Warning: Strong Meat here!!!!!!

Yup, I think I did.

I'm going to do some research on it because what you stated is definitely new to me. If you have any links or anything I'd really appreciate it.
:lol: msa, No you won't. :lol:

You've made your stance quite clear.

No matter what links, one may present, your stand is stanchly supportive of homosexuality, meaning the lifestyle and it's agenda to present itsself as normal and on the same level as heterosexuals; trying to change the pure meaning, definition, God's intent for Marriage which is solely that of between a man and a woman.

That's your choice. That's your free will. Run with it. :yep:

But it's not Christian. It's a lie; a mass of sexual confusion which has imposed itsself upon humanity and society.

No links, no statistics, no marches, no supreme court judges overuling the will of the people; no changes in the constitution; not even if our President, whom I love dearly decides to 'wimp out', can change the fact that there is a massive overgrowth of sexual confusion in the gay lifestyle. It is what it is....and it's not normal.

Let me be clear. I am NOT bashing the humanity of a homosexual. They are living, loving, human beings precious in the heart of God. They do not deserve to be mistreated as human beings. But there is a line that must be drawn with the bounds they are trying to cross and take over. Heterosexuals ... non gays have rights to protect as well.
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This is where my heart is regarding this.......

I too feel sorry for anyone who is outside of the will of GOD, because GOD said in HIS word that it isn't HIS will that ANY man should perrish!!! With that being said, we know that there are many ppl, living in WILLFUL sin and lovin it, don't wanna change, and unfortunately will never change because their hearts have been hardened to GOD.

But like Shimmie said in an earlier reply...When PROMINENT men and women of GOD, go before the NATION via television and hold conference after conference, influencing stoopid amounts of ppl, all across this continent (meaning, not just America), it weakens the church. We as believers should be SOUNDING the Alarm, praying and fasting, that the scales will be removed from their eyes (the preachers who are out of whack) and who need to be removed or something, I just know GOD need to get them out of the lime light, because they are making a mockery of our faith.

Listen, I work in Law Enforcement and the non believers are very Vocal (I am too, but many a time, I'm out numbered). And every time some information comes out about a fallen pastor or a prominent couple in ministry divorcing, ppl, point, laugh and say that we're fake or false in our faith. I know the same happens in other faiths as well, ie...a Catholic Priest here in S. Florida was seen loving up on some woman at the beach, and boy are the ppl up in an uproar. True situations like that show that "man is weak", but do you not think that some person's faith has now been shattered by that one Prominent Priest lack of self control.

The same goes for us as believers....We are and Should be held to a higher standard. What more for someone who is on World Wide television, urging ppl (some very poor) to send a seed offering so that they can continue to "spread the GOOD NEWS", but in the dark they are living double lives, flirting and engaging in same sex sexual relations, come'on PEOPLE OF GOD.

They need to be called out, especially when their deeds are being done in the open and possibly effecting MILLIONS of people.
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This is where my heart is regarding this.......

I too feel sorry for anyone who is outside of the will of GOD, because GOD said in HIS word that it isn't HIS will that ANY man should perrish!!! With that being said, we know that there are many ppl, living in WILLFUL sin and lovin it, don't wanna change, and unfortunately will never change because their hearts have been hardened to GOD.

But like Shimmie said in an earlier reply...When PROMINENT men and women of GOD, go before the NATION via television and hold conference after conference, influencing stoopid amounts of ppl, all across this continent (meaning, not just America), it weakens the church. We as believers should be SOUNDING the Alarm, praying and fasting, that the scales will be removed from their eyes (the preachers who are out of whack) and who need to be removed or something, I just know GOD need to get them out of the lime light, because they are making a mockery of our faith.

Listen, I work in Law Enforcement and the non believers are very Vocal (I am too, but many a time, I'm out numbered). And every time some information comes out about a fallen pastor or a prominent couple in ministry divorcing, ppl, point, laugh and say that we're fake or false in our faith. I know the same happens in other faiths as well, ie...a Catholic Priest here in S. Florida was seen loving up on some woman at the beach, and boy are the ppl up in an uproar. True situations like that show that "man is weak", but do you not think that some person's faith has now been shattered by that one Prominent Priest lack of self control.

The same goes for us as believers....We are and Should be held to a higher standard. What more for someone who is on World Wide television, urging ppl (some very poor) to send a seed offering so that they can continue to "spread the GOOD NEWS", but in the dark they are living double lives, flirting and engaging in same sex sexual relations, come'on PEOPLE OF GOD.

They need to be called out, especially when their deeds are being done in the open and possibly effecting MILLIONS of people.

Why is it that 'we', who hold fast to the things of God have to be quiet, timid, pushed into the background, and not even breathe a word that something is wrong when it is indeed wrong?

Ummm, is there a 'link' for that?

The word of God is the only remedy for what ails this sick and dying world. It's because of the absence of God and the rebellion against Him, that this entire world's economy has failed. Men (male and female -- mankind) doing what 'they' want to do, their way. I don't care what they titles are, it's still by their fruits that determine where their hearts are and the consequences thereof.

It's sad that we have Christians and Ministers who have compromised the Truth, punked out... wimped out in the public media.

Right now, gays are literrally being displayed upon pedestals. There's a game plan to present them as the innocent preyed upon victims being denied human rights.

Please! What gives them the right to overturn heterosexual rights?

It's total selfishness and stepping out of bounds to try and change Marriage.

It's wrong for them to invade our schools and to try and influence our children with programs such as Cooties to take away the rights of parents to teach their children right from wrong.

I disagree with both gay marriage - and - gay civil unions. And it's wrong to accuse Christians of being the dogmatic ones when in truth, it's the gay agenda with all of the bark and drool.

As Christians we have to stand strong. We have to step up. This gay business is pushing its self way too far and by the Grace of God, I don't intend to let it happen. There are bounds that should be respected.
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okay I have another question again no malintent. So how do you explain this in Africa where homosexuality can get you killed in some places. But yet South Africa has one of the highest rates of AIDS in the world. 99% hetro sex.

Do you think it was blood or do you think it started with sexual contact. What about people who had blood transfusions like Arthur Ashe and passed it on.
Honest Question:

Are you using this to justify homosexuality? If so, how does it?

Just an honest question. No malintent. I actually respect where you are coming from. :yep:
Ok I'm sorry but what?

When did the "homosexual lifestyle" automatically equal having 10-20 partners a week and ingesting/handling fecal matter?


He lost me right there. I only listen to folks who have some sense and aren't blatantly spreading propaganda.

Girl, get out of MY HEAD!!

As soon as i saw this I discounted this entire thread and only kept reading to see if someone was gonna post what i was thinking.

I am so tired of seeing this kind of mess up in here.

Why do folks still assume that gays are promiscuous?
Girl, get out of MY HEAD!!

As soon as i saw this I discounted this entire thread and only kept reading to see if someone was gonna post what i was thinking.

I am so tired of seeing this kind of mess up in here.

Why do folks still assume that gays are promiscuous?

Even if it was just one partner...mating for life, if you will, it'd still be wrong.

And you know, I usually stay out of the 'gay discussions' because of how ugly they can become sometimes.

But we know it's a sin. We know that lifestyle does not line up with the word of God. Just like any other sin.

And if there was a strong push from the world to allow murderers freedom to kill just because it violated their rights, I would expect there to be a huge uproar from those of the Christian faith as well.

But we are now being bombarded with the gay agenda at every turn, from the media, from the state, from government. They are making it so that everyone has to accept the fact that having intercourse with someone of the same sex is okay. And that we should turn a blind eye and not say anything.

Acceptance, Rights to Marry, Protection, etc... And if that did not indeed seep over, ooze out, to then latch on to something that is of the LORD, then I wouldn't give it a second thought. I'd pray about those worldly people and keep it movin'.

My question has always been and will always be though, why do you want to get married before God? Why do you want to be accepted in church by Christianity when you don't accept its creed, word and biblical rules if you know for a fact you do not want to stop the sin.

I would ask those questions of any group and any sin.

But the fact remains, this is being pushed by someone or something, which purpose I still don't understand. And since it's being pushed so hard, Christians are going to and should always speak out against it.
I have been by many a bedside of those who before they have taken their last breath, made the decision to give their hearts to Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of their lives. That's what our goal is as Ministers of Reconcilliation....reconciling those who are lost, back to God.

By any means necessary!

I do not mean any harm none whatsoever, but you (not you) know people know about God right? most everyone now knows about God and how Jesus died for their sins. They might not know a lot but they mostly know the basics right? most people--- don't you find that its odd that they wait until their last breath to acknowledge that Jesus is lord of their life and then they pass from this life. I believe that God does allow certian people to enter. I believe if your broken in heart and spirit, I dont' think you can just say these words and then your entering into the kingdom. I just find that to be so not okay. So I can go around committing all kinds of mayheim and with my dying breath say Jesus is lord and make it over you know they say that out in the streets. I'll do it when I am just about to die. so there is no real committment. This is is just something to think about. Now I have not study this out but I read the passage where Jesus gets baptized for the people that are not able to because of illness, or prison or whatever that comes up that prevents you from being able to do it yourself but again like the man on the cross with Jesus he was broken hearted and he didnt even ask to enter into heaven he just wanted jesus to remember him and Jesus did so much more for him. I am not discounting anything anyone has said on this thread just this is something to think about don't you agree.
I do not mean any harm none whatsoever, but you (not you) know people know about God right? most everyone now knows about God and how Jesus died for their sins. They might not know a lot but they mostly know the basics right? most people--- don't you find that its odd that they wait until their last breath to acknowledge that Jesus is lord of their life and then they pass from this life.

I believe that God does allow certian people to enter. I believe if your broken in heart and spirit, I dont' think you can just say these words and then your entering into the kingdom. I just find that to be so not okay.

So I can go around committing all kinds of mayheim and with my dying breath say Jesus is lord and make it over you know they say that out in the streets. I'll do it when I am just about to die. so there is no real committment. This is is just something to think about.

Now I have not study this out but I read the passage where Jesus gets baptized for the people that are not able to because of illness, or prison or whatever that comes up that prevents you from being able to do it yourself but again like the man on the cross with Jesus he was broken hearted and he didnt even ask to enter into heaven he just wanted jesus to remember him and Jesus did so much more for him. I am not discounting anything anyone has said on this thread just this is something to think about don't you agree.
It does seem unjust and unfair.... :yep:

But then I think of the Prodical Son, (Luke 16) who rebelled against his father; demanded his inheritance and then moved away and lived like the devil and when he 'came to himself', and saw the evil of his ways, he repented, full heartedly.

And his father welcomed him home with open arms, put a ring upon his finger, and a garment upon his back. He commanded his servants to kill the fatted calf and to prepare a grand feast for a full celebration.

All awhile the older brother who never rebelled, neither broken the laws, resented the grand reception that was given to his brother who had broken every law in the book and now was so royally treated.

The only explanation given for this is that ' My son who was once lost, has now been found."

God yearns for His lost sons and daughters. He created us all from His likeness, His being, His heart and soul. He didn't care that satan and his host of angels rebelled against Him. Yet it breaks His heart to see one of us, go astray and be mislead into a life of destruction, which leads to death, hell and the grave, which was designed for satan and his cohorts.

When a man or woman, no matter what sin they've been in, comes to God with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, God says 'THIS' He will not dispise...He will not turn away; He will not condemn. Instead He will welcome them with open heart and open arms, for eternity.

All the more reason, we as Christians have to fight for what is right. If we allow folks to continue to push for gay 'wrongs', and compromise and say nothing, then there will never be a true awareness of repentance.

