Weeder Questions


I do what I want...
I literally just thought of mine last night at 3 AM. These are questions you ask to dates and if they answer incorrectly, you will block them during the date, after the date or change their ID to don’t answer.
I remember reading MDLWLY (Chapter 12 for those that have the book) and it mentioned having these types of questions to determine what type of man you are dealing with so you can get rid of him faster. Indirect questions to get him to expose himself/mindset regarding life, love and women. I am a very direct person so it is challenging to come up with indirect questions, but I figured out one last night.

Do you have any questions like these that you ask on dates? What are they? And what answers would turn you off?
Here for the lesson

I have been thinking about this, because it's not something I am good at doing off the cuff, I would need a sort of go to list to do this right.
Questions should be like
What do you value?
Do you know your purpose in life?
What makes you tick?
What are your short/long term goals?
How do you spend your time on your days off?
How do you feel when you get out of bed? Do you have a morning routine?
What is your favorite veggie?
Your favorite restaurant?
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What genres of music do you like?
There are more of course..
What did you do to celebrate your mom/daughter for mothers day/birthday? To find out how he shows his love to the women in his life. Is he a surpriser, is he creative, or does he do the minimum just to say he did somethg.

Same question for dad, but that answers a slightly different question - his relationship w authority, his level of respect, also will expose some of his expectations as a man.

Oh if i could do it all again...
What did you do to celebrate your mom/daughter for mothers day/birthday? To find out how he shows his love to the women in his life. Is he a surpriser, is he creative, or does he do the minimum just to say he did something.

Same question for dad, but that answers a slightly different question - his relationship w authority, his level of respect, also will expose some of his expectations as a man.

Oh if i could do it all again...

This is a great question. The guy I'm talking to, I met on Mother's Day, late night (It was after 10pm). Just in conversation I asked him what had him out so late? His response was his bestfriend died last year so he wanted to make sure his bestfriend's mother was not alone on Mother's Day. He spent the day with her and things ran late which in turn had him out late. This told me a lot about him as a person and what he would do for the people he loves.
You know the guy I am talking gave me the answer to that question really quick, some won't answer or give you a standard question.

I add all of the questions above and i ask about their sexual preference, you would be shocked seriously. I ask about mental health , came across someone who was bi-polar not sure if i could handle it. I start asking questions about family and their background. I spoke to someone who's family were bible thumping, trump loving against immigrants and lgbt community. That would not have worked cause my family and I hate trump, they are Grenadian and I have gave family members and friends so you not gonna ever like me. I try to see if they have kids and ask question to see how they treat them, plus the mother of the children. I also start to ask questions about the friends and family they frequent around, to get a sense of who they are spending their time with.
All you have to do is sit pretty and listen. Insert a really, a wow, or that's interesting and he will tell you all you need to know.

Interview questions will generate interview answers - and who is really their authentic selves during an interview.
I agree. The questions already mentioned are great, you (general) have to sprinkle them in between the regular conversation to get an authentic response. Sit pretty, listen, and ask questions accordingly.

When men start to ask me interview questions, I just start to lie. :look:
All you have to do is sit pretty and listen. Insert a really, a wow, or that's interesting and he will tell you all you need to know.

Interview questions will generate interview answers - and who is really their authentic selves during an interview.

Yes. Very true. My friend's mom was telling us that you can find out a whole lot from a man from "being quiet". lol. She said don't even react when they tell you something crazy about their past/relationships/themselves,etc. because the less you react, the more they'll tell you.
The key is to

1. Listen more then you speak. Just like @momi said...sit pretty, sit back and listen to what he does, and does NOT say.

2. If you do have questions, do not make it seem like an interview or interrogation because no one tells the truth during either one of these scenarios. We lie during interviews to seem more appealing then we really are, and we lie during interrogations to appear less guilty then we really are.

