***We Need a Stand In Captain For GoldenBreeze**


Well-Known Member
Hello all:)

Okay...GoldenBreeze has been on a little hiatus for a while...why we don't know. I seriously seriously seriously hope everything is okay with her.

Her team is the Natural/Thick team and they need a captain as they have questions about what to do with their hair...i'm not natural so i really don't know.

If there is a seasoned member out there that can help this team..plz pm me or post in this thread that you're interested.

What will happen is that if GoldenBreeze comes back the stand-in captain will become the co-captain.

***note to all the Section A groups----if your captain has not communicated with you as of yet...plz pm me...*** I will do what i can to help:yep:

Thank You.