Water Intake :How much you drink on a daily basis

Water and brewed teas I count as water also. I drink green tea every morning, 1 cup. And I drink about 5 18.0 fl oz of bottled water daily.
WHATTT :O 100 oz? That equtes to 5 pints?! My Lord.
I've been drinking a minimum of 2 pints a day which is 40 ozs
woowww, looks like i really need up my inktake :/
I drink 1.5-2 litres of water a day. Sometimes, I squeeze a lemon into my water. My tea cup is 20 ounces and I drink 1 cup of tea (no sugar or other additives) in the summer and 3 or 4 when it starts to get cold. I guess I consume about 2-3 litres of water a day in total.
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I drink about 108 oz a day. I have a container that is 72 ounces, I drink it then I fill it back up and drink half. It helps to drink about 8 ounces with every meal if you eat every 2-3 hours, or to just take big sips throughout the day.
I drink 34oz of pure water about 16oz of green tea that i brew and 8-12oz of coffee depends on the day but i get min 34oz of water daily.