** WELLLLPP, I took the plunge! My BKT Journey with PICS of course! **

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! :wave:

I did the BKT just a little under a month ago, but I just finally uploaded the pictures tonight as I had lost my connection cord. But I digress...

I did BKT for a number of reasons. For one, as a natural living in NYC, I wanted something that would stand a chance against the humidity. I also got bored a lot with my natural hair, NOT because it's natural, but because its in that weird 'grow out' phase from my BC (in which the stylist cut it into a straight style as opposed to one in which I could do WGO, etc.) so my curly styles weren't working for me as much.

I did a LOT of research prior to actually purchasing the BKT. I bought the Chocolate kit from Softliss (www.softliss.com), and let me just say... Formaldehyde or not, it still gives off fumes. My nose was BURNING! But all in all, I like the results and will likely make BKT a part of my regimen.

I don't have pictures of the process from blow drying onward, but I do have comparison shots between a regular flat iron job vs. that post-BKT and I have curl reversion shots.

Hope this helps any of you guys thinking of doing the BKT! :yep:

My natural texture:

A regular flat iron job:




Post-BKT shots:






Curl reversion post-BKT:

My original BC length:

Growth comparison (almost a year post-BC):

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YUMMMM!!! i might BKT as well, i jus hope it loosens the curl pattern and doesnt take it away completly.

i loooove your results!!

keep us updated im subbin!!!!!
You did a REALLY good job. I haven't even seen professional jobs look that good!! Job well done!!
YUMMMM!!! i might BKT as well, i jus hope it loosens the curl pattern and doesnt take it away completly.

i loooove your results!!

keep us updated im subbin!!!!!

Thanks ladies! I'm gonna continue to BKT for awhile but that's one of my concerns also - I think that as long as you continue to treat your hair as if its not BKT'd you should be fine. I still used heat protectorant when I flat ironed, etc.
You have beautiful hair, but I'm just curious, what ingredient(s) are in the product that caused the fumes? :perplexed
You have beautiful hair, but I'm just curious, what ingredient(s) are in the product that caused the fumes? :perplexed

Well Softliss says that they're Formaldehyde free; instead, they use Ether. I would assume that that's what caused the fumes. It wasn't disastrous but for me it was a bit much.
Your results are BEAUITFUL! I want to try bkt, i really do but i want one with ZERO formaldehyde in it. I just can't see myself putting formaldehyde in my hair..
^^^ Fantastic results OP !!! :yeo:

Might give that softliss chocolate a try :scratchch

Also what Flat Iron did you use and did you deviate from any of the steps?

TIA :grin:
:drool: Those post-BKT pics are a-mazing! A major difference!

I'm actually in the market for a DIY BKT (I need a change dammit,) so I really appreciate your sharing :)

So these pictures are from a month ago right after the treatment? Do you have any pictures from now 1 month post? If so, can you please share those too? If not, how is your hair holding up? Is the treatment fading?
How well did it held up w/ the humidity yesterday? Does the fumes linger after the process? I would like to try a BKT also.
^^^ Fantastic results OP !!! :yeo:

Might give that softliss chocolate a try :scratchch

Also what Flat Iron did you use and did you deviate from any of the steps?

TIA :grin:

I used my trusty Sedu for the process. :yep:

I didn't deviate from any of the steps; since it was my first time, I wanted to do it exactly as stated on the directions. However, I did also BKT my mother's hair (she's also natural and prefers to wear her hair straight) and with her I deviated from the instructions and it still came out awesome.

Instead of doing the naked blow dry for the first go around, I blotted her hair with paper towels and then just applied the keratin. The results were the same, so for next time I'll be avoid the naked blow dry too.

:drool: Those post-BKT pics are a-mazing! A major difference!

I'm actually in the market for a DIY BKT (I need a change dammit,) so I really appreciate your sharing :)

So these pictures are from a month ago right after the treatment? Do you have any pictures from now 1 month post? If so, can you please share those too? If not, how is your hair holding up? Is the treatment fading?

These pictures are actually the most recent pictures; when I did the original BKT I had pictures but they got deleted from the camera I was using. This was actually the last flat iron job I did which was roughly a little over a week ago.

My hair is holding up very well, I don't notice any fading of the treatment yet, but I plan to do monthly touchups anyway. My next session will be on or around the 11th of May.

How well did it held up w/ the humidity yesterday? Does the fumes linger after the process? I would like to try a BKT also.

I actually didn't go out yesterday, but it's been fine with the heat and humidity we've been having for days prior. Because it's hot and I don't like my hair on my neck, I tend to put it up in a messy bun.. But usually in humid temps my hair will revert and curl up like CRAZY. With BKT, my roots didn't revert at all. I was really surprised to see that!

The fumes don't linger once you wash it out.