Congrats! That's amazing. You're an inspiration. My hair is taking forever to reach APL. I got to shoulder length in Spring 06 I think, I had a huge setback around last Christmas, and finally reached collarbone a few months ago :wallbash:. I'm working on those last 3 inches too!

Thank u so much kiwi :)...APL will definitely sneak up on u when u least expect it! Just make certain to moisturize,wear your hair up & don't cut it! ;)
What an inspiration! I wish I could have some amazing growth like you. Your hair is beautiful, keep up the great work!
You did a great job retaining you length this year and serve as an example to all who think it can't be done! There's hope for the rest of us yet....!
You did a great job retaining you length this year and serve as an example to all who think it can't be done! There's hope for the rest of us yet....!

Awww,thanks Diya :)...It was soooooo hard not to trim & even more difficult to stretch,I pray I can keep it up for the next 6mths and reach BSL... btw,all things are possible...;)
:waytogo: You did a great job :yay::yay:

I use the same method however it still took me 9mths..Hopefully it will only take me 6mths to reach BSL, but knowing my hair it will more than likely take longer...
My hair is .5 or so inches longer than yours and I do not consider myself to be APL.:perplexed

...probably that is because I want it to also be APL in the front.:ohwell:

Who knows! ..may be I should claim APL.:rolleyes: I will see how my hair looks at the end of this month.:look:

Congrats you made APL.
My hair is .5 or so inches longer than yours and I do not consider myself to be APL.:perplexed

...probably that is because I want it to also be APL in the front.:ohwell:

Who knows! ..may be I should claim APL.:rolleyes: I will see how my hair looks at the end of this month.:look:

Congrats you made APL.

Lol, claiming APL or BS or anything is not stringent... (we aren't the hair police around here)
for most people, if *most* of your hair reaches that point, why not claim it?!

and yes. if you want to measure yourself by a more stringent process, go ahead, claim APL by the time your front reaches... by that time, your back may already be at BSL.

happy growing.

Oh yes, OP?? Congratulations on reaching APL!! beautiful progress.
Lol, claiming APL or BS or anything is not stringent... (we aren't the hair police around here)
for most people, if *most* of your hair reaches that point, why not claim it?!

and yes. if you want to measure yourself by a more stringent process, go ahead, claim APL by the time your front reaches... by that time, your back may already be at BSL.

happy growing.

Oh yes, OP?? Congratulations on reaching APL!! beautiful progress.

HEHEHE...I think I will claim APL then!:lick:
Lol, claiming APL or BS or anything is not stringent... (we aren't the hair police around here)
for most people, if *most* of your hair reaches that point, why not claim it?!

and yes. if you want to measure yourself by a more stringent process, go ahead, claim APL by the time your front reaches... by that time, your back may already be at BSL.

happy growing.

Oh yes, OP?? Congratulations on reaching APL!! beautiful progress.

1st off, MetroQT let me say thank u 4 the compliment & coming 2 my defense! :)...back to the matter at hand,u took the words right out of my mouth...lol...honestly,when I saw the post...I was like "she can't be serious"...I really believe in the old adage,if u have nothing nice to say just "lurk" ;)

My hair grows in a multitude of layers,my nape is APL so I'm claiming it!...the front is past SL...I have come to the realization that my hair will never grow one length and I'm ok with that,thanks again :)
1st off, MetroQT let me say thank u 4 the compliment & coming 2 my defense! :)...back to the matter at hand,u took the words right out of my mouth...lol...honestly,when I saw the post...I was like "she can't be serious"...I really believe in the old adage,if u have nothing nice to say just "lurk" ;)

My hair grows in a multitude of layers,my nape is APL so I'm claiming it!...the front is past SL...I have come to the realization that my hair will never grow one length and I'm ok with that,thanks again :)

Repeat after me:

Stick and Stones may break my bones but Words can never harm me.
Great Job E!!!!

Thanks girl :)...I'm trying 2 hang in there...I figure in another six months I will be BSL...its unbelievable how immature some adults can be... *sigh*...I can't continue 2 entertain juvenile comments...I only posted this thread thinking I would get love and support from my fellow LHCF sisters,I guess a lil' bit of hate is needed to balance all the love that I received ;)...oh well,gotta' go nourish my scalp with the concoction,while shaking the "hair haters" off...lol...:)