Yesterday I was on my long walk home from work and got caught in a torrential thunderstorm. My hair was getting soaked, but as I walked by the lovely ladies of Howard University--all running for shelter at the nearest Metro bus stop--I got all kinds of "girl, you crazy" stares and glares. I didn't even care. I kept right on walking, hair dripping wet. Went to the nearest Metro train stop and took the train the rest of the way home. At home, I simply showered and rinsed my hair with Trader Joes Natural Spa conditioner, let my hair air dry to about 80%, added Aveda Univeral Styling Creme and sealed with Aveda Brilliant serum, finished air drying, tied my hair up, then went to bed. This morning I awoke, added more Aveda USC, sealed with Aveda Anti-Humectant pomade and more brilliant serum, and as usual, put my hair up in a nice and shiny, lovely bun! ;)
Serenity_Peace said:
Yesterday I was on my long walk home from work and got caught in a torrential thunderstorm. My hair was getting soaked, but as I walked by the lovely ladies of Howard University--all running for shelter at the nearest Metro bus stop--I got all kinds of "girl, you crazy" stares and glares. I didn't even care. I kept right on walking, hair dripping wet. Went to the nearest Metro train stop and took the train the rest of the way home. At home, I simply showered and rinsed my hair with Trader Joes Natural Spa conditioner, let my hair air dry to about 80%, added Aveda Univeral Styling Creme and sealed with Aveda Brilliant serum, finished air drying, tied my hair up, then went to bed. This morning I awoke, added more Aveda USC, sealed with Aveda Anti-Humectant pomade and more brilliant serum, and as usual, put my hair up in a nice and shiny, lovely bun! ;)

Now, that's what I call "Water Works"....:grin:
I'm in! My hair loves co-washes. I always pre-poo, so sometimes I just pre-poo, rinse it out, and that's it.
Serenity_Peace said:
Yesterday I was on my long walk home from work and got caught in a torrential thunderstorm. My hair was getting soaked, but as I walked by the lovely ladies of Howard University--all running for shelter at the nearest Metro bus stop--I got all kinds of "girl, you crazy" stares and glares. I didn't even care. I kept right on walking, hair dripping wet. Went to the nearest Metro train stop and took the train the rest of the way home. At home, I simply showered and rinsed my hair with Trader Joes Natural Spa conditioner, let my hair air dry to about 80%, added Aveda Univeral Styling Creme and sealed with Aveda Brilliant serum, finished air drying, tied my hair up, then went to bed. This morning I awoke, added more Aveda USC, sealed with Aveda Anti-Humectant pomade and more brilliant serum, and as usual, put my hair up in a nice and shiny, lovely bun! ;)

:grin: :grin: Ya know, that's funny. I don't even bother w/ an umbrella if I am alone & it's raining bc I'm usually sporting a W'nGo anyway:lol:
Serenity_Peace said:
Yesterday I was on my long walk home from work and got caught in a torrential thunderstorm. My hair was getting soaked, but as I walked by the lovely ladies of Howard University--all running for shelter at the nearest Metro bus stop--I got all kinds of "girl, you crazy" stares and glares. I didn't even care. I kept right on walking, hair dripping wet. Went to the nearest Metro train stop and took the train the rest of the way home. At home, I simply showered and rinsed my hair with Trader Joes Natural Spa conditioner, let my hair air dry to about 80%, added Aveda Univeral Styling Creme and sealed with Aveda Brilliant serum, finished air drying, tied my hair up, then went to bed. This morning I awoke, added more Aveda USC, sealed with Aveda Anti-Humectant pomade and more brilliant serum, and as usual, put my hair up in a nice and shiny, lovely bun! ;)

I was up at Howard University yesterday too. I was walking out of class with a male classmate (notice I said walking) when the rain seemed to be coming down the hardest. The guy was like :confused: :confused: "um, you want to use my umbrella to get to your car?" I politely declined and we STROLLED to our respective cars talking about career goals. It was beautiful because I know "WATER WORKS." I did see a lot of sisters hustling to get to their dorms though and that was :lol: :lol: :grin: :grin: :lachen::lachen: :lachen: .
Serenity_Peace said:
Yesterday I was on my long walk home from work and got caught in a torrential thunderstorm. My hair was getting soaked, but as I walked by the lovely ladies of Howard University--all running for shelter at the nearest Metro bus stop--I got all kinds of "girl, you crazy" stares and glares. I didn't even care. I kept right on walking, hair dripping wet. Went to the nearest Metro train stop and took the train the rest of the way home. At home, I simply showered and rinsed my hair with Trader Joes Natural Spa conditioner, let my hair air dry to about 80%, added Aveda Univeral Styling Creme and sealed with Aveda Brilliant serum, finished air drying, tied my hair up, then went to bed. This morning I awoke, added more Aveda USC, sealed with Aveda Anti-Humectant pomade and more brilliant serum, and as usual, put my hair up in a nice and shiny, lovely bun! ;)

You go GIRL!;)
Leslie_C said:
Count me in! I sometimes go every 2 or 3 days when Im lazy, but my hair behaves best when I do it daily...especially when my new growth is out of control like it is now. It keeps it from getting dry like the desert and it stays soft.

