Well I passed another LHCF “milestone” (but I’m sad)

:grin: Tis is actually a good point I didn't think of. You are right, she shouldn't report it because of this very reason. Now, I wish you HAD pulled the hair so hard she had pieces of brain hanging at the ends of hair strands :lachen:

:grin: She knew I was pissed, that's why she left so fast. I wanted to pummel her right across the desk but I didn't do anything outside of tell her that she hurt me and that I wanted to snatch her hair back. I'm actually proud of myself.
Based on the witness' response, the witness has probably already spread it around the office.... :grin: You will not have to say a word. It's getting to the right person. Pulling hair = Innappropriate touching...who wants that on their employment record??? :nono: Your kindergartner offender may have already done this before...who knows...but keep growing your hair and doing your thing. Wishing you peace in the office.
:rofl3: Classic DC style----lol

I wouldn't report it, depending on how she actually did it. It was wrong. But you know how the workplace can get toooo political quickly. You dont want to be perceived as the whiny ass:grin:. I know how you feel though, I just cussed someone something good at my second part time, and my employment is still up in the air (though I really dont care cause its not my main job, it is just something legal to do, for money:lachen:) But that is what happens when "Keepin it real goes wrong":lachen:.

Assess the situation, if she always gets out of line report her, but otherwise lay low, key her car or something!
:grin: Tis is actually a good point I didn't think of. You are right, she shouldn't report it because of this very reason. Now, I wish you HAD pulled the hair so hard she had pieces of brain hanging at the ends of hair strands :lachen:

Girl-I was so mad for the OP until you come along and had me cracking up. LOL @ brains hanging-DANG:lachen:

OP, I don't know what to tell you to do because while I was reading I was visualizing knocking that ***** the hell out but it's so good you were able to control yourself. SMH. Keep us posted please.
It was the people snatch on your hair milestone. My co-worker just snatched a small lock of hair and it hurt. Worst part another co-worker witnessed the attack. She waited until I hung up my phone and wasn't looking at her to jumped me. She’s Mexican and older and she said “wanted to see if little stings would come off (a weave)”. I told her she hurt me and it’s all my hair. She apologized and asked if I wanted to pull her hair back. I said I didn’t before but now I want to snatch her hair out. She walked away. I did a con-wash and a singles twist out then once the coils dried I untwisted my hair so my hair is pretty big and twisty. I’m sad she assumed my hair was fake after watching me grow out my hair all these months :sad:.

she sounds like a lunatic! Please report her.
:nono: I just don't understand people. Now, me, I don't care who it is, I am not putting my hands in somebody's hair like that. I don't like other people's hair touching my skin. Ewww. And how rude and bad-minded is it 'cause you know she was just dyin' for some tracks to come out. My answer to this is always the same. Check that chin and keep it movin'!!! :slap:
:grin: She knew I was pissed, that's why she left so fast. I wanted to pummel her right across the desk but I didn't do anything outside of tell her that she hurt me and that I wanted to snatch her hair back. I'm actually proud of myself.
Good for you girl........'Cuz uhhh......

The Old Me:heated::heated::heated:: Woulda snatched the **** outta that ****!!!!!!!!

The New Me :angel:: Woulda snatched the **** outta that ****!!!!!!!!

Seriously though, if I didn't report her and she OFFERED to let me do it....
I woulda snatched that trick to the white meat!!!

ETA: I'm sorry Lord :pray:
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WTH!!! Some people are so stupid. What possessed her? Is she slightly touched? A few screws loose?:perplexed You seemed to handle this quite well. She woulda got such a blistering from me or a freaking :hardslap:, she wouldn't even so much as look in my direction again. She would see me coming and move....
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Good for you girl........'Cuz uhhh......

The Old Me:heated::heated::heated:: Woulda snatched the **** outta that ****!!!!!!!!

The New Me :angel:: Woulda snatched the **** outta that ****!!!!!!!!

Seriously though, if I didn't report her and she OFFERED to let me do it....
I woulda snatched that trick the white meat!!!

ETA: I'm sorry Lord :pray:

Oooooh wheeee! Y'all are killin' me- I'm over here screamin'!:lachen:

But she was completely unprofessional and out of line and has created a harrassing work environment. I'm an attorney and the lawyer in me thinks that you need to make a record of this completely unprovoked incident w/HR. But I can certainly sympathize with you not wanting to appear to be overly-sensitive.

Either way, keep your head up. As my mom used to say, "Success [and in this case gorgeous hair] is the best revenge! :yep:
When I read these types of post (OP) I just can't believe some people. I have never however met anyone that feels as though they can pull on my hair for whatever reason...it must be the gangsta vibes I give off :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I wouldn't report it, depending on how she actually did it. It was wrong. But you know how the workplace can get toooo political quickly. You dont want to be perceived as the whiny ass:grin:. I know how you feel though, I just cussed someone something good at my second part time, and my employment is still up in the air (though I really dont care cause its not my main job, it is just something legal to do, for money:lachen:) But that is what happens when "Keepin it real goes wrong":lachen:.

