Want to wash my hair but cannot


Well-Known Member
Well today I went in for a blood pressure check up and it was just tooo tooo high. So I have to increase my dose of meds and just relax, I just got off of some antibiotics that I had a allergic reaction to and it brought my blood pressure up. Today I was going to wash my hair, but my doctor he said to wait he doesn't want me falling out leaning over the sink.:(

I need a good wash and condish, but I will wait. I just want eveyone praying that my pressure goes down, this is a serious thing. Plus my hair needs some TLC also...
No advice but you are in my prayers. I hope everything works out okay. Meanwhile just continue to deeo condition and maybe throw a baggie on it too.
MizaniMami said:
No advice but you are in my prayers. I hope everything works out okay. Meanwhile just continue to deeo condition and maybe throw a baggie on it too.

Thanks for the prayers Mizani, I need them to bring my spirits up.
determined_to_grow said:
U should wait.... Doctor's orders but did you ever think of washing it in the shower? just a thought

I may try this in a few days after I see how I feel, thanks....
I hope your blood pressure comes down soon.....your health is more important than your hair. You have my prayers.
neonbright said:
Well today I went in for a blood pressure check up and it was just tooo tooo high. So I have to increase my dose of meds and just relax, I just got off of some antibiotics that I had a allergic reaction to and it brought my blood pressure up. Today I was going to wash my hair, but my doctor he said to wait he doesn't want me falling out leaning over the sink.:(

I need a good wash and condish, but I will wait. I just want eveyone praying that my pressure goes down, this is a serious thing. Plus my hair needs some TLC also...

:creatures says listen to your Dr.'s instructions and wait.
I didn't. And later when I told him I passed out he said to
me-"Lyn you pay me for your health care. When I give you advice..
use it."
That is why I am on the couch chating on the internet, resting and not doing my hair... Thanks eveyone...:)
Sorry to hear about your high blood pressure. I agree with the previous post that your health is more important. Once that is tended to, your hair will follow suit. Take care and get well soon!
I will put you on my prayer list. I too suffer from blood pressure problems so I have been there. Please rest like your doctor said it is so important in helping to regulate it. Just keep looking up to God and he will see you through.
I want to say to eveyone thanks for all of your prayer. I am doing great now, blood pressure down, 90% of the antibiotic out of my system, building my immune system up again. I will be washing and deep condish today.

Thanks God and everyone on LHCF for the prayers...:)