Wash and rollerset 2x a week


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here rollerset thier hair 2x a week ?
I'm thinking, since the Pibbs dries hair quickly, do you find that you rollerset your hair more ?
Does anyone here rollerset thier hair 2x a week ?
I'm thinking, since the Pibbs dries hair quickly, do you find that you rollerset your hair more ?

I wash every 4 days because I have an oily scalp, so I guess you can say I rollerset 2x a week. I own the pibbs, so within about 45 minutes I'm dry.
I wash every 4 days because I have an oily scalp, so I guess you can say I rollerset 2x a week. I own the pibbs, so within about 45 minutes I'm dry.

Yes i wash every 4 or 5 days..but i airdry (well on the cool button) it takes 1hour and 30 though:look:.
I dont have a pibbs but I was thinking about washing twice a week and rollersetting instead of once a week, but I thought that it may be too much manipulation. I may give it a try and see what happens.
Yes, I do too with my Pibbs on warm setting. My hair does well with this. I make sure I use leave-in and a lil oil in my spray bottle.
Does anyone here rollerset thier hair 2x a week ?
I'm thinking, since the Pibbs dries hair quickly, do you find that you rollerset your hair more ?

I wash my hair and rollerset twice per week:yep:. I am much more inclined to do it since having my Pibbs. I actually look forward to washing and rollersetting now whereas before (using the table top dryer) I would not want to at all and hold off on doing it as long as I could.
how do you deal with the breakage? i see so many hairs from detangling, parting in the small sections -- detangling those, and then from pulling those darn metal clips out.
Does anyone here rollerset thier hair 2x a week ?
I'm thinking, since the Pibbs dries hair quickly, do you find that you rollerset your hair more ?
Yes, I have washed and rollerset my hair 2x each week all along. :yep: I almost always airdry overnight.
how do you deal with the breakage? i see so many hairs from detangling, parting in the small sections -- detangling those, and then from pulling those darn metal clips out.

I personally don't get any breakage when rollersetting. My hair detangles easily and I make sure it's detangled before I start to set it with the rollers.
My hair loves rollersetting and it's very healthy because of it.
how do you deal with the breakage? i see so many hairs from detangling, parting in the small sections -- detangling those, and then from pulling those darn metal clips out.

Its all in technique. For one, I use three different combs with doing my roller set lol. I use a leave in for slip. I go through my hair in sections with a very wide tooth comb. Then I use a finer comb with rat tail to section piece by piece and comb. If I want a very smooth finish, I use a measuring comb in which the teeth are very close together. I usually have virtually no strands in the comb. I clip the rollers together rather than clipping on the hair
I'm doing something wrong :ohwell:

Hmmm....why don't you post your roller-setting routine here so that maybe we can see what you may be doing wrong? It could be the products you are using that are not giving you enough slip prior to rollersetting. Are you using a good leave in?
how do you deal with the breakage? i see so many hairs from detangling, parting in the small sections -- detangling those, and then from pulling those darn metal clips out.

Yeah, it's a lot of manipulation for me to roller set. That's why I do it once a week at the most. Mostly I do it every 11 to 14 days.

I think length makes a difference because the longer the hair is the more chance of breakage.
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I wash and set twice a week too. Usually Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturday. I've been doing this for years, and I've gone from SL to almost BSL this year doing this technique. I might go down to once a week during the winter months though.

Oh, and I also have a Babyliss which I love.
I wash and set twice a week too. Usually Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturday. I've been doing this for years, and I've gone from SL to almost BSL this year doing this technique. I might go down to once a week during the winter months though.

Oh, and I also have a Babyliss which I love.

That's good to hear because I'm past shoulder length now..dancing with APL...lol and my goal is BSL. I started at above the ear about a year ago. I know rollersets are truly helping me maintain my length. No heat for me. I only use the heat from the Pibbs to dry but I may start airdrying my rollersets too.
I wash my hair and rollerset twice per week:yep:. I am much more inclined to do it since having my Pibbs. I actually look forward to washing and rollersetting now whereas before (using the table top dryer) I would not want to at all and hold off on doing it as long as I could.

:yep:word for word
Hmmm....why don't you post your roller-setting routine here so that maybe we can see what you may be doing wrong? It could be the products you are using that are not giving you enough slip prior to rollersetting. Are you using a good leave in?

I don't know what it is! For the utmost slip, I did the following the last time:

clarify with vo5
dc with silicon mix
rinse out with nacidit olive oil detangling rinse
detangle under shower with Jilbere.
a little bit of sunslik hydra leave in creme
PLENTY of water

Throw on platic cap (before I get out of shower).