Assess the situation, if she always gets out of line report her, but otherwise lay low, key her car or something!

I like that...:lachen::lachen:But dont do it just in case they have parking lot cameras.
I agree with NYLegalNewbie! You need to report her! She's lucky if that's all she will get! I'm telling you now if it were me she would have gotten the beat down! I wish someone WOULD pull my hair so hard that some of my precious strands came out! I'm hood, though! I'm from Inglewood. :grin:

Amen to that one! Detroit here! Don't let the suburbian living fool ya! lol She would have caught one! :lachen: But that was utterly wrong of her. I'd report her too or catch her in a dark alley! :grin:
:grin: She knew I was pissed, that's why she left so fast. I wanted to pummel her right across the desk but I didn't do anything outside of tell her that she hurt me and that I wanted to snatch her hair back. I'm actually proud of myself.

Good for you :) I hope you don't feel bad about it after reading this thread. Some people just don't have proper "home training", I guess. In a way, I guess it's a compliment :perplexed that she thought it was fake? um, eh...well, maybe not, but Lord bless the fools of the world, you can only pity the po', dumb, bastids :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Girl-I was so mad for the OP until you come along and had me cracking up. LOL @ brains hanging-DANG:lachen:

OP, I don't know what to tell you to do because while I was reading I was visualizing knocking that ***** the hell out but it's so good you were able to control yourself. SMH. Keep us posted please.

Now see, If LHCF were a gang, your name wold be "The Enforcer" and we would pay for all of your airline tickets (coach, of course) so that you can fly around the country and take "care" of all of the peeps giving us problems and ish over our hair. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
seriously...People have issues. Its like pulling your fake hair out is punishment for you wearing a weave...Its a free fcuking country even if someones hair is fake thats there bidness...Ya'll making me scared. I have almost APL hair if someone starts pulling on my hair I'm going to start swingin' and ask questions later.

I'm soo sorry you went through this chica (((hugs)))
That was so stupid. I know exactly what you went through.

If it was fake, still why would you pull it to see if it comes off? (That would be even worse) You dont pull fake hair off! that is a guarenteed fight:wallbash:
To the OP, I'm so sorry this happened. I would have slapped her like Rick James (dave chapelle version). I know u guys saw the clip in joyfuljoys post (i feel the sting just watching it). I cant believe these fools out here. Are you in Detroit? I'm from "the D" too.
INGLEWOOD :boxing:. I got a friend from Inglewood she's super gangsta! Thanks for your support. I will talk with one of the managers today.
Oh chile I'm from the near by area before ya'll was even born. My dad lives in Carson...next to Compton..dat's right.

Now back to the matter at hand. I must be scary looking because no one ever attempts to ask me about my hair let alone touch it. I have very quick reflexes and that woman would have a problem with an out of socket shoulder with a quickness.

I am so sorry you had to go through that and definately report it. That is a hostile work environment plain and simple. No one is allowed to put their hands on you in an agressive manner or othewise at work! geeze
When I read these types of post (OP) I just can't believe some people. I have never however met anyone that feels as though they can pull on my hair for whatever reason...it must be the gangsta vibes I give off :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Shoot me too and I get a lot of stares but I dare someone to come and pull it. Yall we be taking up a collection for my bail money. I got quick reflexes and stuff like that will get your block knocked off. OP sorry you had to deal with this. Q
Fake hair...real hair...whatever...where do people get off doing this mess to black ladies? They do not take it as a given to "yank" Becky's real hair or her extensions and Becky is REALLY in to extensions these days, OPENLY!!!! SHEESH!!!! bonjour
Wowwww.... I can't believe she did that!! That is completely unprofessional, and I hope you talked to someone like a manager or someone about that!
That's terrible...but I woulda came back with an eye jammie...Oh yeah, you pull my hair and you better believe you'd be going back home with a black eye.
I'll never under the gall of some people. And why are some so concerned with whether another's hair is theirs or not? I guess inquiring minds just HAVE to know, at all costs, huh?
That was so stupid. I know exactly what you went through.

If it was fake, still why would you pull it to see if it comes off? (That would be even worse) You dont pull fake hair off! that is a guarenteed fight:wallbash:

You took the words right out of my mouth. If it was fake, it would just come off in her hands...It never ceases to amaze me of how the human mind works.

Well it's nothing to be sad about. There are many women, including myself, that want to reach that milestone.

With every new length that we reach, another problem or "issue" occurs. But the good thing is....you made another milestone! So you're doing something right. :yep::drunk:
INGLEWOOD :boxing:. I got a friend from Inglewood she's super gangsta! Thanks for your support. I will talk with one of the managers today.

GOOD BECAUSE I THINK I WOULD HAVE GRABBED HER HAND AND BIT IT! I am a darn BITER, and Believe me I will bite your *** in a minute, who is she to voilate your space, MY GOODNESS! SMACK, SMACK SMACK!

I am not sad I am PISSED!