Wash less, retain more? MBL and beyond


New Member
When I think of my hair idols, I notice that they pretty much wash their hair like once a week, or more like, once every two weeks.

I'm thinking of Sylver, Lauren450, etc. Basically, relaxed heads with hair down to the wazoo....like MBL or more.

How often do mid-back length (basically beyond BSL) women wash their hair?
I'm BSL and I wash 1-2 times a week. I find the longer my hair gets the more I find it a bother to prepoo and wash.
I'm almost BSL and washing my hair causes to much malipulation from detangling. Once a week is best for me to reduce losing so much hair.
dlewis said:
I'm BSL and I wash 1-2 times a week. I find the longer my hair gets the more I find it a bother to prepoo and wash.

Me too dlewis. It seem like the longer it gets the less I want to wash it and preproo.
I noticed this too, I think the less manipulation the better. Before my braids I did a wash DC every two weeks at the salon. My hair grew noticeably w/out protective styles and I retained alot, but I was thinking of cutting that to every 3 weeks when I take the braids down. I just don't think I'd be able to stand it, I was always waiting for that wash day to come along by the second week. And sometimes I'd do my own wash after 1 week. :ohwell:
I'm tailbone length and I wash about twice a week (shampoo and deep condition). Sometimes three times a week if I'm feeling ambitious, or my hair somehow gets really dirty.

In the summer I co-wash almost every day. I do a lot of outdoor activities and my head stinks if I sweat too much.

The only time I comb my hair is right after rinsing out the deep conditioner. I do most of my detangling with my hands.
I try to wash it every week, but if I'm wearing it flat ironed, that sometimes doesn't happen because I don't have the time. I never go longer than 2 weeks.
I have never washed my hair more than once a week unless it's full of product from wearing it curly (unless it's really dirty or smelly).

I admire you ladies who wash everyday. I don't know how you have the time. The longer your hair is, the more it takes.
I am midback, I usually wash my hair every other day. Since I am doing HYH I only wash once a week. Once I start working out like before I will go back to co-washing daily (but only combing when I shampoo and DC once a week). HTH:)
I'm past brastrap and I wash once a week.....If I go more than 8 days I start getting breakage and excessive shedding.
I am just past bra-strap and shampoo and condition on sunday. And cowash about three times during the week bc i work out. It is getting a pain to wash it the longer it gets. But i cant walk around with a sweaty stinky head.:perplexed
GlamourGirl said:
Me too dlewis. It seem like the longer it gets the less I want to wash it and prepoo.

Cosign...I'm not MBL or BSL for that matter but my washing has slowed wayyyyyy down. Its not so bad when I am <6 weeks post relaxer but by week 10-11 its damn near impossible. I would hold out much longer if I didn't play tennis as much.
Honestly I think there are two factors to consider here:

First, does your hair retain moisture or is it porous? In other words, does your hair tend to dry out more? If so, I wouldn't wash more than once a week because shampoos have detergents that dry out the hair more.

Secondly, I do think that manipulation is related to hair growth. For me, my hair is far too fine and fragile for me to be washing more than once a week. For others, this may not be a problem. Even doing a condition wash requires a certain amount of manipulation and loss of hair. In addition, I am even contemplating not rolling my hair so much because doing so involved pulling and combing.

Of course, this is my opinion, but I do notice that a fair amount of growth, length and health is retained through the use of low manipulating styles and less frequent washes, depending on hair type, porosity level and degree of manipulation.;)
I'm MBL and I cowash every day. Shampoo about once a week. Daily cowashing has been wonderful for my hair. :)
Serenity_Peace said:
Honestly I think there are two factors to consider here:

First, does your hair retain moisture or is it porous? In other words, does your hair tend to dry out more? If so, I wouldn't wash more than once a week because shampoos have detergents that dry out the hair more.

Secondly, I do think that manipulation is related to hair growth. For me, my hair is far too fine and fragile for me to be washing more than once a week. For others, this may not be a problem. Even doing a condition wash requires a certain amount of manipulation and loss of hair. In addition, I am even contemplating not rolling my hair so much because doing so involved pulling and combing.

Of course, this is my opinion, but I do notice that a fair amount of growth, length and health is retained through the use of low manipulating styles and less frequent washes, depending on hair type, porosity level and degree of manipulation.;)

Great points! And my sentiments exactly! I like to go as long as I CAN without a wash. My hair thickened up soo nice washing every two weeks, and not combing much in between. When my hair is out, I never cake it with products. I take a sweet smelling light oil, rub it in my hands and run my hands through my hair in scalp once a week. I don't 'sweat', rather I'm not doing anything physical enough to sweat, so I can go 2 or 3 weeks and nobody would be able to put their nose to my hair and be able to tell. Yet another thing I love about the texture and ethnicity of my hair, no greasy dog look or smell if I don't wash it every day.:)
I guess this topic also shows that what works for some will not work for others......if I was to wash/cowash my fine hair everyday I would probably be bald :)
It's funny because when I was going to the gym (4 times a week) I would co wash daily and my hair grew so fast. I never combed in the shower, I would just let the shower detangle my hair...but I also sat in the steam room for 15 - 20 min. But there may have been things such as steam room, high protein diet, and overall working out that may have contributed to it.
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I tried to wash less and comb less. I thought based on you ladies comments that it would give me more length. Yet, my hair likes to be washed and combed.

According, to my mum my hair is at its best when I wash twice a week and condition wash the other days. She says it also grows faster this way.

I know she is right because since I went back to washing more often my hair has taken off again.

I guess everyone is different.
imstush said:
It's funny because when I was going to the gym (4 times a week) I would co wash daily and my hair grew so fast. I never combed in the shower, I would just let the shower detangle my hair...but I also sat in the steam room for 15 - 20 min. But there may have been things such as steam room, high protein diet, and overall working out that may have contributed to it.

I'mma have to try that steam room idea. I workout 5 days a week, so the salt from sweat is often drying. I've always heard that steam puts the moisture back into the hair. I could do the steam room mid-week, say on a Wednesday. After the steam room treatement, perhaps I could co-wash and not use shampoo, then protective styles from Wednesday on. I wash and rollerset on Sundays. That's not a bad idea! Hey, you've given me a great idea!! :kiss:
imstush said:
It's funny because when I was going to the gym (4 times a week) I would co wash daily and my hair grew so fast. I never combed in the shower, I would just let the shower detangle my hair...but I also sat in the steam room for 15 - 20 min. But there may have been things such as steam room, high protein diet, and overall working out that may have contributed to it.

I didn't say washing more frequently won't give you length and thickness, just saying I didn't have to in order to get length and thickness. It's definately whatever is best for you.
I started out using Cathy Howse's method in her book (except no heat) and I still wash 2x each week.
I'm just about MBL stretched and I wash 2x per week, but sometimes 1x per week. If If I go longer than that, my hair gets dry, dull, and trashy looking. When I relaxed, I went two weeks without any problems though.
SvelteVelvet said:
I didn't say washing more frequently won't give you length and thickness, just saying I didn't have to in order to get length and thickness. It's definately whatever is best for you.

:confused: :confused: :confused: Um I didn't say you said anything...i just quoted your comment and bolded it because I agreed and thought it was funny/crazy how everyone can try the same thing and come out with multiple outcomes.:perplexed
Not MBL (yet;) ) but I am BSL and I started out washing and DCing twice a week.


I wash and DC once a week. It's too much. Like Seni says especially past 8 weeks post relaxer.
foxy kc said:
I'm past brastrap and I wash once a week.....If I go more than 8 days I start getting breakage and excessive shedding.

I wash once a week and my hair does the same thing if I go more than a week.
dlewis said:
I'm BSL and I wash 1-2 times a week. I find the longer my hair gets the more I find it a bother to prepoo and wash.

Exactly. I'm about 2-3" past BSL, and washing it is time-consuming because I prefer to airdry, and I like for it to be at least 60% dry before tie it up for bed.

However, I wash every 5-8 days...if I try to go past day 9 or so, my hair gets dry and uncooperative. It's happiest when it's cleansed and conditioned every week. I tried the poo every 2 week thing, but my hair didn't do as well...shedding and breakage were a problem. I also tried every 3 days, but I just don't have that kind of time. Once a week is perfect for me.
senimoni said:
OK all these BSL+ ladies ...since we have you here...I'm not seeing fotki links :-) Hint ..Hint.

Mine is down there...it sorely needs to be updated for length, but I'm too lazy to straighten my hair. :lol: Maybe I'll do that tomorrow night and update my fotki.
I'm at about waistlength and I conditioner wash 2-3 times a week depending on how hot it is and how much I'm working out. My scalp starts feeling itchy and dry close to a week, after about 4-5 days my hair looks dry, dull and crazy. My hair definitely loves water, but i only manipulate in the shower and shampoo once a month or so, so my hair doesn't seem to break off or dry out.
The only exception is when I straighten my hair, it takes so long I feel like I have to wear it at least a week to get my effort's worth :lol: but my scalp starts feeling icky after a week, week and a half even if I'm not working out.

What works best really depends on the individual.