Example: If you are having a conversation about upcoming Thanksgiving plans ask him very casually "So what is your least favorite holiday?" If he says something like "Valentine's day because I don't need the man to tell me when to celebrate love." then you know that he's a skeptic who may find it hard to have fun and not take life too seriously.
This is a great theory in concept but I agree that most people will not be truthful when asked directly about things. Guys love talking to me and the info they have shared has been quite remarkable. My number one compliment throughout the years, even moreso than being complimented on my looks and intelligence, has been that I'm a great listener and that I'm trustworthy. A friend of mine is a sports agent and he wanted me to start being a “professional confidant” ( not a real profession) to some of his players. He said they needed someone neutral they could just open up to and know that the info wouldnt go any further.
I literally just thought of mine last night at 3 AM. These are questions you ask to dates and if they answer incorrectly, you will block them during the date, after the date or change their ID to don’t answer.
I remember reading MDLWLY (Chapter 12 for those that have the book) and it mentioned having these types of questions to determine what type of man you are dealing with so you can get rid of him faster. Indirect questions to get him to expose himself/mindset regarding life, love and women. I am a very direct person so it is challenging to come up with indirect questions, but I figured out one last night.

Do you have any questions like these that you ask on dates? What are they? And what answers would turn you off?
I studied MDLWLY meticulously after my last break up and put my own twist on it when I started dating online and met SO. :look: As a note, what Lamber says about when it's the right time to have sex is on point.

What I like about the book is Lambert gives you a scenario but encourages you to put your own spin on things. Luckily SO likes to talk and was transparent early on so it wasn't real hard to get him to expose himself. The key is to butter them up so they feel emotionally safe with you to expose himself. I learned from the last man I dated, and from listening to my girlfriends about their dates that if a man doesn't feel emotionally safe with you, he won't reveal squat no matter how much you butter him up. And at that point it's not worth it. He either isn't invested in you enough and/or has issues that prevents him from communicating and being emotionally vulnerable. My youngest sister is 19 and since HS gets boys her age to bare all without even trying. Her problem is weeding out the duds.

Anyway, with SO buttering him up was easy and I figured out how to do it quickly. Once I did that, he started confiding in me and naturally questions came up that I needed answers to, based on what was going on in our lives if I was to let my guard down. One thing Lambert emphasizes in MDLWLY is how conversation needs to go deep, and pretty early on in dating. If you've been on 2-3 dates with a man and you haven't had at least one deep, substantial conversation it's off with his head. o_O Once deep conversations happen then you can really figure out if you fit together, if you share similar world views, if his actions match his words. My issue with SO was not whether I liked him. I knew I did, but it wasn't enough and I wouldn't let my guard down until I knew some things. :look:

As for actual questions, many of them are going to be subjective to the man. With the last guy before my SO, he seemed to like the starving artist lifestyle and was iffy on kids. He also didn't understand my close family ties (at first I was intrigued by someone without complex family ties.) And he avoided situations where we could talk about these things. Think about what is important to you. Religion, love for traveling, political views, importance of family, whatever it is.

For example, I want a man with a commitment to personal growth and living a healthy lifestyle in both mind and body. SO and I established a rapport about this very quickly which helped me let my guard down. I still watched him, to see if his actions matched up with his words and I actively discussed concerns I had. By contrast on my last date with the last guy before SO, he said he is who he is and he's not about personal development or growth. :nono:

I feel like indirect questions are only necessary for the first 3 dates or so, until he's part of your rotation. If you're having deep conversations you should be able to ask him something directly.
This is a great theory in concept but I agree that most people will not be truthful when asked directly about things. Guys love talking to me and the info they have shared has been quite remarkable. My number one compliment throughout the years, even moreso than being complimented on my looks and intelligence, has been that I'm a great listener and that I'm trustworthy. A friend of mine is a sports agent and he wanted me to start being a “professional confidant” ( not a real profession) to some of his players. He said they needed someone neutral they could just open up to and know that the info wouldnt go any further.

Gurl...smacks lips...you better get your coints! You business will have zero startup and you can charge an arm and a leg and all that's require is a few "umm humms" and "oh for reals" from you.

Shoo! Give your sports agent friend my contact!
Gurl...smacks lips...you better get your coints! You business will have zero startup and you can charge an arm and a leg and all that's require is a few "umm humms" and "oh for reals" from you.

Shoo! Give your sports agent friend my contact!

lol, girl I fear my spirit will be overburdened with their drama. Heck, listening to his is too much! Lol
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Gurl...smacks lips...you better get your coints! You business will have zero startup and you can charge an arm and a leg and all that's require is a few "umm humms" and "oh for reals" from you.

Shoo! Give your sports agent friend my contact!
Word @Chrismiss i get the same compliment LOL great listener, non judgmental etc.
let me know if this becomes a profession :look: