Wanted: Heavy duty/no-nonsense product suggestions please!


Well-Known Member
My hair is too demanding! I have to use huge globs of product before I can feel a difference. It doesn't matter what I use when I wash it's crunchy when it dries. I figure there is now way I should have to pile a whole bunch of crap on my hair to make it behave. Does anyone else have hair that requires a lot of product? Can you please suggest some things that work for you?

And before anyone says daily co-washing, I tried that it didn't work. Not only did my hair crunch worse than ever....I used a whole bottle of strawberries and cream in 4 days.:yep: Oh and FYI...I keep my hair cut short and I have frizzy/crunchy 4A and 3C hair.

Thanks guys.
I *think* you may have an issue with your hair's porosity which is why it's not able to absorb all the things you're putting into it, so it takes more product. I don't stay up on the hair science stuff, so hopefully someone else will chime in. Try searching porosity on the board (or on google because the search isn't really working for me right now) and see what comes up. I think Sistaslick may have an article on it as well, check her siggy.
Sounds like you need some serious deep conditioning with a no nonsense moisturizing conditioner.

I found something that works. I used black earth bodifying mist on dry hair last night and my hair was still moist this morning. It's supposed to be a spray mist, but I had ended up having to pour it in my hand to notice a difference. It doesn't do anything for clumping curls together, but it's still a keeper.

Thanks again for everyone's input.
Clarify then use Roux Porosity control, and then DC with a moisturizing conditioner like Humectress, Lekair Shea Butter, Emergencia', Apretendura or whatever you may have that you r hair likes/use to like b4 it traded on you.
Clarify then use Roux Porosity control, and then DC with a moisturizing conditioner like Humectress, Lekair Shea Butter, Emergencia', Apretendura or whatever you may have that you r hair likes/use to like b4 it traded on you.

Do you mean porosity control Shampoo or Conditioner?