We are ALL vain.........


Well-Known Member
My new SO (so we are still getting to know each other i guess) just called me.

He asked me what i was up to.

I said i had just finished drying my hair under the dryer whilst on the LHCF website (he knows about this already)

He asked me, 'Are you vain?'

I ask 'why?'

He says because i'm always on that site and all we seem to discuss is hair, make-up and what you can do next to your body. He added that its clear i take care of myself and he loves my hair but i always seem to be washing it.

I said that it didn't make me vain, i just want to look my best and am trying to grow my hair and keep it healthy.

He then said.............

'The other night when we were out to dinner you were always looking in the mirror that was behind me and when a hair was out of place you seemed to freak out a bit'.


What else could i say?
I'm guilty of this. My ex had to point it out for me though.

He said everytime he called, i was either washing my hair or on the Forum.

He made fun of me trying to get ready for bed. He said i had a whole hair process just to get ready for bed.

Also got upset because i wouldnt let him touch my hair. Even in bed.

He pointed out that as soon as i came over to see him, I would tie up my hair..I actually keep an extra scarf in my car, just in case.

He even went as far as buying some silk/satin sheets so that i wouldn't have to tie my hair down in bed.

We would have a disagreement and he would yell "whatever, just go on the forum and write something about me!"
:grin: Tell him you are just being a woman.:yep:
Bublin, I think you really like this man. I freak out when I don't look just right for my SO, especially when we're out and about. Does he have sisters?
I'm guilty of this. My ex had to point it out for me though.

He said everytime he called, i was either washing my hair or on the Forum.

He made fun of me trying to get ready for bed. He said i had a whole hair process just to get ready for bed.

Also got upset because i wouldnt let him touch my hair. Even in bed.

He pointed out that as soon as i came over to see him, I would tie up my hair..I actually keep an extra scarf in my car, just in case.

He even went as far as buying some silk/satin sheets so that i wouldn't have to tie my hair down in bed.

We would have a disagreement and he would yell "whatever, just go on the forum and write something about me!"

:lachen:You got it bad MizzBrown!
:grin: Tell him you are just being a woman.:yep:
Bublin, I think you really like this man. I freak out when I don't look just right for my SO, especially when we're out and about. Does he have sisters?

Oh man - how many of us are 'freaking out' over our looks? This is funny.

Yeh i do like him! He keeps ultra fit so a girl's gotta keep up!

No he didn't grow up with female's close to him like that - he was brought up in a childrens home.

Just to add, he didn't say this with any malice - he finds it all strangely fascinating.
I've been caught looking in the mirror, too. :blush: I hate it when people notice. I don't think I'm vain, though. I think my self-esteem is higher on the days I check myself out in the mirror a lot. I haven't felt pretty in awhile, so I guess I check myself in the mirror to see if I'm still the same.

As for my hair....I try to keep my hair regimen as simple as possible. It is very easy to lose HOURS on your hair. If I spend too much time on my hair, I get mad at myslef. I feel like I could have been out at a restaurant, studying, or just relaxing with those lost hours.
No he didn't grow up with female's close to him like that - he was brought up in a childrens home.

I knew it! Men are fascinated with women's rituals and stresses especially if they have had little intimate contact with a mother, sisters, aunts or other familial relationships. Awww. Sorry to hear that (raised in a children's home), but he sure sounds like he turned out just fine. Good luck honey! :yep:
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Oh man - how many of us are 'freaking out' over our looks? This is funny.

Yeh i do like him! He keeps ultra fit so a girl's gotta keep up!

No he didn't grow up with female's close to him like that - he was brought up in a childrens home.