This is what Christians and Ministers have to be aware of before they jump so quickly to defend gay 'wrongs'. They are actually doing more harm than good for them. Their message to gays is, 'continue in sin', there's no consequence.'

homosexuality is a very strong spirit; a strong hold indeed; for it is attached to the soulish realm. It's also a spirit of blindness and mass deception. For it blinds those who are victims of it and those who support it. However, it can be broken; gays can be delivered. Jesus paid the price of it upon the Cross as He paid for every sin.

All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God; yet anyone who comes unto the Lord asking for forgiveness, He will in no wise cast out; not even gays.
Great blog.. My pastor rebukes this "lifestyle" all the time. I agree totally with this author. God created all that's natural... homosexuality IS NOT natural, therefore it is not of God. I do know there are "reformed homosexuals" in churches who are really trying to please God and keep away from that lifestyle..I applaud them for fighting their demons.
I wanted to share something from an unbiased source (a source not based upon a Christian (moral) perspective).

Link.... :yep:


Morbidity, Mortality, and Morality:
the Social Impact of Homosexuality​

A striking but little-discussed aspect of homosexual activity today is it's associated reduction in behavioral control. We all have forbidden sexual drives that we restrain, but for those engaging in homosexual behavior, that restraint seems much reduced.

One result has been blatant promiscuity among homosexuals.

A 1978 study reported that:

75 percent of male homosexuals had been with 100 or more partners;
28 percent, the largest subcategory, reported more than 1,000 partners;
79 percent said more than half their partners were strangers; and
79 percent said more than half their partners were men with whom they had sex only once.

Another survey 16 years later found that while...

67.6 percent of men and 75.5 percent of women had only one sex partner in the previous year, only 2.6 percent of men and 1.2 percent of women engaging in same-sex relationships
had thus limited themselves.

Supporters of homosexuality, and advocates of gay marriage, rarely acknowledge the many partners gays have.including those living together as couples.​

The medical dangers of homosexuality are also underemphasized.

Its devotees show much higher rates of sexually transmitted disease, substance abuse, and mental illness.

While they comprise only about 2 percent of the population, homosexuals represented 21 percent of hepatitis B cases in 1988, and 44 percent of new human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) cases between 2000 and 2003. They contract syphilis at a rate three to four times higher than nonhomosexuals.

Anal intercourse causes hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anorectal trauma, and retained foreign bodies, and creates high risk for anal cancer. Among male homosexuals engaging in oral-to-anal contact, an extremely high rate of parasitic and other intestinal infections exists.

Homosexuality is also associated with higher mortality.

A major Canadian medical center found the life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men was 8 to 20 years less than that for all men.

It further estimated that nearly half of today.s gay and bisexual 20-year-olds would not reach their 65th birthday.

While the AMA's official statement on homosexuality mentions the need to work nonjudgmentally with the gay and lesbian community, in order to understand its members, medical
needs, it says nothing about the unique nature of those needs or the promiscuous, disease-spreading behavior patterns that aggravate them.

It's encyclopedia article also omits any mention of associated medical dangers. And even though homosexuals seeking to change often succeed in doing so (frequently with the aid of therapy), the
AMA statement, by publicly opposing reparative or conversion therapy based on the assumption that the patient should change his/her homosexual orientation, seems to take an implicit
moral position of denying that such change should occur.

American concepts and attitudes about homosexuality have changed significantly in recent decades. Most of society and the medical profession now view it as an acceptable alternate lifestyle: a biologically determined, permanent orientation, rather than a learned, experiential, and often changeable choice.

The concept of homosexuality as a permanent orientation is, however, without scientific validation;

..... the notion is entirely politically grounded.

One effect of this new view has been to understate the medical and societal harm produced by the promiscuous sexual practices typically associated with homosexuality.​

This is serious..... :nono:
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It's tragic because the devil has set men up in our churches to condone this behavior as well as participate in it. These men rule over large amounts of people and they slowly but surely promote themselves to the forefront of ministry only to progressively gain the approval of their audiences before they pulled a fast one one them. Yes, that's right, they were patient enough to get the folks full of them before they began launching their gay subliminal agendas and now, people are hooked on them and can't seem to shake free from them.