Can we have one or two passes though for progress checks? Or maybe I can wait that long and be pleasantly suprised by the length when its straightened by the end of the summer.;)

Hi Leslie C,

If you need a few passes - TAKE THEM! We are all here to try our best and support each other. :)
imstush said:
I am in...but I can't start right now. I'm sick and leaving the house with a wet head is not the smartest thing right now. Maybe in a couple of days.:(

Hey Imstush,

I hope you feel better soon! We'll wait for you!

That’s right… ...the challenge is a daily rinsing, daily con wash or daily shampoo for the entire summer 2007- you pick.

I love It!

Im already doing daily con washes and I already planned to do it probably until the middle/end of Fall when it starts to get cooler out.I alternate with Suave, VO5, Tresemme... I absolutely love daily CWs and my protective styles are wigs, half-wigs, and clip on/drawstring ponys. So this challenge suits me just fine. Count me in Water Works 2007.
I'm am SOOO in here! My head does "Auto-tilt" too. I call it my daily 20 minute tropical vacation.......**imagines Hawaiian waterfalls** :)
Nice & Wavy said:
I'm in...started yesterday!

(at the bolded) I **heart** this too and I mix mine with a little Nacidit Avocado Rinse and massage it in.....ohhhhhh the slip and the smells are wonderful!!! :D

Ive been wanting to try that Avocado rinse too....how does it work alone?
I love my Herbal Essence Hello Hydration but I noticed it has cones and wonder if it will give me problems in the long run...have u had any problems with it?

How often does everyone plan to clarify?
Oh yeah, I can do this one. I love to rinse my hair daily in the summer anyway, so now I have an excuse to buy a new condish I've been wanting. I'm in!!
Napbella :D
I just wne and bought several conditioners, I have my Suave Coconut,White Rain Tropical Coconut,White Rain Lavender Vanilla & Tresseme Conditioners so I am ready for this!

Count me in...Im new to this site and this is my first challenge so bring it on...ill do my best to stay on track.
Well I'll join. I rinse my twists everyday in the shower anyway, so why not! I won't see any difference since I already do this daily, but what is everyone hoping to achieve?
I wash or co wash my hair daily. The only downside is that I wear my hair in the matronly bun. My hair does love the daily exposure to water.
I have a few guestions:

How are you styling your hair?

Mine is hidden with a wig, so I'm not concerned about preserving a do.

Are you wetting your hair in morning or at night?

I can't stand to go to bed with a wet head (or wet/damp pillow), so I only do this in the A.M. hours.

This challenge is helping me to use up all of my products, but I find that I actually apply less per day to my hair because it is not so dried out. ;)
Leslie_C said:
Ive been wanting to try that Avocado rinse too....how does it work alone?
I love my Herbal Essence Hello Hydration but I noticed it has cones and wonder if it will give me problems in the long run...have u had any problems with it?

How often does everyone plan to clarify?

It works just as well alone...awesome stuff.

I don't have any problems with the cones from HH, I do clarify once a month, so I use it all the time.
CurliDiva said:
I have a few guestions:

How are you styling your hair? I'm wearing mostly buns.

Mine is hidden with a wig, so I'm not concerned about preserving a do.

Are you wetting your hair in morning or at night? In the morning, I only moisturize at night and seal.

I can't stand to go to bed with a wet head (or wet/damp pillow), so I only do this in the A.M. hours.

This challenge is helping me to use up all of my products, but I find that I actually apply less per day to my hair because it is not so dried out. ;)
I agree with you, my hair stays more moist now, especially when I also moisterize at night with Giovanni leave in and use JBCO to seal...hair is so soft in the morning. Sometimes, I feel as though I don't need to wet it, but I do because I'm in this challenge...:D
CurliDiva said:
I have a few guestions:

How are you styling your hair? Mostly buns.

Mine is hidden with a wig, so I'm not concerned about preserving a do.

Are you wetting your hair in morning or at night? morning time

I can't stand to go to bed with a wet head (or wet/damp pillow), so I only do this in the A.M. hours.

This challenge is helping me to use up all of my products, but I find that I actually apply less per day to my hair because it is not so dried out. ;)

I moisterize at night so that in the morning, my hair is nice and soft too!

:p :p :p :p
I have started alternating my wetting vs CW. I just rinse my hair with WO (water only) two days in a row then I CW. The second week of doing this I substitute a full wash (prepoo-SH-CO) for one of the CW. It works well. I find that with the daily wetting I don't need to DC as often. Maybe now twice a month.
I am so in...Anything to get me to APL 08! I will kill two birds (challenges) with one stone
I'm in. I used to co-wash everyday, until I realized that was too much build-up for how often I clarify. Then I tried just spritzing every other day, and that didn't do my hair justice after a night of sleep. So I thought that I could just rinse with water and co-wash every 3 days or so. Then I saw this thread. :D So, I'm in. I know that was TMI!!! :lol:
Please count me in...please add my name to the list. I'm every other day..now every day begins..as of 25 June:grin: