Wash And Go, To Grow And To Dazzle 2020 Challenge

I was ready to tell off ORS about their choices for their new line CurlShow. How dare they suggest a styling foam, a soft hold leave-in gel and an even softer hold milk for wash n gos, but the gel like product and the hard hold product are for other styles? I used the foam this morning.

This is the first foam with polyquat 55 (with the exception of Design Essential Avacado Mousse with no hold) as the holding ingredient that has real slip. It doesn't exactly give the same type of look as Miche Set, but I can't deny it that it still looks presentable. The true test is if it air dries nicely and washes out easily from my hair. I didn't use a 3 row brush/comb or shower brush. I only used my fingers to rake this through.

This morning I was short on time, but my hair was awful. I was caught in the rain while herding sheep. I left my soaking wet hair in a turbie twist and had hair crushed to my head. I tried sticking my matted hair in a puff yesterday, but it was disgraceful. So I used the Curl Peace shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo detangled with excellent slip and actually cleans my scalp. I also finally realized why I have disliked the conditioner. It has great slip, but it has no weight. Once I rinse it out, my hair shrinks all the way back up unlike AG Boost. The more I use the Curl Peace line, the more I really like this brand. Its so user friendly.

This is my hair after 3 hours of air drying. Overall my hair about 70 percent dry. The front section in front of my ears is completely dry.
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So, you like the Curl peace line overall or you like everything but the conditioner? Who makes the Curl peace line @DVAntDany
I’ve tried 7 products out of the 10 from the Just For Me Curl Peace Collection on numerous occasions. Each one works well. I’ve used these products on my mom, my niece and my own head.

1. Tender Headed Detangling Treatment
2. Ultimate Detangling Shampoo
3. Ultimate Detangling Conditioner
4. 5-n-1 Wonder Spray
5. Nourishing and Defining Slime Styler
6. Smoothing Ponytail and Edge Control
7. Soft Curls Foaming Mousse

I don’t hate the conditioner. The more I use it, the less I dislike the consistency. It kind of feels like it melts into an oiliness. At the end of the day, it does it’s job which is to detangle and close cuticles. Since being on this wng journey, I feel like I’m more picky about shampoo and conditioner than I am styler. That surprises me. This is one of the few conditioners that I’ve used several times and have actually repurchased.

There are so many conditioners that I actually hate and will not ever repurchase let alone ever reuse. I give the ones that don’t meet my standards but should still work well for her to my mom because she isn’t super picky. She does make note of what she likes and dislikes. She didn’t think the Curl Peace was anywhere near bad, but it wasn’t spectacular for her.

I then gave her my bottle of Miche Beauty Prime Conditioner. She really likes that one in comparison to the JFM Curl Peace Detangling Conditioner. The Miche Prime Conditioner provides very little slip on my hair, and I’ve tried it several times. My mom says she only needs a little and it instantly softens her hair.

I will not deal with a conditioner that has no slip. I’m starting to feel like there is no reason to deal with styling products that don’t have slip either. Majority of the JFM Curl Peace Line has slip. The slime isn’t very slippery if I use only a little. The spray leave-in and foaming mousse both provide more slip for the slime so won’t have to use the whole tub in one session.
It had perfect application, perfect shine and perfect definition on day 1. i thought it was a winner and was gonna stock up on it. After I slept on it, my hair looked disgustingly sticky and covered in flakes. It wasn't sticky, but it looked that way. I received several unsolicited remarks each and every time I used this product by day 2.

Have you every tried to air dry with UFD curly magic? If that looks horrible on you, then multiply it by 10. That is the results of me using the Curls slime. Its a 50/50 chance that it will come out looking great on your hair. The results on line are split.
It had perfect application, perfect shine and perfect definition on day 1. i thought it was a winner and was gonna stock up on it. After I slept on it, my hair looked disgustingly sticky and covered in flakes. It wasn't sticky, but it looked that way. I received several unsolicited remarks each and every time I used this product by day 2.

Have you every tried to air dry with UFD curly magic? If that looks horrible on you, then multiply it by 10. That is the results of me using the Curls slime. Its a 50/50 chance that it will come out looking great on your hair. The results on line are split.
Now I must try it Lolol @DVAntDany
Here is a not so quick synopsis of ORS CurlShow mousse day 2. It took about 15 mins to style my hair on day 1. It then took 6 hours for my hair to completely air dry. This is as close as I've gotten to a literal wash and go in a long time. That is pretty impressive to me.

I used an XXL scrunchie to pineapple my hair last night. I think the cast is too soft to use with a scrunchie. It really stretched out the curl in the front. Even with all this happening, my hair looks decisively better than day 2 of using Mousse Def.

It was not sticky when applying it. My hair didn't dry stuck to my ears like a lot of product do me. It feels spongy and soft like using Be Kekoa Be Free Rose Water Mousse. It air dried with a soft sheen. All that is left is to see if it washes out without a hassle.


Sidenote: I was reading the reviews of people using Cake Beauty mousse. Some were saying that mousse gave them great results, but was really hard to remove. I feel vindicated by others having similar experiences to me when it comes to mousse and foams. I don't hear people complaining about that aspect often enough. I’m almost tempted to make angry PSAs about mousse and styling foams similar to this one. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cq6x0EJLoms/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
Day 3. I slept without doing anything to my hair. The mousse could not withstand tossing and turning without a night time hair covering. It felt super soft like a cloud of fiber fill.

I eventually walked through a sprinkling of rain. It puffed up, but did not turn into a full blow Afro. Showed additional wind pic to show no definition underneath.

I refreshed the style by applying the mousse on dry hair. It glided through my hair effortlessly. I can’t do that with Mousse Def or the Mielle Pom & Honey Mousse. It usually takes too long because I have to be carful not to break my hair trying to apply it. That is why I rarely refresh with mousse. I don’t think I’ll have any problems washing the ORS CurlShow mousse out.

Top is wet with product. Bottom dry with product.
Ok, this should be the last update for this mousse besides how it washes out. I once again slept on it without a head-covering at night. The whole double casting or total refresh with a mousse seems to work well for this product. I'm surprised that its not totally misshapen or super frizzy.
@Bette Davis Eyes I just thought about what might have gone wrong with the Curls Sea Moss Slime. I may not have done something right. The instructions say to air dry. Curls has updated their website. Most items on their site use to say use low heat or air dry. Now most things say to just air dry. If I can finish off some more of my stash, I might just pick up the smallest container of the slime to air dry with. It now comes in a 2oz bottle.

I'm also thinking about revisiting Cantu Wave Whip Curling Mousse. The results looked as gross as the Curls Sea Moss Slime. It literally was sticky. The directions say to use on wet hair. I always towel dried my hair when using it. This could have been the issue. My main reason for giving it another go is because it is easily accessible. I can pick it up locally.
I was curious about the Just For Me slime so I bought it on a whim. It felt very nice going on but i noticed once i was going to do the from after finishing the back it was all frizzy. I was really disappointed. Then i decided to put a gel on top to give it more hold. I did a test section and they mixed ok. So after doing the back again I started working on the front. I noticed that the two gels clumped together to make these thick chunks. I was really frustrated! Then I tried to rinse it out and IT WOULD NOT COME OUT. I used several different shampoos and it still in my hair. I could not get it out. the best I could do was brush as much of the chunks out. The the chunks clogged my shower too! I lost so much hair in this tussle I think I am going to swear off wash and goes for a while. Back to the bun I go.

Also my natural hair does not like curl creams and mousses. They are a waste of time for me.
Ok, here is the wash night update. It requires a strong shampoo to wash out ORS CurlShow Mousse, but the tangles were nowhere nears as bad as Mousse Def or Set.

I needed to quickly dry my hair for bed. So I used Aussie Sprunch Mousse +Leave-In on one side and JFM Curl Peace mousse on the other side. I can restyle come morning. I’ll finally have time.

