Washing 2x a week


New Member
I basically feel the need to wash my hair 2x a week. I usually condition or deep condition at this time. I don't have to flat iron or anything, just 80% airdry then maybe blowdry it a little bit. Is this way too much?
I used to wash twice a week (up until recently) and I had good progress. I had no problems. It's only because I don't have a lot of time now that I don't wash my hair twice a week.
As for the blowdrying, I don't think my hair could handle it so often, but everyones hair is different and a little blow drying twice a week may actually be fine for you.
I prefer to blow dry maybe once every two months :ohwell:!
I dont think its too much. Depends on what yur hair needs.
Me personally im washing once a week, only beause ive just started so il see how that goes first =] My hair is 4b sooo thick and coarse so it does not really have issues with heat use it just dont abuse it lol xx
Washing twice a week if fine, but blowdrying twice a week is pushing it :ohwell:
Depends on the amount of heat you're using when you blowdry... And how long you blowdry. I think it's good you wait until your hair is 80% dry :yep:
I wash twice a week and it fine (in fact, it's when I DON'T wash twice that I have problems). The blow-drying depends on your hair. It IS good that you let it get 80% dry first, but if you have fine strands you want to be really careful. You may get away with it since you plan to DC after the second wash.
Yeah but is that twice a week with shampoo? Shampoo and blow drying is the only think that keeps me from washing 2xs a week. I use heavy cones(SMB) and I have to use shampoo to remove them, I also blow dry. I just experimented with blow drying on cool the whole time using the tension method and it actually straightened enough to where I'm satisfied. Still a lot of texture but more stretch than I would have if I air dried.

So I guess just shampooing twice a week would be my only problem now...
Op you have a process on your hair that a lot of women here don't have didn't you get a Japanese straightener? Well none the less because of this...I am clueless of recommendations on how to manage your hair or how often to wash sorry.
Thanks for all the replies. I asked my friend here who also has the Japanese straight perm. She washes her hair EVERYDAY!!!!! And lets it airdry, but she said its because she plays volleyball almost everyday and she feels dirty.

I don't really blowdry, just around the roots cause I'm scared of going out and catching a cold. I usually wear my hair in a big ball on the top (odango) kinda like a bun.