Warning Signs


Well-Known Member
I think we should have a thread of all the things us single ladies need to look out for when dating. Actions or words that scream "run away, run far away!" Most of the time they're obvious but if you're anything like me... when you start to really like the guy you brush it off and think nothing of it. Then when the fling or relationship ends horribly you remember it and ask yourself "why did I not see this coming?"

In example: The guy still has a lovey dovey saying about his ex girlfriend in his facebook "about me" section.

My mistake: Thinking he has not updated his profile in months... :nono: when my ex boyfriend deleted everything related to me on his facebook profile literally 5 minutes after we broke up. I should have known something was not right.
Warning signs are tricky because I can have a list of things that people reading would be like 'duh!' but like you said when you are in it, you overlook things the ironic thing is too, is these things usually don't stand out because YOUR feelings aren't that deep yet. So the only thing I can really say here is if you catch yourself 'pretending' to be fine with something in the beginning simply because you're feelings aren't all the way 'there', try to put yourself 'there' imagine your heart IS there, treat it like a slap in the face and open up dialogue with the person about whatever it is that has rubbed you the wrong way, you could eliminate the issue, the dude just needed to be taught. But if you let it slide like it's nothing...you are part of the blame down the line for not checking out the smoke that became a fire.
I dated a guy one time who was getting a divorce and all he could talk about during dinner was his ex-wife. I knew right then it was time to let him go because he obviously wasn't over her.

Some other warning signs that I have learned over the years is as follows:

If getting information out of him is like prying information out of the secret service let it go. I have found that when people are like this they have something to hide and eventually it ends up biting you not them.

If he can't hold down a job before you meet him let him go cause he is not going to change (my cousin learned this the hard way)

If he has back child support that's owed let it go. If you have children you'll be in the same position one day.

Pay attention to the way he treats his mother. If he treats her like dirt you can expect the same treatment later on. Men who don't do right to the woman who gave birth to him won't do right to someone who didn't.

I dated a guy one time who was getting a divorce and all he could talk about during dinner was his ex-wife. I knew right then it was time to let him go because he obviously wasn't over her.

Some other warning signs that I have learned over the years is as follows:

If getting information out of him is like prying information out of the secret service let it go. I have found that when people are like this they have something to hide and eventually it ends up biting you not them.

If he can't hold down a job before you meet him let him go cause he is not going to change (my cousin learned this the hard way)

If he has back child support that's owed let it go. If you have children you'll be in the same position one day.

Pay attention to the way he treats his mother. If he treats her like dirt you can expect the same treatment later on. Men who don't do right to the woman who gave birth to him won't do right to someone who didn't.


Girl why didn't you tell me that a couple of years ago when I started dating my now ex:lachen::lachen:...I just thought he was an extremely private person...But its all good cause now the joke is on him:yep:.
If he doesn't pick up the phone or call you back when you called. Or he sends you a text but doesn't call you.

If he introduces you as Countrygal or My friend than the relationship is not that serious.

If he always checking for his text messages when you leave the room or he thinks you are distracted.

If he gets a lot of phone calls. No one needs to get a lot of phone calls.

If he doesn't take the time to check in with you daily. WIth modern technology, there is no excuse for not getting a call, text message or email.
The biggest warning sign is your gut.

If you constantly and consistently get a feeling that something isn't right about your guy and/or that you're making a bad decision by pursuing him or being in a relationship with him or staying in contact with him, then listen to to your gut.
Any man that only calls late at night he is looking for one thing and one thing only.

If he is in the process of getting a divorce, tell him to holla at you when the divorce is final

Run away from any man that says that he is separated.

Any man that consistently talks bad about his child's mother

A man that asks to borrow money

A man that doesn't spend time with you on the holiday's

A man that asks you to wait while he gets himself together
A man who is in debt and does not seem to have his life together after the age of 25.
A man who uses his friends actions as an excuse.
I.E. When my friend Bob gets married then that is when I will get married. This tells/ shows me he is a true follower and not a leader.
If he is grown and lives with his mother and she is not disabled.

If he says "i love you" and you've only been dating 2 weeks