Now. Remove cap. Let hair hang over shoulders on top of towel (without towel drying).

Section off into mohawk. Roll mohawk. Roll sides. Before placing each roller, I detangle with Jilbere shower comb and then use fine tooth comb to get hair really smooth before rolling. Yet I still get breakage. :wallbash: hairs all over the sink....and floor I'm sure.
how do you deal with the breakage? i see so many hairs from detangling, parting in the small sections -- detangling those, and then from pulling those darn metal clips out.

I noticed some new non metal clips at the supermarket of all places. I meant to grab some but my roller setting needs a lot of work. I'm working with the clip ons right now.
I might do this when take these braids out. Do any of you ladies workout regularly? How do you maintain your rollersets?
Yes. But not recently cause I was on a long stretch. But when I relax, I will go back to it. My hair loves the TLC.

I wanna purchase the Pibbs too. I wonder which Pibbs model has the largest hood...cause I am sick to death of fighting to fit under my current table-top Gold 'n Hot dryer.
Hmm....i have the Gold 'n' hot dryer & i'm dry in 45 mins, same time as Pibbs. Maybe it's the Paul Mitchell Skinnt Serum. It does say it reduces drying time. :rolleyes:
Yes. But not recently cause I was on a long stretch. But when I relax, I will go back to it. My hair loves the TLC.

I wanna purchase the Pibbs too. I wonder which Pibbs model has the largest hood...cause I am sick to death of fighting to fit under my current table-top Gold 'n Hot dryer.

I think my table top is a gold n hot. I CANNOT STAND THAT DRYER!! IT WAS MADE FOR THE HEAD OF A 5-Y-O!

When you find out which Pibbs is big, please post it!
I only do it twice a week if I have a special event to go to. Otherwise, it's once a week. I have the Pibbs 514 and the hood to HUGE!
I don't know what it is! For the utmost slip, I did the following the last time:

clarify with vo5
dc with silicon mix
rinse out with nacidit olive oil detangling rinse
detangle under shower with Jilbere.
a little bit of sunslik hydra leave in creme
PLENTY of water

Throw on platic cap (before I get out of shower).

Now. Remove cap. Let hair hang over shoulders on top of towel (without towel drying).

Section off into mohawk. Roll mohawk. Roll sides. Before placing each roller, I detangle with Jilbere shower comb and then use fine tooth comb to get hair really smooth before rolling. Yet I still get breakage. :wallbash: hairs all over the sink....and floor I'm sure.

Well, all I can do is tell you what I do

-- (sometimes pre-poo overnight w/Aubrey Organics Island Naturals) or use Aveda Sap Moss Concentrate)
--I wash with Cream of Nature mainly as of late---nothing is better and I've used all the expensive ones out there. Cream of Nature is really moisturizing and makes my hair very easy to detangle even before DC'ing.

---I DC with Terax Crema, Alter Ego (Coconut Mask), or Capilo Sole and Cinnamon. They are work great on my hair, are super moisturizing and all provide great slip. I DC under dryer for 45 min-1hour.

--Wash out DC with cool water. Put in my leave in (Jane Carter Solution Conditioning Detangler or Abba Nourishing and sometimes Kiehls, or Terax Botanicals). I put in the smallest amount (a real quarter size) on my ends mainly but I also run it though my entire length.

I then seal with a little (2-3 pumps) of serum and a little jojoba or castor oil.

Then I comb it through and my hair is usually untangled by now--it doesn't really tangle terribly to begin with though.
I also use a large tooth comb to detangle the sections if needed but I primarily use a small toothed comb to slick the ends onto the roller.

I also keep a water bottle near me to keep spraying the sections as I roll. I keep my hair soaking wet while rolling.

I'm not familiar with any of the products your mentioned in your routine so I don't know if they are the culprit or not. Maybe someone else can chime in to assist you.
Yes, I do too with my Pibbs on warm setting. My hair does well with this. I make sure I use leave-in and a lil oil in my spray bottle.

how long does it take you to dry on that setting? Just curious because I am getting pibbs as a bday present and I want to know how long its gonna take me.

I wash and rollerset 2 times per week (tuesday and friday). My hair likes being washed every 3-4 days. I am looking forward to quicker drying with the pibbs... can't wait to have it...I have this broken a$$ hooded dryer that I have to hold up with my hand right now...:wallbash: