We Found Love In A Hopeless Place

i want to get over him so bad. i guess its true when they say you never get over your first. i think he knew he had me the minute i gave him my virginity. he had me wrapped around his finger ever since.

and i date other people its not like i sit at home praying that he calls. its just that i always dream about him, or run into him or his friends. like hes always there.:nono: the world is such a small place.

Pray, daily affirmations, journaling anything to get your self-esteem up!
speaking of memories, this reminds me how I've been known to leave people in the middle of the night while they were sleeping and would never talk to them ever again. Gettin me to explain myself either never happens or takes YEARS. I'm queen MIA. I will say I'm coming & mean to but "things would happen" and I'd never show and wouldnt cal to say I wasn't because I felt bad or ashamed....

I remember one time I was madly infatuated with my ex-gf and I made her leave her gf for me, then the entire time I had no intent of being with her and was dating other people. Anyway, one time she took me on vacation, I didnt like the experience so I waited until she was asleep and caught a flight home in the middle of the night. I deleted her from everything and still havent discussed it since. She wanted to go out to dinner one day a year and half or so later but I never showed :nono: I feel/felt bad but I had so much going on in my life and with myself, now is not the time I want to discuss it.....

I'm sorry but :blush::blush::blush::blush::lol::lachen:

I promise I'm not judging you, but WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS ISH?

What's your sign btw?

I had an ex tried that disappearing ish on me. He was a Cancer. Its so infuriating. It made me so angry at the time.

Looking back, I can see why he did it. Sometimes that's the only way you can end things. I tend to be very consuming, and its probably the only way he figure he could get rid of me. I used to get consumed too, I've had a couple of those crazy relationships like in the OP, but never again. I've learned to keep my distance in relationships and avoid relationships with people who are too similar to me.

Sometimes I miss the passion though.
Music can be very powerful in remembering, healing, etc.

That one may help to remember but this one helped me to forgive and move on.

Here is a live version:

Here is the cd version:

To all my sisters out there who need to release, forgive and be healed.


I didn't get a chance to click on the links that you've posted but it triggered a thought. One song that really helped me to heal was Don Henley's "Forgiveness". I know that India Irie did a cover, but Don's version just seems more powerful to me.

Check it out if you all get a chance :)

chebaby: It takes time, but I firmly believe that if you allow yourself to let it go and heal, you will. Believe me, I know it hurts, but when you find yourself on the road to recovery you'll find yourself getting stronger.
i want to get over him so bad. i guess its true when they say you never get over your first. i think he knew he had me the minute i gave him my virginity. he had me wrapped around his finger ever since.

and i date other people its not like i sit at home praying that he calls. its just that i always dream about him, or run into him or his friends. like hes always there.:nono: the world is such a small place.

Aww...I'm a firm believer in recharacterizing things in your mind so that you can move on. Whatever it seems like he was that was great, he wasn't. :nono: Sometimes it helps to think, "I really thought this person was X, but I must have made a mistake. He's really Y." And then view that person accordingly. Whatever bad that happened, it was a mistake. It doesn't have to be a huge emotional thing...it was a mistake, just a mistaken judgment call. It happens and it's OK.

You should do whatever it takes to reclaim your mind and heart.
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i watched this video like 10 times in a row when it first premiered. i was like this is insanely beautiful but yet so broken. i didn't even like the song but i do now just because of the video. lol

complexsimplicity that's so funny. i didnt like the song either. it would always come on the radio and i'd just change the station. after watching the video i now turn it up whenever it comes on.

I think on the other side, their idea of "own" was different from ours because I did want to be his and I wanted him to be mine. I wanted him to be part of who I was, not someone to rule over me.

@classoohfive you're right. i didn't realize this until the end. looking back, he was incredibly controlling. for some reason i mistook that for love. i have to admit i was a bit controlling of him too, but not nearly as controlling as he was of me. i can't believe i let someone dictate over my life like that.

This thread needs to do more numbers.

@calmsensual1 what do you mean?
I'm sorry but :blush::blush::blush::blush::lol::lachen:

I promise I'm not judging you, but WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS ISH?

What's your sign btw?

I had an ex tried that disappearing ish on me. He was a Cancer. Its so infuriating. It made me so angry at the time.

Looking back, I can see why he did it. Sometimes that's the only way you can end things. I tend to be very consuming, and its probably the only way he figure he could get rid of me. I used to get consumed too, I've had a couple of those crazy relationships like in the OP, but never again. I've learned to keep my distance in relationships and avoid relationships with people who are too similar to me.

Sometimes I miss the passion though.

when I look back on situations like this I find them quite hilarious. :lol: Like what was I thinking?! Which would be the answer, I don't know why I did it at the time and don't remember details really, it was simply a matter of impulse. That's what I felt like doing at the time based on what was happening, so I did it. I was upset, so I was like '**** you. I'm leaving. You figure it out.' :look: Then usually, I'm over it so I get over it very quickly and K.I.M.

It's just a passive-aggressive way of handling things. I can be avoidant and don't like confrontation in my personal relationships so instead of breaking up I usually just disappear or do something really messed up to get someone else to break up with me so I don't have to do it :look:

I'm a Pisces btw. According to my horoscope I embody all the major characteristics of my sign.
when I look back on situations like this I find them quite hilarious. :lol: Like what was I thinking?! Which would be the answer, I don't know why I did it at the time and don't remember details really, it was simply a matter of impulse. That's what I felt like doing at the time based on what was happening, so I did it. I was upset, so I was like '**** you. I'm leaving. You figure it out.' :look: Then usually, I'm over it so I get over it very quickly and K.I.M.

