Ladies... wash your hair!

We still have to remember that a lot of black women still hold on to the belief that washing your hair makes it dry. I know women who wear weaves who don't wash their hair for months at a time. The hair still doesn't smell. I was one who washed my hair once a month. No my hair never smelled, since I didn't exercise back then. But I had dandruff and itchy scalp.

Nowadays, I wash every 3-7 days. I still have times where my scalp itches but the dandruff is gone. I cowash in between washes but I found that just using conditioner or just water doesn't clean my hair at all. Even Cleansing conditioners don't make my hair or scalp feel clean, I can scratch my scalp and still see some build up on my fingernail.
LOL im so sorry but this remind me of a worker at a certain hair store i went up to her asking for advice her hair was smelling so bad dandruff was falling left and right had me afraid to breathe in ... Somehow we got on the topic of me telling her i wash my hair once a week and the way she made up her face you would think i said i murdered somebody

She went on to say she wash her hair every 5 months while she is in a weave and its "healthy" bc the dirt helps her hair to grow faster to each their own but it couldnt be me i wash my hair once a week cant cowash daily though my hair hates it

Dead :naughty::dead:
I co wash almost every day and wash on the weekends because I workout several times per week. I love that daily clean feeling and my hair loves it too. Can't see myself even going 3 days without water on my scalp.
Dang he got reported lol, he should of been embarassed

LOL! Even upper management was concerned about the smell and they usually didn't sweat the small stuff. He had great, thick dense, black hair that was only ear length. I never knew why he never wanted to wash.

During one secret santa gift exchange, someone got him a JCrew hair care set. :dead:

We still have to remember that a lot of black women still hold on to the belief that washing your hair makes it dry. I know women who wear weaves who don't wash their hair for months at a time. The hair still doesn't smell. I was one who washed my hair once a month. No my hair never smelled, since I didn't exercise back then. But I had dandruff and itchy scalp.

Nowadays, I wash every 3-7 days. I still have times where my scalp itches but the dandruff is gone. I cowash in between washes but I found that just using conditioner or just water doesn't clean my hair at all. Even Cleansing conditioners don't make my hair or scalp feel clean, I can scratch my scalp and still see some build up on my fingernail.

I like to rub shampoo on my scalp only while my hair is still dry or just a little damp and massage my scalp. I then cowash or use a cleansing conditioner for the rest of my hair. That way I cleanse my scalp without risking drying out my hair. Trader Joe's Tree Tea Tingle Shampoo is perfect for that.
lol..funny thread.
in the summer i wash weekly. in the winter i wash every 10-14 days.
women also need to wash their scarves daily and pillowcases. my friend had just washed her hair then pulled out her funky rank smelling scarf to cover it. it was like a spoiled milk smell she didn't even realize it.
sylver2 said:
lol..funny thread.
in the summer i wash weekly. in the winter i wash every 10-14 days.
women also need to wash their scarves daily and pillowcases. my friend had just washed her hair then pulled out her funky rank smelling scarf to cover it. it was like a spoiled milk smell she didn't even realize it.

Good thing my mom raised me when you wash your hair you wash your scarves, I always have a fresh one :)
sylver2 said:
lol..funny thread.
in the summer i wash weekly. in the winter i wash every 10-14 days.
women also need to wash their scarves daily and pillowcases. my friend had just washed her hair then pulled out her funky rank smelling scarf to cover it. it was like a spoiled milk smell she didn't even realize it.

But your friend defeated the whole purpose of washing her but I always notice some people don't wash their combs or brushes eww
That's how I feel now. My hair is smelly right now and I usually wash once weekly. I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to wash it and it is killing me softly! I get off at 4 and I'm going to clarify and deep condition. I am excited.

I also notice that my hair is drier after going two weeks and my products are not moisturizing as well as normal.
Was this her motto?


I never understood how some women could wait 2+ weeks to wash their hair. I was on the train today and sat next to a woman with hair so rank... I could hardly believe it. I was lookin around and thinking.. "What in the world"???

If you're one of these people who can wait weeks to wash your hair please make sure it ain't funky.


Just my 2 cents
I told a caucasian friend yesterday that I washed weekly and she looked at me like I was crazy. She said if she did not wash her hair daily, her hair will be one greasy turd. She was also telling me her hair poofs with moisture and that it becomes a lion's mane when it rains. I did not know how to talk hair with her tbh. Her version of poofy and mine are probably very different. She has straight blond APL hair and I ust can't imagine it.
ChasingBliss said:
I co wash almost every day and wash on the weekends because I workout several times per week. I love that daily clean feeling and my hair loves it too. Can't see myself even going 3 days without water on my scalp.

Exactly my schedule.
I was reading this to my momma and she said eww at some of the stories but then when I read a part about dirt makes your hair groe she said that is true.....huh???? Ok I am not putting dirt in my hair.

Sckri23 from my SCH-I500 using LHCF
The only white folks I know who wash daily are white men. The WW I know wash maybe every other day to twice a week.

Cipriana of UrbanBushBabes said in a video she only washes once a month - and its only cowashing. I don't know how she can stand it, but it works for her. :lol:

I hope you realize that I never believed that.:look: That is a line I've heard from other folks.:lol:
I told a caucasian friend yesterday that I washed weekly and she looked at me like I was crazy. She said if she did not wash her hair daily, her hair will be one greasy turd. She was also telling me her hair poofs with moisture and that it becomes a lion's mane when it rains. I did not know how to talk hair with her tbh. Her version of poofy and mine are probably very different. She has straight blond APL hair and I ust can't imagine it.

If she's a fake blonde with porous, overprocessed hair it probably does look Jacked Up when it's rainy or humid. Some people will do Anything to be a particular shade of blonde. :ohwell:
I sat next to a lady yesterday and I immediately recognized that sour milk funky smell. Yuck! I would love to wash her hair and get rid of the funk LOL

I don't believe these people don't realize their hair stinks. I mean, come on now you smell like feet and popcorn LOL

sent thru my iPhone
I was reading this to my momma and she said eww at some of the stories but then when I read a part about dirt makes your hair groe she said that is true.....huh???? Ok I am not putting dirt in my hair.

It doesn't mean to literally put dirt in your hair, just that the buildup of crud on your scalp from not washing fertilizes the scalp and helps the hair grow.

It's an old wives tale and untrue.
This thread is funny. My sister just complimented me on how good my hair smells. I'm 2 weeks post wash, and haven't put anything special in it.

When I wear my hair straight I can go a month without washing my hair.


I don't plan to wash any day sooner than when I want to. My hair NEVER smells bad. Everyone's scalp is different. Some people stink, itch, flake, etc... and some don't.
ChasingBliss said:
I co wash almost every day and wash on the weekends because I workout several times per week. I love that daily clean feeling and my hair loves it too. Can't see myself even going 3 days without water on my scalp.

Preach Sista!
I wash every 2 weeks, but wash my scarves (I have 3) weekly. I don't do anything but sit around the house all day and make jewelry so I'm not working up a sweat to have to wash more often than that :lol:
I know I can not wait 2 days to wash my hair. I still have some telling me that dirt makes the hair grow.
I told a caucasian friend yesterday that I washed weekly and she looked at me like I was crazy. She said if she did not wash her hair daily, her hair will be one greasy turd. She was also telling me her hair poofs with moisture and that it becomes a lion's mane when it rains. I did not know how to talk hair with her tbh. Her version of poofy and mine are probably very different. She has straight blond APL hair and I ust can't imagine it.

yes they can have very different hair it depends on where they are from not all whites are a like. There are curly heads and koils and straight and oily. so the straight and oily have to wash their hair everyday that is why you have to watch which shampoos you use that are made for their hair type it will dry your hair out. i could never use the vo5's and the sauves because they were so drying to my hair years ago.
Aireen said:
How long is her hair? If you happened to see it or if she mentioned. I bet it's only SL and if it's APL, it's probably dry, brittle, and uneven. :look:

It was shoulder length she even said herself that her hair is so tangled up when she takes down her weave but somehow it doesnt click for her that she needa turn her regimen around all i could do was shake my head at her and suggest she do differently
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This thread is funny. My sister just complimented me on how good my hair smells. I'm 2 weeks post wash, and haven't put anything special in it.

When I wear my hair straight I can go a month without washing my hair.


I don't plan to wash any day sooner than when I want to. My hair NEVER smells bad. Everyone's scalp is different. Some people stink, itch, flake, etc... and some don't.

You have my dream scalp. Within a few days of washing my scalp feels/smells dirty and I'm like UGH! I wish I could co-wash everyday but this 4b hair is a fight to the finish and I just can't do it.
You have my dream scalp. Within a few days of washing my scalp feels/smells dirty and I'm like UGH! I wish I could co-wash everyday but this 4b hair is a fight to the finish and I just can't do it.

I've wondered if it has anything to do with how much sebum a person produces. I rarely feel like my hair needs washing, unless it's to remove product. I Just wash on a schedule: weekly for curly hair; monthly when straight. I've noticed that I produce very little sebum.
My sister washes her natural hair every two weeks and I've never noticed it smelling. Her hair is APL unstretched, so she has a lot of hair too.
I wash every 2 weeks, sometimes more frequently depending on the weather and how much my scalp sweats. My hair never stinks.
Meh. I wash once a month and my hair does not stink. People stay in my hair so I'd assume they wouldn't play so much if it had a bad smell. My hair actually would start smelling when I co-washed often because it never had a chance to dry. I don't have time to blowdry and my hair is thick and long so once I noticed it getting a mildew smell, I stopped washing/wetting it so often. Now my hair and scalp smells fine all the time and I even get compliments from men on the smell sometimes. Whatevs.

ETA: I also don't put anything on my scalp and rarely moisturize my hair.
I think that if you don't put much stuff in your hair maybe you can wash monthly. I like a weekly wash, because I just like water hitting my scalp.