Well-Known Member
A few years ago, I used this combo regularly with no other products but the Knot Today used to build up and leave a grey cast on my hair. (I should note, I have issues with most leave-ins coaying my hair in a bad way.) My hair would also feel very sticky and take an eternity to dry when I used KCCC at full strength, even though my hair was soaking wet at application. I stopped using the leave-in and started diluting the gel. It definitely reduced the drying time but still took it's sweet time, and I used to airdry 100%. Using it diluted, KCCC is still the best performing gel I've used on my hair.Tried KCCC with Knot Today leave in AGAIN and 10 hours of airdrying later I have frizzy shrunk damp hair with white flex and a gob or two sitting on my strands.
I'm going to try KCCC with other leave ins and KT with other gels to see if there's any salvaging but right about now it ain't looking good.
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