It's just a passive-aggressive way of handling things. I can be avoidant and don't like confrontation in my personal relationships so instead of breaking up I usually just disappear or do something really messed up to get someone else to break up with me so I don't have to do it :look:

I'm a Pisces btw. According to my horoscope I embody all the major characteristics of my sign.

So you're a water sign! I'm a water sign too (Scorpio), but I try avoid other water signs even though we're supposed to be compatible. Too unstable :lol: And its not all their fault. I can admit to being a part of the problem.

My last relationship was Taurus and he was so grounded. I was bored half the time but honestly, it was also a relief cuz it was the most stable relationship I've ever been in :lol:

But I was so bored. I broke up with him, for no real reason. And I was on such good behavior during our relationship, but I'm kinda acting out now, and he's so confused. I think he thinks all the stress from school has gotten to me, but no.... this is me. :look:
I'm sorry but :blush::blush::blush::blush::lol::lachen:

I promise I'm not judging you, but WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS ISH?

What's your sign btw?

I had an ex tried that disappearing ish on me. He was a Cancer. Its so infuriating. It made me so angry at the time.

Looking back, I can see why he did it. Sometimes that's the only way you can end things. I tend to be very consuming, and its probably the only way he figure he could get rid of me. I used to get consumed too, I've had a couple of those crazy relationships like in the OP, but never again. I've learned to keep my distance in relationships and avoid relationships with people who are too similar to me.

Sometimes I miss the passion though.

I don't. :nono: I want my next relationship to be BORING as hayle!!!!! :look:
I don't. :nono: I want my next relationship to be BORING as hayle!!!!! :look:

LOL that's exactly how I felt! I had the boring relationship of my dreams for about two years. It was nice! Then I started to feel the itch. I had to leave. :look:

*scratches neck*
LOL that's exactly how I felt! I had the boring relationship of my dreams for about two years. It was nice! Then I started to feel the itch. I had to leave. :look:

*scratches neck*

The guy I am dating now seems to have a lot more emotional stability than my ex and I hope I don't start to feel the itch for drama.

I do get bored with people very easily...Oh boy...:ohwell:

I love how you keep it real. It shows that you know who you are. I say this because I know someone who exhibit alot of what you have expressed but they would never admit that. It is quite frustrating on the other end but if the person acknowledge and worked on themselves (internally) I could tolerate them (But that will never happen).

I love how you keep it real. It shows that you know who you are. I say this because I know someone who exhibit alot of what you have expressed but they would never admit that. It is quite frustrating on the other end but if the person acknowledge and worked on themselves (internally) I could tolerate them (But that will never happen).

@tinkat thank you so much, it means a lot to me to hear that :hug2:

I also know people like the ones you described. I'm related to quite a few, however, I'm always mindful that it's not necessarily always ONE person. Sometimes everyone in the situation needs to make changes. Takes two to tango. It's funny that people love LOA and the Secret, yet sometimes in their relationships they forget that like usually attracts like......hurt people, hurt people and attract other hurt people, IME.....

As applied to myself, Of course I still have a lot of things to fix and I struggle with my temperament and things like empathetic listening & awareness I frequently feel that I'm backsliding because I'm such a reactive person but I really do try my best to be mindful on a daily basis. I try not to be a blaming person and try to take responsibility for my life and many of the things that happen in it. That said, I want to get married and have children (possibly lol) some day, if I don't make changes now or other innocent people will be paying for it later. I don't want that at all.....
@tinkat thank you so much, it means a lot to me to hear that :hug2:

I also know people like the ones you described. I'm related to quite a few, however, I'm always mindful that it's not necessarily always ONE person. Sometimes everyone in the situation needs to make changes. Takes two to tango. It's funny that people love LOA and the Secret, yet sometimes in their relationships they forget that like usually attracts like......hurt people, hurt people and attract other hurt people, IME.....

As applied to myself, Of course I still have a lot of things to fix and I struggle with my temperament and things like empathetic listening & awareness I frequently feel that I'm backsliding because I'm such a reactive person but I really do try my best to be mindful on a daily basis. I try not to be a blaming person and try to take responsibility for my life and many of the things that happen in it. That said, I want to get married and have children (possibly lol) some day, if I don't make changes now or other innocent people will be paying for it later. I don't want that at all.....

Aw your welcome. This statement is true, because despite everything I have learned about about myself. These type of situations will cause you to become very self reflective.

I found myself in a situation where I wasthe helper (which is me naturally) but it was not being reciprocated. In a way I realized that I liked to feel needed (but in a way that is wanting to be in control due to fear of losing someone). There is so much I can say. I just learned that people have to earn my respect which I thought I was good at doing, but I got a rude awakening. It has been a humbling experience because it brought me back to realizing that I have to place more value in my self worth.
@tinkat thank you so much, it means a lot to me to hear that :hug2:

I also know people like the ones you described. I'm related to quite a few, however, I'm always mindful that it's not necessarily always ONE person. Sometimes everyone in the situation needs to make changes. Takes two to tango. It's funny that people love LOA and the Secret, yet sometimes in their relationships they forget that like usually attracts like......hurt people, hurt people and attract other hurt people, IME.....

So so so true!!!! Thanks was not enough!!!!