I don’t understand how heat reduces curl definition and dulls my hair when using mousse. I’m still not mad at these two mousses. I used a lower heat setting and maybe that helped. I could walk out the door and still look decent. I’m going to have to revisit all of the softer hold mousses that results were trash. I sat under the hooded dryer for most of them.

Aussie Sprunch

Curl Peace Foam
I’ve used both versions of UFD- the old formula and the current formula and not really noticed a difference in performance. But today while I was doing my hair I ran out of one bottle of the old formula and switched to the new formula for the second half of my head. The new formula definitely feels more lotion like than the original.

@Bette Davis Eyes I opened a new pouch of Jello shot today. From the way the pouch felt I was worried it was going to be watery, but it was the same thick texture I’m used to. But it was much more clear than I’m used to. All the jello shot I’ve used before has been a bit cloudy.
I’ve used both versions of UFD- the old formula and the current formula and not really noticed a difference in performance. But today while I was doing my hair I ran out of one bottle of the old formula and switched to the new formula for the second half of my head. The new formula definitely feels more lotion like than the original.

@Bette Davis Eyes I opened a new pouch of Jello shot today. From the way the pouch felt I was worried it was going to be watery, but it was the same thick texture I’m used to. But it was much more clear than I’m used to. All the jello shot I’ve used before has been a bit cloudy.
Mine were cloudy. This pouch is clear and thin. @GettingKinky
I’m seeing my stylist who colors my grays tomorrow. I’m going to let her blow dry my hair and probably trim it too. It’s been four months since my last curly cut. My hair has grown quite a bit and I just want to trim the minimum. Curly cuts take way more than the minimum I can’t see every getting to SL curly if I stick with curly cuts.

Plus I will pay less than $150 for color/blow dry/trim and tip. I can’t see my curly stylist for less than $300
I’m seeing my stylist who colors my grays tomorrow. I’m going to let her blow dry my hair and probably trim it too. It’s been four months since my last curly cut. My hair has grown quite a bit and I just want to trim the minimum. Curly cuts take way more than the minimum I can’t see every getting to SL curly if I stick with curly cuts.

Plus I will pay less than $150 for color/blow dry/trim and tip. I can’t see my curly stylist for less than $300
I hope everything goes well
I did it! I let my stylist blow dry my hair and trim it. She didn’t get it super straight with the blow dry- which I’m fine with. I told her to keep my current shape and trim off the tangly ends.

She washed my hair, dyed my roots, blew out my hair and trimmed it all for $150 + tip. My curly cut stylist charges $350 for a cut and wash + style.

Depending on how my hair looks curly after I wash it, I may never get a curly cut again unless the prices become more reasonable. And even then I think curly cuts will always end up trimming more hair than a blown out cut. CA18D652-C5CD-4B1D-9A82-320B0E3B5475.jpeg
I did it! I let my stylist blow dry my hair and trim it. She didn’t get it super straight with the blow dry- which I’m fine with. I told her to keep my current shape and trim off the tangly ends.

She washed my hair, dyed my roots, blew out my hair and trimmed it all for $150 + tip. My curly cut stylist charges $350 for a cut and wash + style.

Depending on how my hair looks curly after I wash it, I may never get a curly cut again unless the prices become more reasonable. And even then I think curly cuts will always end up trimming more hair than a blown out cut. View attachment 488993
Your hair looks so thick!
After 2 days with blown out hair and NO clue what to do with it, I hopped in the shower this morning to get my curls back.

1 - I am so happy that the blow dry didn’t damage my curls
2 - my ends feel much better after my trim. 18 weeks was too long, I think I’ll go for 14-16 weeks next time
3 - my shape still looks fine, so for now I see no need to pay for an expensive curly cut. Maybe I will do it if I decide I want to change my shape
4 - I’m so grateful that I’ve learned to do a wash n go. It’s relatively quick and easy and I don’t have to fight with my hair to make it do something it doesn’t want to do.