Just to add, he didn't say this with any malice - he finds it all strangely fascinating.

i think my man does too. now after the million years we have been a couple he has never seen this side of me. i catch him watching my lil hair rituals. he tries to act uninterested but he is. they all are......lol
men love to watch women beautify. truthfully as a woman that never was into all the "girly" stuff i was always in awe of all that women do to get ready. it really is interesting if its not you doing it.
I knew it! Men who are fascinated with women's rituals and stresses have had little intimate contact with a mother, sisters, aunts or other familial relationships. Awww. Sorry to hear that (raised in a children's home), but he sure sounds like he turned out just fine. Good luck honey! :yep:

Good observation.
Thanks but don't feel too sorry for him. He says it was like growing up in Disney World. He is a shining example of how a child can come out good from growing up in a home.

Shorthair - i think you may be right - i find myself checking the mirror when i already know i look good - that's odd isn't it.
LOL @ 'Freak out a bit"...
Wow...and you were speechless? THAT'S even funnier! Well it's cool. Gotta make sure you're 'on point' I guess..

My SO is used to it. But he still makes fun of me. He gets a kick out of it. He is amazed that my friends and I can carry a 3 hr convo baed entirely on Hair. Or Deep Conditioners. What really throws him, well---Me and my friends have these what he likes to call 'hair dates'. I mean it ain't that serious but it's like we all just get together to hang out.

Saturday is hair washing day for most of us anyway so...most of us end up washing and/or DC'in our hair. And Don't let nobody bust out the wine! Oh it's all good! Who needs the CLub? LOL
Last time my dude came over to pick me up and I was--in his words, " laid out--on the couch drunker than a (expletive) with mystery goo all over my head"...
My friends were loudly playin spades, btw.

"What are YOU doing? Ya'll need help, man..." he says.
He clowned me for hours after that.
I'm not worried about him.

I can't even pull out my compact to check makeup without his incessant 'Hmmphing'...
The only time I do it is when he has rushed me and we're stopped somewhere and I'm in the care waiting for him. Making sure I'm not looking crazy.

He'll stroll back to the car shaking his head. Grinning
">>under his breath<< Lord--now here she go....Baby I been standing over there watchin you 'fluff' your hair for the past 12 minutes..."

Child...as I said 'm not worried about that man!
I just 'fluffed' away. LOL
I don't think I'm better than anyone--I've always had high self-esteem.
Couple that with a misunderstood hair obsession and it's easily confused with vanity.
I like ME. And I take care and pride in my appearance. I'm very meticulous. And that is half the reason he began talking to me. Don't know why he be playin.
He liked that I looked 'well maintained'. Because he mentioned it on our 2nd date. "...Hair, nails, clothes, toe ring....Belt matching the shoes matching the handbag....Nothing out of place--I like a female like that..."

I mean I guess he thinks I just roll out of bed looking Fabulous...

And it's true they do watch the process. He peeks around corners to see what I'm doing to myself when I'm getting ready to go somewhere. I understand. When I was little I used to stare at my stepsister when she put on her makeup too.
You know just what I am about to ask? How does his hair look? If he's sporting braids, waves, or another other style besides looking like Buckwheat then he's got some vanity in him too. If you feel you cannot leave the home without the perfect tape-up or style then he is vain.
I would have told my SO if he said that:

"Yeah, and? If I wasn't so vain you wouldn't be trying to get in my panties everyday now wouldn't you?" LMAO :lol:
:lachen: :lachen:

That's too funny!

My S/O has mirror closet doors and I am always in them... He stays picking me up and moving me to another part of the room. Sometimes he'll throw me on the bed, toss the remote and say...do something else. You are ALWAYS in the mirror!

Let's not even talk about going out. If it gives a reflection, I'm looking in it!
It probably is vanity.
My interest in my hair, makeup, and clothing serves no practical purpose and I take a lot of pride in looking good. It is what it is.
Tell him you're going uncombed for a month and wearing a moo-moo and cardboard flip flops :lol:
My new SO (so we are still getting to know each other i guess) just called me.

He asked me what i was up to.

I said i had just finished drying my hair under the dryer whilst on the LHCF website (he knows about this already)

He asked me, 'Are you vain?'

I ask 'why?'

He says because i'm always on that site and all we seem to discuss is hair, make-up and what you can do next to your body. He added that its clear i take care of myself and he loves my hair but i always seem to be washing it.

I said that it didn't make me vain, i just want to look my best and am trying to grow my hair and keep it healthy.

He then said.............

'The other night when we were out to dinner you were always looking in the mirror that was behind me and when a hair was out of place you seemed to freak out a bit'.


What else could i say?

that's a really odd question to flat out ask someone. "are you vain"? that's like asking someone, "are you selfish"? how in the world are you supposed to answer that? that's a very accusatory question.

if you're not (i'm assuming you're not, anyways :) ), inform him that you are someone that cares about how she looks, and just because she takes the time to sneak a peek in a mirror, and spends a bit more effort on her hair than everyone else doesn't mean that she's VAIN.

grr, i don't know, but if my SO asked me a question like that, i'd be p****d off!
My BF always tells me "You're doing too much to your hair girl. Just let it be." By this he means 'don't do anything to it at all'like I used to do. I guess its been a drastic change from not caring for my hair at all as of six weeks ago to:
Baggying, dc'ing, ayurveda, vitamins, moisturising my hair and ENDS twice a day and other things too.
I don't think he thinks I'm being vain about it though :look: .
My new SO (so we are still getting to know each other i guess) just called me.

He asked me what i was up to.

I said i had just finished drying my hair under the dryer whilst on the LHCF website (he knows about this already)

He asked me, 'Are you vain?'

I ask 'why?'

He says because i'm always on that site and all we seem to discuss is hair, make-up and what you can do next to your body. He added that its clear i take care of myself and he loves my hair but i always seem to be washing it.

I said that it didn't make me vain, i just want to look my best and am trying to grow my hair and keep it healthy.

He then said.............

'The other night when we were out to dinner you were always looking in the mirror that was behind me and when a hair was out of place you seemed to freak out a bit'.


What else could i say?

Hello--we're women!!! Isn't this what we do? :lol:
It probably is vanity.
My interest in my hair, makeup, and clothing serves no practical purpose and I take a lot of pride in looking good. It is what it is.
Tell him you're going uncombed for a month and wearing a moo-moo and cardboard flip flops :lol:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: Ya know?! Then he'd be accusing you of letting yourself go.
I'd rather be a bit vain with my beauty maintenance then be a HAM.
Yeah I'm vain. Big whoop you wanna fight about it? :catfight:

Yes girl, stand up and be proud of it :lachen:

To another poster - No way am i mad at him for asking if i am vain. It really was said mainly in jest. It was just an observation of his at the time and, as i think i wrote, he did add that its obvious i take pride in my appearance and he likes that. I guess he caught me looking in the mirror once too many times and for a bit too long when i should have been looking dreamily into his eyes over the dinner table!
No he didn't grow up with female's close to him like that - he was brought up in a childrens home.

i bet that's it. cuz i didn't have Dad in the house after age 9 and grew up around all women. i still find it fascinating to watch my SO shave and cut his hair with clippers... don't ask me why! :lachen:
i bet that's it. cuz i didn't have Dad in the house after age 9 and grew up around all women. i still find it fascinating to watch my SO shave and cut his hair with clippers... don't ask me why! :lachen:

:lachen: Me too!!! I just stare at DH when he's shaving - it's so - INTERESTING. :lol:

And don't have him ask me to line him up - I get all giddy excited. :nono: Tis a damn shame.
This is a good post. I don't think we are vain. Are we? :)

Anyway, I recently had a guy ask me if I wanted to go out to dinner on a Wednesday night. I said no because that is my cardio and hair night. He said "Okay I understand. I know you care more about your hair more than 70% of most women. We can do it on Thursday." :look:

Where did he get those stats from? :rolleyes: Well, I guess yall are part of the other 30% as well. :) I know some of you ladies are way worse than I am. At least that is why I tell myself. :)