Waist Length 2014

Ultimate Goal: CBL/APL semi stretched( e.g twist outs, braidouts, and so forth). Stretched that may be HL/TBL but I can't fathom my hair being that long.
Regimen: Year-long Protective styling with braids, wigs, and buns. Frequent oil rinsing and no heat.
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: ~ 6.5 so we'll see if that's doable.
Natural/Relaxed/Other: (OPTIONAL) doesn't matter to me, I love it all... Natural that is steadily albeit sadly getting looser and loosing density.
Tips/Tricks: Trying the inversion method. We'll see if that works out.
Issues or difficulties you're having: Shine, density loss and tangling but I'm changing my regimen to see if that will help. As well as figuring out if I need to incorporate protein into my hair regimen.

I have about 7 inches to WL so I don't know if that's possible for me but I'll join anyhow. Will post pictures in December.
What were your most worn styles this year? Mine were hands down roller sets! But I also love my hair pressed straight (and the styles I can achieve while pressed like smooth bantu knots/flexi rods) and last but not least..senegalese twists.
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What were your most worn styles this year? Mine were hands down roller sets! But I also love my hair pressed straight (and the styles I can achieve while pressed like smooth bantu knots/flexi rods) and last but not least..senegalese twists.
What color do you have in your hair?! lulu97 I love it! I want to do something similar to my hair but I'm too chicken.
hi ladies I am new to the forum and am all in for this challenge!
I shampoo 2x a month with a shikiai shampoo bar henna 2x a month and DC over night and my only style is two strand twists..... I am not a styler AT ALL!! lol I think I am a little past bsl but will add pictures of where my hair is now within a week or so!
Saludable84 , you're hair is SOOOOO thick!! :lick: It's awesome!!

I love love my hair so much. . . And I literally just realized that tomorrow's my nappiversary :blush:!! 6 years! It's been 6 years since my BC!! WOW!

I forgot what I came in here to post about :lachen:.

Thank You!!!!

Listen, I secretly stalk you in the WNG thread and your Fotki :yep: Im watching them curls make a downward spiral :lick:
I think these twists can last another week. I will cocleanse my scalp, Dc, spray a little protein leave in, moisturize and seal.
I'm getting tired of my hair. I wish I could do wash and goes. Think I'm going to twist it up. The only problem is it's not going to last that long.

Can we ask a mod. To fix the spelling it the title of this thread?

Sprinkl3s I have something for you to use it is called lock and twist gel from ORS and it works just fine for me. I could never have twist before using this product. I do redo my hair every week because I like the neat look and if I do anything to my scalp or co wash my twist is coming out and that is fine with me because I am a person who can not keep their hands out of their hair so at least this makes me wait all week because I do lol. I was doing it every 4 days or so but now it will stay with no problem. I am a wash n go queen that is how I keep my hair everyday until now. plus I am trying to grow out my gray so I am trying to leave the henna alone for now and this will make me stop. I just want to see my gray again, I love henna.
shadiya I'm about to go get some. Thanks

Just washed my hair. Sitting in 4 braids letting it air dry.
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Just detangled with coconut oil...under a plastic wrap for overnight prepoo.

Will shampoo, do a protein treatment, DC, moisturize, seal, and style in twists that I'll keep in for another two weeks.
Ultimate Goal: Hip Length


  1. Wash Weekly.
  2. DC (Moisture and Protein) Weekly.
  3. Co-Wash mid week
  4. Moisturize and seal, at least every other day.
  5. Wear buns Mostly
  6. Dust split ends regularly (I have a lot :sad:)

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: 6-7

Natural/Relaxed/Other: Relaxed/texturized

Tips/Tricks: May incorporate Ayurvedic elements back into my regimen.

Issues or difficulties you're having:

Laziness. I know all the things I should be doing (I've been here long enough); I just can't bother to do them. :nono:

Indecisiveness. Could have been WL-- maybe even HL years ago, had I not Big chopped and transitioned 3-4 times. :rolleyes:

What were your most worn styles this year? Mine were hands down roller sets! But I also love my hair pressed straight (and the styles I can achieve while pressed like smooth bantu knots/flexi rods) and last but not least..senegalese twists.

I've been very boring this year; especially since relaxing. Mostly messy buns.

What were your most worn styles this year? Mine were hands down roller sets! But I also love my hair pressed straight (and the styles I can achieve while pressed like smooth bantu knots/flexi rods) and last but not least..senegalese twists.

Probably my librarian style. Twist each side back and into a bun. I don't even have any pictures because it looks bad an I know it!

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Hey Guys!! I didn't even think I was anywhere near my Waist Length Goal, so I am super excited to join this challenge!!!

Ultimate Goal: Waist Length unstretched, although I think that won't happen until 2015. Therefore, For 2014, I will let my goal be Waist Length, Stretched. Once I get there to WL unstretched, I won't know what to do with myself lol.

Goal Month:December 2014.

Regimen: Until I reach my goal, I will be hiding my hair in braids or full weaves (my eyes are on the priiiiiiize!), since this year is ALL about retention, and I don't want to take any chances. When in braids, I will be washing (possibly deep conditioning) every two weeks, and moisturizing daily. When in weaves, I will be washing and deep conditioning weekly, and keeping my hair in dooky twists in-between under the wigs. Now to find some great wigs.

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: About six inches :grin:

Natural/Relaxed/Other:Texlaxed, doing 6 month stretches, and currently 3 months post.

