Do you and your SO sleep in the same bed?

Yeaaaah, that little dip.

On my thang = spooning.

When he's ready to go to sleep and get on my thang, he just says "lay right." That means it's time for me to assume the spoon. LOL.

lol yes, yes, i got it :) although, the arm pit description did read funny:lachen:
My DH and I have been married for 10 years (and lived together for 3 years prior to that). We did not actually make a conscious effort to stop sleeping together. My first 2 pregnancies miscarried and I had a lot of complications with my third (my first son). I was only comfortable sleeping on a diagonal. He didn't wanna sleep on the couch or in another bedroom in case I went into distress and needed him. So he made a pallet on the floor.

Well, when baby came the crib we ordered wasn't in yet and I was nursing. I didn't want him to roll over on "my" baby so he slept on the floor. When I found out it was bothering him I told him to get off the floor so he went to the sofa. When we got a daybed then he went on to that.

Later, his work hours changed. He was in the bed during the day and I didn't want to disturb him.

When I had baby #2, I was worried about baby #1 so DH slept with mommy's big boy.

Now, baby #3 sleeps with me, numbers 1 and 2 sleep together, and DH sleeps all over the house! LOL!!!

I'm sure when we put the boys in the new bed and #3 leaves me (can't imagine when that will be since my tubes are tied now) something else squirrelly will go down. Who knows, maybe I'll have the bed all to myself! Who knows?

Or I can only hope...

ETA: I don't take time to explain all of this to people so they are forever looking for us to be divorced soon. LOL!!!

I totally get your situation.... I've been there. You guys are playing proper musical beds!
Yeaaaah, that little dip.

On my thang = spooning.

When he's ready to go to sleep and get on my thang, he just says "lay right." That means it's time for me to assume the spoon. LOL.

LOL @ "assume the spoon." I'm gonna have to use that one.
I was just discussing this topic with my bff. My husband and I sleep together most nights but since my son has been born I often time sleep in the nursery. My husband gets up super duper early and I don't want to have him jarred out of sleep by Zach's cry so I sleep apart sometimes. Our relationship is good and it doesn't effect the sex life so I don't mind at all. Actually I would mind having my own room to spread put my make up and hair stuff! Lol

*I'm pretty sure there was a post on this very topic a couple of years ago. I'll do a proper search when I'm not logged in from my phone.

My bedroom has become my sanctuary. We still have a computer and TV in the room... so hub still hangs out and does his own thing in there, which I don't mind at all. There are days that he will fall asleep on my bed... and he'll say "your smell knocked me out"... :look: A good thing I hope...
For the most part me and DH sleep in the same bed. however, DH snores and snores LOUDLY!! Some days it doesn't bother me...if I'm really tired, but on lighter sleeping nights I usually get out of our bed and go to a guest bedroom.
Yeaaaah, that little dip.

On my thang = spooning.

When he's ready to go to sleep and get on my thang, he just says "lay right." That means it's time for me to assume the spoon. LOL.

DH says the same thing! If I even lay in another position he gives me the side eye. :lachen:
The hubs and I sleep in seperate rooms too.
Very similar situation to yours.^^^
I used to be a good sleeper- out by 11pm, refreshed and bushy tailed by 6 or 7am. Things changed big time after the kids came along. My sleep pattern and depth of sleep got shot to pieces and never quite recovered. Now I need TOTAL silence and darkness to sleep. The slightest noise gets me up and whats worse I find it hard to go back to sleep. Hubs snores and after one too many broken nights we came to this arrangement - it works out fine. He has always snored and it never bothered me till the kids came along.
There is actually research out there to show that couples who sleep apart are healthier. Apparently it is somewhat unnatural, given different body chemistry, rhythms etc to sleep in the same bed...
I'll try to find it.

Although I'm not married yet, I was going to say that it would seem to me that it would be beneficial for a relationship if your aren't sleeping in the same bed (assuming you love and like eachother) adds some mystery and romance. Just my take on it. I wonder if it causes any emotional "seperation"? Can anyone answer that for me?
Nope! I insisted on sleeping alone :look: If we had a king size then maybe I could deal. I just dont sleep well with anyone cramming my space. I really really need stretching room. Maybe Im a cat lol Dh really holds it against me, i dont blame him but it is what it is...
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DH and I sleep in the same bed. I had the hardest time going to sleep when he's on travel. I get the best sleep in my nook (face in armpit. lol) and he loves sleeping "up on my thang." lol. We've never slept apart under the same roof.

As loud as my DH snores, I can't even imagine sleeping in separate beds.
DH has not been able to sleep in our bed w/o me for a while.

It took a bit, but I can no longer sleep w/o DH. When I came home from a recent work trip I asked DH if we could just go to bed so I could finally get some sleep.

I'm glad that it works out & is an option for healthy marriages.
My husband and I have been together for almost 20 years and had always slept together except if I had a cold or something and was coughing a lot.

Well, about three months ago it was pretty hot at night, and he wanted to keep the window open all night. I'm a light sleeper, and I could not get a good night sleep because of birds singing or cars going by, so I slept in the guest room. Y'all, it was the best sleep I'd ever gotten! Anyway, the weather remained hot, he enjoyed the fresh air, every night he'd sleep with the window open, and every night I'd sleep in the other room. Next thing you know, months had gone by.

Anyway, to make a long story short, at first it felt weird. But then it became kind of fun. We'd "visit" each other but still sleep separately. I loved it! I could sleep on my back and snore if I wanted to. The guest room is really dark and quiet, just like I like it. I even started looking more well rested. So it became our normal routine to sleep separately.

Fast forward to today. Well, winter is now here, and the window is no longer open. Just last night he told me, "Hey, there's really no reason for you to sleep in the other room now that the window's closed." So we'll probably go back to sleeping together some of the time. But if I feel that I need my little cocoon room, I will not hesitate to go sleep alone.

So my final conclusion is that two people can have a healthy relationship and still sleep separately!
Found an interesting thread.

For those that think it's weird or are opposed to it I wonder if they've ever had to sleep with a snorer day in and day out, lol

Thanks for the link to this thread, Poka! From the responses in this thread and the other... I"m glad to see I'm not the only one who does this "sleeping separate" thing. I have always known couples to sleep apart, but usually they were fighting or something like that. :ohwell:
You know my grandparents on my fathers side slept in seperate twin beds same room like the "Flintstones" for over 40 years b/f they passed. I am really starting too think this is a very good idea!
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My problem is that I want us to sleep in separate beds but he gets highly offended when I mention it to him, it always lead into some sort of big arguement because he thinks that me wanting to sleep in a separate bed from him is a reflection of how I feel about him, which is not the case. I love him dearly, he's my bestfriend, he's a great provider and he's the best father.

I just enjoy my space. I am even willing to compromise, I told him, we could sleep in the same bed 4days out of the week, That just :evil: him off more. He's so old fashion. I keep trying to explain that ppl need to adjust there relation according to what works best for them, maybe ppl would stay married longer:hide:.
I WISH we had seperate beds! I didn't realize it before, but there is a noticeable difference if I am allowed to fall asleep w/o him in the bed. On nights when he stays up and watches tv downstairs, I wake up feeling sooo refreshed.