Well looky looky, progress pics


Active Member
Hello Ladies!

I was feeling somewhat depressed lately about my hair because after almost 2 years (june will be 2 years), I did not think that my was still not at shoulder length. Well, the top is still not fully there yet and I still have those damaged ends from 2 years ago, but my first attempt at henna seems to be the trick. Not sure if the pics will show here but, if not, my pics are at:

password: newday

Thanks so much ladies for helping me to get to this point! This is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been!


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Oh yes it feels great! This is the first time I'm posting comparison pics. I didn't think the others were worth posting, but today I was pleasantly surprised! :D
MamaBraidedIt said:
Great! Congrats to you. Don't be depressed, you've made progress!

ITA. Your hair looks a lot healthier. I can't even tell that you have damaged ends. I think you should do a happy dance. :D

What did you do to get this progress? Please keep us posted on your progress. Now you have the tools to reach your goals.
kweenameena said:
Great job!!!!:yay: :yay: Doesn't it feel great to see that progress?!
What's your regimen?

Oops, sorry I didn't see the question here. I CW everyday and wash atleast twice a week. I am trying to use up all of the different shampoos and conditioners I've bought throughout the last 2 years, and will then stick to MTG shampoo and conditioner, and possibly another type, maybe ORS shampoo.

I just purchased Silica and Lacio Lacio for the first time a month ago, so I have been deep conditioning twice a week, leaving in the silica, olive oil and a conditioner overnight usually on Wednesdays and then again on Sundays if I did a heavy protein treatment using DRC28, just bought that too and used it once. Prior to that was Aphogee.

I just used henna for the first time today, bought it from Hennasooq. I mixed it with warm water and olive oil, left it on for one hour and then deep conditioned with silica for 2 hours.

I can't believe that I'm being asked for a regimen, when I've been reading and taking advice from so many others. Kinda makes me feel good.

Congrats! It may seem like it's taking awhile but don't worry every little bit of progress is a step closer to your goal.
its looking alot better the ends are more moisturized and even, keep it up and try to stay away from trims....ahem *cuts* since u look pretty even now and you should be APL in no time.:)
Your hair looks healthier and longer. Stick with what you are doing because it looks like you are making great progress! :)
it has grown. great job. my hair was very similar to your first pic. so keep doing your thing, girl. your TLC will surely pay off. ;)
matuncks said:
Hello Ladies!

I was feeling somewhat depressed lately about my hair because after almost 2 years (june will be 2 years), I did not think that my was still not at shoulder length. Well, the top is still not fully there yet and I still have those damaged ends from 2 years ago, but my first attempt at henna seems to be the trick. Not sure if the pics will show here but, if not, my pics are at:

password: newday

Thanks so much ladies for helping me to get to this point! This is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been!

Great Progress