I think that no one can make you become gay. Either the tendancy is there or it's not. Perhaps they tempt people to let it out of the closet.
I guess I get what Bishop Jakes is saying, if in fact you heard right. No one knows where ANY sinners heart is at death. They could have made peace with the Lord, turned from their wicked ways. Say if they wake up that morning and had a revelation (someone could have been praying for their deliverance) and they decided to repent AND turn from their wicked ways, and that afternoon, the Lord saw fit to call them home. Are they going to hell? Or do we remember them being homosexual yesterday? There are many people on their deathbed who repent, accept the Lord as their saviour. Do you think the Lord hears them? I think He does and he acts accordingly. Now will they pay for their sins, most definately, we all will. Homosexual, liars, backbiters, idolaters, fornicators and adulterers.

Amen and amen
Are you really for serious?

I mean really really.

Yes gays are spreading sexual diseases. But newsflash, heterosexuals are spreading those same diseases. Sexually active people spread diseases when they have unprotected sex, it's as simple as that.

Any type of unprotected sex is wrong and unsafe. It's not just gays that are involved in unprotected sex. And for this blogger to say that the gay lifestyle is marked by having 10-20 partners a week is just ludicrous and outright propaganda.

Being gay or leading a "gay lifestyle" is not synonymous with changing partners frequently. To believe something like that is just backwards and simple minded.

What Shimmie said is untrue. Matter a fact, gay women have the lowest STD rate. Black heterosexual women in the U.S have the highest rate of HIV as well has other STD's. Also, gays have a lower dating pool so chances are they are switching partners much less than the heterosexual community, if we look it the population numerically.

Making gays the scapegoat and constantly talking about gay "issues hurting the church" is not helping at all. I wish someone would wake up and see that. We should focus on things like the aforementioned paragraph, to get our community back in order. However, I know this will fall on deaf ears, but its worth a shot :perplexed
I do not mean any harm none whatsoever, but you (not you) know people know about God right? most everyone now knows about God and how Jesus died for their sins. They might not know a lot but they mostly know the basics right? most people--- don't you find that its odd that they wait until their last breath to acknowledge that Jesus is lord of their life and then they pass from this life. I believe that God does allow certian people to enter.
I believe if your broken in heart and spirit, I dont' think you can just say these words and then your entering into the kingdom. I just find that to be so not okay.
So I can go around committing all kinds of mayheim and with my dying breath say Jesus is lord and make it over you know they say that out in the streets. I'll do it when I am just about to die. so there is no real committment. This is is just something to think about. Now I have not study this out but I read the passage where Jesus gets baptized for the people that are not able to because of illness, or prison or whatever that comes up that prevents you from being able to do it yourself but again like the man on the cross with Jesus he was broken hearted and he didnt even ask to enter into heaven he just wanted jesus to remember him and Jesus did so much more for him. I am not discounting anything anyone has said on this thread just this is something to think about don't you agree.
Just by this alone, I will stay out of the CF.

Blessings to all of you.
Just by this alone, I will stay out of the CF.

Blessings to all of you.
Too many people love you and need you here. I'm surely your number one supporter, next to Jesus.

Although we'll be talking outside of this forum, I'm putting this out there just to make it known that satan is not having his way. This forum needs the strength that God has endowed you and your husband with. The same way, God used you to keep me from leaving, likewise for you.

I'm serving notice to any who may have hoped you'd leave, that you have now become their worse headache. We're not backing down. The enemy wants this forum 'lost' and without the true stand of God's word. It will not be anything goes. If it means that I among the faithful few will be God's remnant still standing, than so be it.

Jesus is still Lord and it's not changing.... :love2:
Just by this alone, I will stay out of the CF.

Blessings to all of you.

I know you are not gonna let the enemy run you out of here? This is "our" house and it's built of the Word of God. And if satan doesn't like it, so what!! We are called to be bold and stand against the wiles of the enemy!! We are here to support one another, we may not always agree but we cannot let confusion run us away.

ETA: I am in no way calling blazingthru the devil, satan or the enemy...
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Just by this alone, I will stay out of the CF.

