The reality is weaves are a quick and easy solution provided by an industry that isn't working hard to actually care for black hair. Sure, there are some companies and people but the reality is it's a jungle out there.
All we have are shelves and shelves of products with confusing names (sheen, hairdress, conditioning wax) it can be completely overwhelming and bewildering. Except unlike going to a specialty store (Sephora, Ulta) where someone can carefully go through your needs and offer advice you have hairstylists lying about what you need and how much you as a consumer can do on your own, products laced with terrible ingredients, and very little information. Pick up a black hair magazine and they can tell you 360 ways to wrap a curling iron around your precious strands but won't say boo about styling in healthier ways or doing special things to care for your hair.
The world doesn't expect much from black hair and for women still caught up in the system of bad hair care products, misinformation, and lousy stylists I think weaves become a safe haven so they can look good.
Just like I think some women pile on makeup because they don't know how to care for their skin but still want to look pretty and appear flawless, some black women use weaves so they can have longer hair and look attractive.