Weird things that turn you off about men


Well-Known Member
-Men who walk with their back too straight when they have a naturally protuberant booty .It looks homo and not sexy.
-Toothpicks in the mouth .Just no
-Lisp AND squeaky "S" lol.
-Blank stare ,its hard to explain ,its that blank look they give you when you re telling them something deep.
-stuff in their teeth ,I m anal about this ,food residue on teeth is a kiss ban forever,it would turn me off completely in every way .
I remember getting turned off a crush in middle school cause dude pointed at people before throwing the ball in dodgeball. :lol: Like, what kind of strange strategy is that? That boy is gay as the day is long ....
Men with a high booty that sit up on their back. Yuck!

Yeah thts what I meant with my first line . I know this guy who walks with his back really straight with this high booty and straight legs ,I always thought he was gay but he s not. He also works out alot and squats .I don't think he needs to squat at a l l . Lol
- high pitched voices
- feminine hands
- flat no-butt having men
- severely tucked in men (shirts all tucked in super tight and pants tight and high)
- bird chests
- those gross razor bumps at the back of their heads
- ANY man with an S-Curl

I could go on and on
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-Dudes who get manicures
-Dudes with that long nasty pinky nail going on
-Dudes who think dressing up includes a fresh pair of sneaks
-Dudes who take selfies. That's just too girly for me :nono:

That's the weirdest I can think of.
Over-manicured eyebrows!!! Ick!
Case in point: Joey Lawrence!
Remember Blossom? He was so manly and handsome with those super thick eyebrows! Then I saw him on Half & Half. Ugh. Instant turnoff. :-(
Men whose bathrooms smell like pee/ who don't wipe their pee from the toilet and floor after going. So nasty.

Men with no common sense

Virgins/ men who don't masturbate. I just think it's weird.

Men who drink milk like water.

If you are wearing ed hardy or jerseys or baggy pants...yuck

Men who have been to jail or glorify getting into trouble.

And this one is totally rational but instant disgust with any type of man who hates black people and/or black women. This goes hand and hand with the common sense rule.
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Dirty fingernails
Ugly feet
Dark toenails/fingernails
Grown men with no facial hair
Discolored or crooked teeth
Steve Harvey suits or their derivatives
Cheap shoes
Grown men who wear throwbacks, baggy shorts & fitteds
Men whose bathrooms smell like pee/ who don't wipe their pee from the toilet and floor after going. So nasty.

Men with no common sense

Virgins/ men who don't masturbate. I just think it's weird.

Men who drink milk like water.

If you are wearing ed hardy or jerseys or baggy pants...yuck

Men who have been to jail or glorify getting into trouble.

And this one is totally rational but instant disgust with any type of man who hates black people and/or black women. This goes hand and hand with the common sense rule.

They are weird. Ime experience they also come with a personality type that I just can't deal with. :nono:
Guys with chapped lips
Guys who embrace the thug lifestyle
I remember a guy I was dating asked if something was "eatable".. I was done after that
Guys who wear extra large clothes when they are clearly a medium
Guys with dirty nails
Guys who curse
"taco meat" chest hair
carrying a "Murse"
holding eating utensils like a dagger
sandals and silk short sets
using a straw when consuming a mixed drink
clear nail polish. ( manicured buffed nails are fine)
wearing fur coats
Men with no table manners. It literally grosses me out and it is a big deal breaker for me.

I don't mind watching him suck on a chicken bone if we comfortable :look::lick: (don't judge me lol), but eating ice with your hands straight out of a cup at a fancy restaurant is a grounds for immediate termination (yep this did happen and it was GROSS)
- Men who occasionally get that white stuff in the corner of their mouth. How can I listen to you talk when that crap is so distracting?

- Men who have are light skinned with green eyes and a big head. Reminds me too much of my daddy.

- Men who are super duper buff. In my mind you must be broke, and you probably always smell like old sweat.
--more or longer hair than me:look:

--mohawks, dreads, braids, military cut or anything fancy. I'm really anal about a man's hair style:look:

--licking their lips all the time, it grosses me out

--trying to have swagger, you either have it or you don't:look: (I don't care either way but don't front with me)

--skinnier than me (I'm pretty petite)

--too many muscles

--no manners/always cursing/referring to women as "females"

--gold teeth, lots of jewelry (that includes rings)

--men with soft or high voices (e.g. Tim Duncan)

I could go on...