Blessings to all of you.

Please don't leave. I look at it like this. There are some mature Christians here and there are some (like me) who are not quite mature yet. So, sometimes we do say things or question because we don't quite understand. No one explained it before or maybe we never asked. But then someone like Shimmie comes along and breaks it down for us.

Just something to consider. We need you here to break things down for us, too. :yep:

ETA: I'll use myself as an example. When I first became a Christian, I had a hard time believing that being gay was a sin. I did not know the bible and I thought, "well, they are not hurting anyone." Boy, was I wrong. And I have been set straight and convicted. You do need to have the desire to please God and learn what is pleasing to Him. :yep:
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Please don't leave. I look at it like this. There are some mature Christians here and there are some (like me) who are not quite mature yet. So, sometimes we do say things or question because we don't quite understand. No one explained it before or maybe we never asked. But then someone like Shimmie comes along and breaks it down for us.

Just something to consider. We need you here to break things down for us, too. :yep:

ETA: I'll use myself as an example. When I first became a Christian, I had a hard time believing that being gay was a sin. I did not know the bible and I thought, "well, they are not hurting anyone." Boy, was I wrong. And I have been set straight and convicted. You do need to have the desire to please God and learn what is pleasing to Him. :yep:
Hairlove, you may not realize it, but you are one of the Pillars that keep us steady and standing. We're all 'one' in Christ Jesus, and we need each other to bring forth His purpose and plan.

We'll still stand and fight regardless, nevertheless, I thank God for you and others like you. :giveheart:

You too, Little Meka... :giveheart:
Just by this alone, I will stay out of the CF.

Blessings to all of you.

Chile Please.

The enemy and his followers are big and bold daring you to speak the truth. They are not hardly backing down unless they allow Christ to reign in their lives. Even though he is already defeated, you leaving the CF gives him a pseudo victory. Every voice of truth is needed - light will always shine in darkness.

We need you.
Chile Please.

The enemy and his followers are big and bold daring you to speak the truth. They are not hardly backing down unless they allow Christ to reign in their lives. Even though he is already defeated, you leaving the CF gives him a pseudo victory. Every voice of truth is needed - light will always shine in darkness.

We need you.

Thank you, momi...
What did blazingthru say that was bad? Accusing people of being followers of the enemy is kinda taking it a little far. Everyone who has a dissenting opinion about a topic is not a minion of Satan.
:lol: msa, No you won't. :lol:

You've made your stance quite clear.

No matter what links, one may present, your stand is stanchly supportive of homosexuality, meaning the lifestyle and it's agenda to present itsself as normal and on the same level as heterosexuals; trying to change the pure meaning, definition, God's intent for Marriage which is solely that of between a man and a woman.

That's your choice. That's your free will. Run with it. :yep:

For someone who is a Christian, it's interesting how quick you are to judge what I will and won't do. Let me clear up my stance since you've gotten it completely mistaken.

As I said from the beginning, my issue is the blatant prejudice and lies that were posted. To say that gays have 10-20 partners a week as part of the "gay lifestyle" is a gross exaggeration and just out and out wrong. Every gay person on the planet does not have 10-20 partners a week. Every gay person is not promiscuous. Every gay person is not spreading disease.

To lump a group of people together and assign negative attributes to all based on a few people's actions is not fair nor is it right. How are you recognizing an individuals humanity if you've already decided who they are, what they are, and how they act based on one characteristic?

Pointing out a false statement does not equal justification or support. If someone said the "black woman's lifestyle" includes being half naked and sleeping with men indiscriminately for money/things based on seeing black women in music videos or hearing about them in rap songs, you would be quick to point out the problem with that statement. That does not mean you are endorsing being a video girl.

But it's not Christian. It's a lie; a mass of sexual confusion which has imposed itsself upon humanity and society.

No links, no statistics, no marches, no supreme court judges overuling the will of the people; no changes in the constitution; not even if our President, whom I love dearly decides to 'wimp out', can change the fact that there is a massive overgrowth of sexual confusion in the gay lifestyle. It is what it is....and it's not normal.