Tips/Tricks: Idk lol....just started using hydrolyzed keratin, but I'll wait until I see the long-term results before considering it a "trick"

Issues or difficulties you're having: Retaining my ends that suffered from my damaging past hair-care habits. Trying to retain them without them constantly splitting has been hell so far, and inhibiting my hair progress.

Starting Pic:
This week's style: half up (bun) half down. I just grabbed twists so it's kinda lopsided and I don't even care. I'm supposed to be washing this week but meh I swear I have no will power to do so. When I do, they will be back in this style though.
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Hey Guys!! I didn't even think I was anywhere near my Waist Length Goal, so I am super excited to join this challenge!!!

Ultimate Goal: Waist Length unstretched, although I think that won't happen until 2015. Therefore, For 2014, I will let my goal be Waist Length, Stretched. Once I get there to WL unstretched, I won't know what to do with myself lol.

Goal Month:December 2014.

Regimen: Until I reach my goal, I will be hiding my hair in braids or full weaves (my eyes are on the priiiiiiize!), since this year is ALL about retention, and I don't want to take any chances. When in braids, I will be washing (possibly deep conditioning) every two weeks, and moisturizing daily. When in weaves, I will be washing and deep conditioning weekly, and keeping my hair in dooky twists in-between under the wigs. Now to find some great wigs.

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: About six inches :grin:

Natural/Relaxed/Other:Texlaxed, doing 6 month stretches, and currently 3 months post.

Tips/Tricks: Idk lol....just started using hydrolyzed keratin, but I'll wait until I see the long-term results before considering it a "trick"

Issues or difficulties you're having: Retaining my ends that suffered from my damaging past hair-care habits. Trying to retain them without them constantly splitting has been hell so far, and inhibiting my hair progress.

Starting Pic:

Love that regimen! Pretty similar to mine right now. We are gonna be there in no time. *E high five*
Ok, so I took these two week old twists out. I went ahead and shampooed with Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Shampoo, did a protein treatment with Komaza Protein Strengthener, Dced with SD Chocolate Bliss, then used Hairveda Whipped Creme Ends Hydration and sealed with Hairitage Hydration's Carrot Cake Frosting. :lick: Hair is in a bunch of large twists that I will make into smaller twists. On Saturday or Sunday I will wear a twist out.
*********** Love that regimen! Pretty similar to mine right now. We are gonna be there in no time. *E high five*

I hope so!! So I take it your a weaver/ wigger? If so, I need tips! I'm so nervous about my wig looking like a wig....In the past my full head weave have looked just as such: full head weaves. I want it to look as natural as possible.

These are the Senegalese twists I did yest that I'll be in for the next month. I didn't expect to be back in braids so soon (just removed a set two weeks ago), but my new growth was killing me.



I don't wear wigs but I like weaves (with a tiny bit of hair left out for blending) and senegalese twists. If i had to choose one, it would def be the sengelase twists because I have easier access to my scalp.

Weaves are done by my normal hair stylist and maintained by her as well. I normally go every 3 weeks for her to wash, condition and style it. I will moisturize the braids underneath maybe twice a week though. I prefer bob style weaves. I'll add a picture below of the last one she installed. I used hair from indianhaircompany.com

Senegalese twists are also done at the salon (but a different one) by a braider. I prefer those long. The ones I have in now are waist length when pulled forward but hip length if all towards the back. I wash them once a month and spritz with braid spray a few times a week.

I know some people are all DIY and I applaud that but I love going to the salon. The only style I do on my own are roller sets or just maintain the styles I get done at the salon. So I get a lot of help. lol
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FINALLY had the energy to wash my senegalese twists. It has been one month since I had them installed and my first wash. Surprisingly they didn't frizz much after the wash...I think I'm going to push for 2 1/2 months instead of just 2 as planned. IDK...we shall see.

Washed with Kinky Curly Come Clean Shampoo
Conditioned with Enjoy Luxury Conditioner (my hair stylist uses this brand when I'm at the salon...smells delicious and makes my hair feel like silk)
Towel dried for about 45 minutes
Used Kinky Curly Knot Today as a leave in
Used a tiny bit of Kinky Curly Custard down the length just to ensure that as they finished drying that the frizz wouldn't take over.
Went back to my half up (bun) half down style that I mentioned upthread for the week.

That style is too cute on you. And go you for staying at the salon. I like the idea of the pampering of going to a salon, but I have trust issues. :nono: and you sound like me going for a month before washing braids. :lol: it's so easy to forget about them thangs.

I want in! :-)

Ultimate Goal: MBL unstretched, which I imagine will be WL, stretched. That goal may change if/when I get there.

Goal Month: December 2014. (I'm also in the 2015 challenge- I'm a slow grower!)

Regimen: Henna monthly, henna gloss biweekly, mud wash biweekly, cowash semi-weeekly, DC weekly. Protective styling with twists (1 week a month), braids (2 weeks a month), and buns (1 week a month). Other than VO5, I only use whole foods, oils, and botanicals on my hair. I have recipes in my album, if anyone wants to try them.

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: ~7

Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural

Tips/Tricks: Inversion has worked 50% of the time (I think just because of the scalp massage), so I'll probably keep at it for a while longer. I'm also meaning to try Megatek (I have a bottle of original formula, but keep forgetting about it). I may go back into synthetic braids for part of the year (6-8 weeks at a time). PS-ing has been a lifesaver.

Issues or difficulties you're having: STYLING.

Starting Pic:


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aw man i'm sick of these buns! Has it been a week since I washed my hair?? I deep conditioned but didnt shampoo the last time i washed so this wednesday I will be clarifying and straightening this bad boy. I'm itching to braid my hair but will wait another week or two but these buns gotta go! :lol: