial problems in the marriage and after much prayer and supplication this is what God is leading him to do. I am very supportive because my father was in the military and I love but I don't want him to do it unless it is what he wants. We have went to see the recruiter and he has 6% body fat to lose and he is determined to do it by the end of the year and I have way more to lose than that so we are doing the body for life challenge together. Although the money is going to be nice for us because of his previous college experience and the fact that we don't have many bills, I still want him to be sure this is the right decision for him. He is all for it though! We are both excited about this time in our lives and he good about his decision.....so in a few months my baby will be leaving me for boot camp for 9 weeks and then off to his training school...I pray that he doesn't get sent to war but even if he does we have prayed over it and know that God has him protected. He didn't bring us this far to leave us.....
I wish you all the best! My SO of 4 yrs join the army reserve in february and he is @ AIT in tx right now for 11 months...he has already done 4 months...it takes a strong person to be with somebody in the military, i was a military brat too...It comes easier for if you are one
Wow! This is a huge decision.

Are you doing this for solely financial reasons, or do you think this will also strengthen your marriage?
Wow! This is a huge decision.

Are you doing this for solely financial reasons, or do you think this will also strengthen your marriage?

I sincerely hope this is not to strengthen the marriage. Divorce rate is very high in the military. Especially since the war. Army life was great, but it's not the same.

I believe it will be a great experience for you guys. Even if you have to go overseas, you will be able to deal with. You will learn a lot and it will make you stronger. Congrats and good luck with your decision. :)
I pray for the best for you both. I hope you are really sure about your decision because army life brings a whole new set of challenges to a relationship even when you are both in. Trust me, I am speaking from experience. Stay prayerful and I'm sure God will lead you.
Wow! This is a huge decision.

Are you doing this for solely financial reasons, or do you think this will also strengthen your marriage?

The financial benefits are very nice but there are other reasons that we are going this route. One is it gives him experience in the field that he wants so it will benefit us when he comes out. Also his school is paid for....and most of all its something that he wants to do, it is something that he feels that God is leading him to do. So there is something big for us going this route. As for our marriage, I believe that every day we are getting stronger and stronger and this is just another life event that is going to bring us closer together. Marriage is hard, no matter if the spouse is in the military or not and I know we will be tested on many levels but I know that God created our union so no man can bring us under...
So wait... both of you are enlisting? I'm confused.

You say "we"...so both of you are going in?

Is this purely financial? Because if you're seeking the military lifestyle to fix your marriage :nono: that might backfire, sweetheart.
Congrats! Have you taken the ASVAB yet??

I am not going in, my DH is. And believe me ladies, this was not a decision taken lightly. If we didn't feel that God was leading us down this path then it wouldn't even be up for discussion. I have seen first hand how trying military life can be and how hard it can be on a marriage, but for every bad experience I saw great couples and marriages. We are not doing this to strengthen our marriage, without a strong one to begin with I don't know if we would survive. I am only speaking joy, peace and good things into my marriage...if I speak and believe God will grant it to me
So wait... both of you are enlisting? I'm confused.

You say "we"...so both of you are going in?

Is this purely financial? Because if you're seeking the military lifestyle to fix your marriage :nono: that might backfire, sweetheart.

No I am not enlisting...I say "we" because when one of the spouse's join the military it really is a couple thing. And as for fixing my marriage, I have re-read my post because I don't recall saying anything was wrong besides hubby was having trouble finding work here, but he has income coming from another source so we are straight....My marriage is fine, in fact its great....but this is a decision that my husband made and I am very supportive of it...

I pray that people don't join the military thinking it will fix their marriage...that seems strange thinking to me

ETA: I see where I said we had some martial problems...but no we are good now...and our problems have been resolved basically we stopped communicating...this isn't a way to fix my marriage. If my marriage wasn't fixed then this wouldn't even be up for discussion
No I am not enlisting...I say "we" because when one of the spouse's join the military it really is a couple thing. And as for fixing my marriage, I have re-read my post because I don't recall saying anything was wrong besides hubby was having trouble finding work here, but he has income coming from another source so we are straight....My marriage is fine, in fact its great....but this is a decision that my husband made and I am very supportive of it...

I pray that people don't join the military thinking it will fix their marriage...that seems strange thinking to me

ETA: I see where I said we had some martial problems...but no we are good now...and our problems have been resolved basically we stopped communicating...this isn't a way to fix my marriage. If my marriage wasn't fixed then this wouldn't even be up for discussion

Oh okay. Thanks for clarifying.

Well....I wish you guys the best of luck. Yes the military can do really good things for a family and for the male ego (yes, I feel that a man's ego is super important). Benefits, job security and money sure do make the world a much less stressful place.
I wish you the very best! A month or so after we got married, my hubby made the decision to enlist in the Air Force. He had always wanted to do it, but held back because I wasn't thrilled about the idea. Finally, I decided that I wanted him to do what made him happy, and so Air Force it was. I do not regret that decision at all. Of course, separations can be difficult. My hubby was away for half of our first year of marriage, but we made it work. I wouldn't trade this life for anything. You can definitely have a happy marriage while in the service.
Thanks for all the lovely support. DH wanted to do Air Force but he is too old. He is actually 29 but with all his experience and associates he is coming in at an E-4 so that isn't that bad.

You guys are wonderful!!
I'm all for being patriotic, having served in the Air Force. But are you and your husband prepared (mentally and financialy), if he should get depolyed? The rate is very high, especially for the newcomers.

I wish you guys all the best.
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