You're right. Nothing and no one here on this earth can change the fact that according to mainstream Christianity, homosexual acts are a sin. Nothing I said even implied different.

The only part of this I took issue with was the propaganda and outright untruths. It is not Christian to be prejudiced toward any group of people. It is not Christian to spread lies. As Christians, we should be worried about doing what's right so that we can be example to those we are trying to influence.

Let me be clear. I am NOT bashing the humanity of a homosexual. They are living, loving, human beings precious in the heart of God. They do not deserve to be mistreated as human beings. But there is a line that must be drawn with the bounds they are trying to cross and take over. Heterosexuals ... non gays have rights to protect as well.

If gays deserve to be treated as human beings, then we as Christians should be the first ones to make sure that we aren't breeding prejudice against them by supporting outrageous stereotypes.

Christianity's ministry against homosexuality has been steeped in lies, bigotry, and outright hate. Perhaps it's time for Christian's to rethink their strategy, since it appears that while a couple battles may have been won, they've definitely lost the war. It's possible to take a stand in love, maybe Christian's should try it.
It does seem unjust and unfair.... :yep:

But then I think of the Prodical Son, (Luke 16) who rebelled against his father; demanded his inheritance and then moved away and lived like the devil and when he 'came to himself', and saw the evil of his ways, he repented, full heartedly.

And his father welcomed him home with open arms, put a ring upon his finger, and a garment upon his back. He commanded his servants to kill the fatted calf and to prepare a grand feast for a full celebration.

All awhile the older brother who never rebelled, neither broken the laws, resented the grand reception that was given to his brother who had broken every law in the book and now was so royally treated.

The only explanation given for this is that ' My son who was once lost, has now been found."

God yearns for His lost sons and daughters. He created us all from His likeness, His being, His heart and soul. He didn't care that satan and his host of angels rebelled against Him. Yet it breaks His heart to see one of us, go astray and be mislead into a life of destruction, which leads to death, hell and the grave, which was designed for satan and his cohorts.

When a man or woman, no matter what sin they've been in, comes to God with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, God says 'THIS' He will not dispise...He will not turn away; He will not condemn. Instead He will welcome them with open heart and open arms, for eternity.

All the more reason, we as Christians have to fight for what is right. If we allow folks to continue to push for gay 'wrongs', and compromise and say nothing, then there will never be a true awareness of repentance.

This is what Christians and Ministers have to be aware of before they jump so quickly to defend gay 'wrongs'. They are actually doing more harm than good for them. Their message to gays is, 'continue in sin', there's no consequence.'

homosexuality is a very strong spirit; a strong hold indeed; for it is attached to the soulish realm. It's also a spirit of blindness and mass deception. For it blinds those who are victims of it and those who support it. However, it can be broken; gays can be delivered. Jesus paid the price of it upon the Cross as He paid for every sin.

All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God; yet anyone who comes unto the Lord asking for forgiveness, He will in no wise cast out; not even gays.

I agree Shimmie, I agree that God forgives you when your broken when you see your helpless and you need him. I believe that at that point he reveals himself to you. Please do no misunderstand me I have close family members that are gay and I am praying for them and hoping for them to turn their life around. I know if they choose to they can do it with the Lords help. I was told by one that his flesh is so weak and he can't help it. God freely gives us the victory over many many things all we do is ask, and believe. It hurt me because I love him dearly and he is sick now. I was mostly talking about dying. Like Noah when he was working on the ark you know he ministered he preached the entire time no one was listening but some say oh when the rain comes I'll get onboard. You don't have to read that to know some was thinking that but God shut the door before the rain even fell. ( I am sure some were going to try and break in there too) THey lost out on their opportunity because they decided to wait until the last minute. This is what I am saying. Yes some won't make it over in their last breath, some will. some believe they are saved right now. trust in it but they are not saved. Because they never served God with their entire heart even in dying they confess without really believing it. I was not discounting any thing anyone has said.
Just by this alone, I will stay out of the CF.

Blessings to all of you.

Hole-Up!!!! I just know Sis Nice & Wavy ain't backin' down, runnin out of the enemy's camp!!!!! Girl like so many of the other sisters in here said, we have to Stomp on the devil's head, and putting out information, uncovering his lies is just one way we are giving other believers a "heads up"!!!!

Come back, please don't stay gone. :nono::grin:
For someone who is a Christian, it's interesting how quick you are to judge what I will and won't do. Let me clear up my stance since you've gotten it completely mistaken.

You're right. Nothing and no one here on this earth can change the fact that according to mainstream Christianity, homosexual acts are a sin. Nothing I said even implied different. - this is not according to mainstream Christianity - this is according to the bible.

If gays deserve to be treated as human beings, then we as Christians should be the first ones to make sure that we aren't breeding prejudice against them by supporting outrageous stereotypes. - of course they should be treated as human beings - but many want to have exclusive rights that extend beyond a regular citizen...

Christianity's ministry against homosexuality has been steeped in lies, bigotry, and outright hate. Perhaps it's time for Christian's to rethink their strategy, since it appears that while a couple battles may have been won, they've definitely lost the war. It's possible to take a stand in love, maybe Christian's should try it.
how do you suggest this take place? it seems like anytime one speaks against the lifestyle by expressing the truth of the bible or just simple disagreement with the act then one is labeled a bigot and/or hater.
What did blazingthru say that was bad? Accusing people of being followers of the enemy is kinda taking it a little far. Everyone who has a dissenting opinion about a topic is not a minion of Satan.

According to Matthew 12 and Luke 11 - Either you are for Him or against Him - there is no neutrality with God.
Just that you all know, I'm not afraid of the enemy and he is not running me out of CF. I'm tired of some of the ridiculous threads/posts/comments made in here, and that makes me want to leave.

I'm looking to get some results. We need to stop preaching to the choir and begin focusing on the souls of man. If I were in church and the only thing my pastor preached about was "the devil, the devil, the devil" and didn't talk about God the Father and His goodness and His mercy and especially His love, I would not be a happy camper:nono:

There are too many people who's lives are affected by some of the comments made here (and I'm not talking about the gay threads...there are things that need to be said, so say it) and although we may need to say some things (Lord knows I've said mine) we must always remember that its not always those things that we need to keep speaking about ALL THE TIME...no, there are many other things that pertain to life that will uplift and bless the lives of those who read these threads.

Christianity is a lifestyle...its not a religion. Some of these posts are religious and its beginning to get annoying to me. I have that right to say it, therefore I'm saying it.

I meet and minister to sooooooo many people. I lead them in prayer for salvation I can say, almost every, single day. This is what I live for...to see lives changed...broken lives restored. Jesus came for that very reason and He said that greater works than what He did, shall we do.

I'm not seeing those greater works here...yes, even in text lives can be restored and broken hearts changed. We are real people with real issues in this forum....this is not make believe.

The pm's I get and the prayers that go on in pm land are powerful. Phone numbers are exchanged and talking to others are a great thing. It's a ministry for me and I do it to the best of my abilities. There are many who come out of lurking, just to pm to talk, because they don't want to come into the CF because they are leary about some of the things that are said and are afraid to say what they are dealing with because they are reading some things that put them off. On the other hand, there are those who come in and praise some things that are said here and look forward to join in on the conversations:yep:

I think we ALL need to take a good look at ourselves in that mirror the bible talks about and see that we need to re-check ourselves....while always remembering that our sufficiency comes from the Father, and not ourselves. I will be the first one to admit this...it must start with me.

Some may think that I'm being harsh or over the top with my post...that's ok..I'm use to it. But one thing I can say for certain...I want Jesus to be seen in and through me...even in my text, no matter what I'm writing about.

I'm done now. Have a wonderful day, ladies!
Wait, I think I just figured out what this thread title was supposed to mean!

Not strong meAt here, strong meEt here. I was majorly confused... I was like what kinda meat is she talking about? :look: