Going to start keeping track of what I am doing here to see if I can get a consistent wng since I am doing my hair more often and it is starting to grow. I was doing this last year but I didn't complete it. Think I'm going to start blogging again as well. Helps me stay focused and patient.
I rinsed as usual.
Then I shampooed with TGIN. I hadn't done an almost clarify in a while. I won't clarify until I get ready to color my hair in March.
I shampooed again with diluted Elucence Moisturizing shampoo.
I started diluting my conditioner again. I think this is going to be key for me. I need to figure out the ratios of conditioner to water.
I applied the diluted conditioner and squeezed it into my hair.
I let it sit while I showered.
I then took a handful of water and squeezed it into sections to squeeze more water and conditioner into my hair.
I rinsed out the conditioner.
I then put the shower handle nozzle on the setting that is similar to the salons. This step seems key. With this step, my hair laid down and accepted more water. I must need more pressure to get water into my hair. I could see more definition with this step.
I put my hair in the style I wanted it to dry in
I applied UFD to the top of my hair in the style I wanted to dry in to get all of my hair covered while it still had some water in it.
Then I went back through and added gel in smaller sections.
I took a handful of water and squeezed it into section
I alternated between smoothing and raking
I don't think I had to use as much UFD this time.
I'm still using the Aunt Jackie's just because I have it. I won't repurchase.
I applied a small amount to each section and squeezed it in and then smoothed and raked.
I added water and then squeezed it in. I'm not sure if I need this step or not. I will see how my hair turns out.
I'm only going to journal my full CCS and compare those. The only change will be I will use Elucence Moisturizing Shampoo twice instead of the TGIN. I will be checking to see if my hair looks the same the cleanse and condition step. I will nail those first before I concern myself with the styling step.
I like the initial way my hair turned out. I hate that it looks cute to me in the mirror but horrific in my pictures
I think having my front and sides grow out will help me feel better about it.
Not sure why I'm frowning