Warning: Controversial Topic about being Natural

^^^ Many men still think this way. That is why, when a man asks me if my hair is natural, I clarify that my hair on my head is mine, but it's relaxed. The guy I'm currently dating asked me if my hair was natural and I said no. He was so disappointed...then I realized he meant was it mine. He couldn't care less about a relaxer.
Natural :being in accordance with or determined by nature.

:existing in or produced by nature, not artificial.

To me natural hair is how the hair grows out of the scalp. So any chemical used to change the hair in any way is not natural. To me that is color and texture. If someone puts red broccoli on my plate I'm not gonna eat it.

But honestly none of this labeling matters to me. Hair is but dead protein and I do what I want to do with it. And I encourage others to do the same.
It depends on the context. If talking about wigs, I mean the hair that grows from the scalp. If talking about color, I mean the natural color and so on... I think it is a relative term. Generally speaking, I mean no relaxer when I say natural, but I don't have any problem with other definitions. When buying products, the definition can help but they work so differently on different people that probably it isn't even needed there.
I'm not natural but I just had to comment...

Why do you care what "others' say about the state of your hair?

It's just not serious. In the scheme of things, this is not even a "blip" on the "radar of life."

Carry on...
For me, natural hair means hair that has not been altered by chemicals. If I choose to heat train my hair, I'll simply be a heat trained natural. If someone has a problem with that then they'll be the one to get the ulcer not me.
SolitudeShe owns a salon here in the Atlanta area called "The Damn Salon" - they do these new age kinky twists & braids & weaves & specialize in transitioning/natural hair. They don't do heat services.


I stand corrected on the title. "*itch Your Hair is not Natural"

why would she name her salon that? and she was trying to be funny in the video, but wasn't at all :ohwell:

but i think hair that is not chemically altered with intention to alter curl pattern/straighten hair aka RELAXER, BKT, TEXTURIZER/TEXLAX, CURLY PERM etc... is natural. Color can alter hair texture in certain cases , but no one colors their hair with that specific intention in mind, so color-treated naturals are still natural.

heat trained/heat damaged naturals are still natural in the sense that they don't use chemicals to straighten their hair.
If your using chemicals or heat to change your texture your not natural cause the only way to remove both is to cut it out.

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It's not that big of a deal. The natural hair "movement" is supposed to be about bringing women (and men) together but it seems like people keep trying to alienate women and make it some kind of exclusive club. (Not you OP).

Natural to me: no chemicals to permanently straighten or loosen your hair. That's what it's been since the beginning of time (ya'll know what I mean lol) and that's what it will always be to me. New-age hairboard and youtube definitions can kick rocks.

Wrong! to the bolded statement. Simply ask someone from the '60s, when the afro was popular, what their definition of natural is/was. Prior to the black power movement most women hot combed their hair and very, very few used chemicals. The afro was called 'the natural'. Hot combed heads were not considered "natural'.
I think the basic rule of thumb is that once you have done something to your hair that requires you to cut it off in order to return to its original state, you are no longer natural. That would include relaxer, permanent color, heat training and heat damage.

Once you permanently change the molecular bonds (either chemically or through heat) that create the texture/color of your hair, you are altering its natural state. That is just plain science, so I don't know why there is so much discussion on this. :ohwell:
Disclaimer: The following is how I personally feel about my hair and my hair care practices. I never imply how I feel about my hair is how other's should feel about theirs. I am not a "natural Nazi" (or I wouldn't be on LHCF) and don't judge how other's care for their hair or their opinions on what's natural and what's isnt.

I never had a relaxer, but I did not always consider myself natural. From the time I was 12 until I stopped using direct heat on my hair nine years ago, I pressed, curled, crimped, flat ironed, blow dried, etc. my hair multiple days a week at times. I rarely went a week w/o getting my hair done - only on vacations or some summers where swimming was a priority. All the while I could not wait to get my hair ironed again.

My hair was heat damaged to the point it was completely straight in a lot of areas - especially my 3c hair in the front. I had to start over and transition as if I was relaxer.

I personally think the word "natural" is too subjective to put a hard and fast definition on it for it to apply to everyone, but that's how I feel about my hair.
The sarcasm is so unnecessary. I didn't post for that. Silly of me for thinking that there could be an intelligent discussion on what our different views are. I'm not asking for everyone to be on one accord.

I've been out of the natural loop for a minute. I ran across this video and wanted to know what the current train of thought was.

the current train of thought is a can of worms to be honest. ive seen these threads a million times and each time it's always some....stuff.

be prepared for a million answers. some think that it's folks who never use heat, who aren't heat trained, or some that just don't use chemicals.

then if you want to break chemicals down, folks start talking about hair color and whatnot.

be prepared!!!! ye asked and ye shall receive lol

(personally i consider natural no relaxers or texturizers. that whole thing about color is just bullish to me.)
SolitudeShe owns a salon here in the Atlanta area called "The Damn Salon" - they do these new age kinky twists & braids & weaves & specialize in transitioning/natural hair. They don't do heat services.


I stand corrected on the title. "*itch Your Hair is not Natural"

I took my daughter to get City twist at the Damn Salon, I had my hair pressed and Muyshia told me that I was no longer natural because it was pressed. At least she is consistent and not just acting for youtube. I personally feel as long as your hair has not been chemically altered then you are natural.
I personally give this natural hair movement another 3 years. Soon you will be hard pressed to find another nappy head. Many are already dropping like flies.
I took my daughter to get City twist at the Damn Salon, I had my hair pressed and Muyshia told me that I was no longer natural because it was pressed. At least she is consistent and not just acting for youtube. I personally feel as long as your hair has not been chemically altered then you are natural.

So is her stance that using heat one time just say, you are not natural anymore? I didn't think straightening your hair on occassion altered your curl pattern that much or even at all. I thought it was the constant use of heat that has the potential of eventually breaking it down.
I just go with a simple definition, natural equals relaxer free. Aside from the hair board communities, YT, I never hear the term natural. Ladies usually say, I have a relaxer or I don't have a relaxer. If people question if my hair is a wig or weave, they usually say, Is that YOUR hair?

IMO everything is kept pretty simple out in the real world, but on hair forums, YT, blogs being natural is more complicated.
I personally give this natural hair movement another 3 years. Soon you will be hard pressed to find another nappy head. Many are already dropping like flies.

LOL.. I actually think natural hair will be normalized thing for a long time to come. Maybe not the majority of black women but even now begin natural has become an option instead of a rarity.
LOL.. I actually think natural hair will be normalized thing for a long time to come. Maybe not the majority of black women but even now begin natural has become an option instead of a rarity.

I agree with this...I am finding out more and more of my friends are natural and I didn't even have a clue hahahha...there are all kinds of natural hair groups on facebook,etc.
If your using chemicals or heat to change your texture your not natural cause the only way to remove both is to cut it out.

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Eh? You would only need to cut your hair if you've got severe heat damage surely? Most naturals here just seem to wash their hair and their curls come back!
when i think of natural i think non relaxed/permed/texturized
(i don't know how you are natural with using bkt though. :/ )
Anything that changes your texture would not be considered natural to me or natural with ___ damage/condition (or natural*). Relaxer/texlax/texturizer no matter long you leave it on or how much you mimic a "natural look" is not natural. BKT not natural or natural*. Bleach, which will definitely loosen curls and kinks, is natural*. Heat damage/training is natural*. Most permanent colors done currently are not damaging to the hair pattern and therefore you are still natural, just colored natural.
I agree with other posters on this thread, being natural is a head of hair without chemicals that can permanently break bonds; heck even the BKT is pushing the line IMO. Being natural also gives you the freedom to rock many different styles, straight, curly, puffy, twisty, half & half or whatever else you can think of! Being natural is also being free from the crack and having to keep a rigid timeline! I don't even care about what people think about naturals, there ain't no poster child for naturals and it should never be called a movement. We just do what we do and thank the hair angels that we are free.:yep:
OP, natural hair to me is hair that has not been relaxed or texlaxed.

So is her stance that using heat one time just say, you are not natural anymore? I didn't think straightening your hair on occassion altered your curl pattern that much or even at all. I thought it was the constant use of heat that has the potential of eventually breaking it down.

Yes. Some people attribute using heat to "the devil, but I feel the misuse of anything can turn into the "the devil".

We all have unique hair textures, and experience that go along with our journeys when it comes to being "natural". I used heat very sparingly through out my natural hair journey with no problems. Then, I had my hair straightened by one stylist, once in May 2010, and ended up with heat damage in parts of my hair. I understand where she is coming from; however, I have used heat without permanent damage to my hair before, so I don't subscribe to the thinking that all heat always damages hair. IMO a lot has to do with the condition of the hair, knowing what techniques to use, and how much heat to use on your hair. Our hair can be damaged by a number of things, but just because someone uses heat in their hair does not mean that their hair is damaged, or unnatural.

LOL.. I actually think natural hair will be normalized thing for a long time to come. Maybe not the majority of black women but even now begin natural has become an option instead of a rarity.

ITA. I just started at a University this week, and I was suprised at the amount of natural hair I saw(I acutally wanted to start a thread), but the most shocking thing was the age range was from 18-50. I even think I saw one of our cousins, but I was to scared to ask! I defiantly think women are realizing they have an option, and that ensures some BW will continue to "go natural".
I mean, if folks just wanna be anal and ridiculous then being natural means the way your hair grows out of your scalp. So don't be bringing up combs & brushes, please don't apply products to your hair. You weren't born with a container of KCCC or EcoStyler. Stop doing those twist outs, braid outs, roller sets... please don't talk about stretching your hair. Oh, and you weren't born with dreds either, so you can't have those. Braids are out of the equation. Bantu knots? Please. Ain't nobody here natural. :lachen::grin:

... no, but seriously...

Natural is whatever somebody wants to make it for themselves. If a woman is heat trained and says she is natural, then she is natural. If she colors her hair and says she is natural, she's natural. I can't tell anybody else what it should mean to them and nobody can tell me what it should mean to me.:)
IMO anything chemical/relaxer free is natural. Everything else is a sub-catergory of natural.

Disclaimer: I have not read the thread. :look:
IMO, natural has to do with intent. If you you use heat on your hair with the intention of permanently loosening your texture then I don't consider you natural. However, if you say you are natural I will agree with you whole heartedly.
Wrong! to the bolded statement. Simply ask someone from the '60s, when the afro was popular, what their definition of natural is/was. Prior to the black power movement most women hot combed their hair and very, very few used chemicals. The afro was called 'the natural'. Hot combed heads were not considered "natural'.

Yup and to be exact
the untamed afro was considered "the natural" meaning un-combed into the massive fros we are accustomed to seeing on pictures. They would just pull at it to get rid of bed head but that was it.

Definitions change all the time so why cant this one