Waist Length 2014

I'm so mad at myself!! You know when you should just leave well enough alone? I just haaaad to color my hair. And now I can't stand it. Praise The Lord I chose a small section of hair to experiment with. *wipes brow* whew! I've already thrown a dark brown rinse over it lol. I've decided to walk on the growth aide side..purchased a bottle of MANETABOLISM vitamins. If I like it, I'll invest in more bottles.

TeeBee Well at least you scratched your color itch. Your hair is beautiful either way. I lovvvvveee how thick it is.
So far I bought hairfinity hair vitamins. I have heard great results about this so I am excited to see the results after one month. I have nothing new that I am trying. I have a starting picture of the hairfinity on my instagram. Please visit.
Hey ladies, its been a minute :wave:

Checking in: Not much to say, since Ive settled into a boring, but comfortable routine with my wig wearing, which I am very happy about; I love the automaticity of just slapping a wig on each morning :grin:

Right now, I'm just focusing on trying to ingest my vitamins consistently (big struggle) & keeping my hair moisturized (btwn m&s and midweek cowashes). I will say that after this month, I am thinking that I MAY be able to make WL this year, which I was prior to this, very doubtful about. I am currently loving where my hair is, and how much I'm learning about its care:)

IT'S MONTH TWO!!!! Go us for making it one month into this challenge

How is it going with everyone else??
I've had my hair "loose" (meaning not in my normal twists, rather in two large braids on either side of my head that I undo to moisturize and seal every other day) for about a week now. IDK why it feels like I am doing irreparable damage to my hair. :rolleyes: when I am not in twists. I've almost become dependent on them.
I've had my hair "loose" (meaning not in my normal twists, rather in two large braids on either side of my head that I undo to moisturize and seal every other day) for about a week now. IDK why it feels like I am doing irreparable damage to my hair. :rolleyes: when I am not in twists. I've almost become dependent on them.

You put it away and aren't touching it so it seems like a problem though it's really not.

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Hi Ladies, Checking in, nothing new to report...Keeping my hair in PS...I've been mainly concentrating on eating right and exercising hoping it all pays off in the end.

LOL! Girl you're crazy!


Thanks Hun:hug2: How are you holding up. I know things got crazy a couple days ago up there. You weren't stuck in that traffic were you? And I may be. I ain't claiming nothing until april though. The only reason I took this pick is because it was raining today and all my curls fell from the humidity :(.


Your so silly! I will admit pretty hair does make a person wee bit rachett :giggle:. Thanks so much!

Thanks Hun:hug2: How are you holding up. I know things got crazy a couple days ago up there. You weren't stuck in that traffic were you? And I may be. I ain't claiming nothing until april though. The only reason I took this pick is because it was raining today and all my curls fell from the humidity :(.

Yes ma'am, I surely was. :nono: I said, "I have never ever experienced anything like that in NY...ever." So that's saying something. It was like the end of time, Y2K, or something out there in them skreets. Took me 5 hours to go 15 minutes away! I was pissed! Luckily my situation wasn't nearly as bad as some others. My little Hyundai crossover did me just fine with that 4 wheel drive :yep: Just put it into 1st gear and I was cruisin on that ice.

What about you? EnExitStageLeft

GIRLLLLLLLLLLLL I was pissed the entire time. Snow in South GA? Thats unheard of :nono:. The shutdown our center the entire week :lol:. Anything below 15 degree's and we're heading for shelter. ANGTFT!

GIRLLLLLLLLLLLL I was pissed the entire time. Snow in South GA? Thats unheard of :nono:. The shutdown our center the entire week :lol:. Anything below 15 degree's and we're heading for shelter. ANGTFT!

And of course mine had to struggle to close the day of. :ohwell: We were closed for two days after, but opened Friday. :rolleyes: :perplexed
So I needed to wash my hair tonight and decided to do the works. I prepoo'd with amla, jbco and reg castor oil for like an hour. Then shampood with my shampoo bar, which is now so thin it broke :-( after abt 2 shampoos I did a aphogee 2 min protein treatment and then some organix Argan oil dc treatment. Then i rinsed, put my AG leave in, Argan oil and whipped Shea butter mix in. Flat twisted to dry. Whole time my hair was off the chain soft and curls popping! Hopefully it's mostly dry tomorrow because it's back in the bun while I wait for my fingercomber "remy" wig to get here.
@Forreal3 GIRLLLLLLLLLLLL I was pissed the entire time. Snow in South GA? Thats unheard of :nono:. The shutdown our center the entire week :lol:. Anything below 15 degree's and we're heading for shelter. ANGTFT!


We just had 6-8 inches of snow yesterday, have a snow shortage so we are in a state of emergency and no shut down for us.

Maybe one day I'll get the panic. But we are used to snow up here. It's like rain, just sticky lol.

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No snow for me in sunnyville but i am sending warm hugs your way ladies. My hair seems to be growing and i'm excited to see where my next touch up will land me I'm thinking a little below BSL, maybe i am being ambitious but its something to hope for.
it's way past time for these marley/havanna twists to come out but I'm pushing for one mo week :look:
I gotta figure out how to up my game. I really want to make it to WL ASAP so I can say I did it...

(Then cut it Into a tapered cut)
Checking in: I have not passed a comb in my hair since my last relaxer on the 23rd of January. Washed it twice in my usual two sections. I have some tangles in there but I'm not fussed about them. I've been finger combing and moisturizing twice daily. When I do get the comb in there it will be loaded up with conditioner and I will be extra gentle with my hair. I'm not sure when I will comb. Hoping to wait till the week before my next relaxer. Also being careful with what I use in my hair. I have not used a ponytail in a long time. Using claw clips, hair pins and bobby pins. That's all folks!! Happy hair growing!!
After I relaxed, I saw that I'm really at MBL now, but I'm gonna need to flat iron to get a better picture. I don't plan on doing that until next month though. I do plan on being more on top of rollersettinng though as I have much less breakage when being hair lazy or in general when my hair is set. Can't afford any setback at this point and these days, it gets easier.

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ImanAdero What ideas do you have in mind?

Froreal3 to up my game? Or for the cut?

To up my game I want to exercise more (feel like my lack of exercise is contributing to this "stagnant" hair). With that cleaning up my diet AND trying hair vitamins.

And more deep conditioning. I always say I'm gonna do it, but I don't.

I feel like I should've BEEN at WL if is paid better attention to trimming my ends more frequently, so I just gotta keep a good handle on my ends.

As for a cut:


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After I relaxed, I saw that I'm really at MBL now, but I'm gonna need to flat iron to get a better picture. I don't plan on doing that until next month though. I do plan on being more on top of rollersettinng though as I have much less breakage when being hair lazy or in general when my hair is set. Can't afford any setback at this point and these days, it gets easier.

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Can't wait to see pics!

As for me, I prepooed, cowashed, and dced last night. I sprayed some Aphogee Green Tea on my hair. I have to remember that my hair needs some type of mild protein each wash day.

Now I'm about to do a roller set. I'm not looking for perfect results...just want my hair stretched so I can put it into flat twists and bun or something.

I'm feeling the way Keravada Kera10 cowash made my hair feel. I used some Annabelle's Hair Cream as a leave in. I'm about to try out this Elasta QP Foam Wrap for this set.
So last night I decided to flat iron my hair and try to get it close to salon results. This has been a week long process since my last wash I did a prepoo/HOT or amla, castor and jbco, before shampooing twice, aphogee 2 min, and a organix DC. last night I shampood with luv naturals shampoo, made a dc with some Aussie moist, organix Argan condish, AG Argan condish, some goats milk and a few oils. Let that sit, rinsed out really well and then put leave in and some oil and braided it to dry. Ran a few errands in a bonnet and hat, went to target and bought the tresemme heat protectant and then came home, blow dried it and flat ironed at around 400. The results were pretty good, my hair was super soft and light, not greasy or weighed down. I put some light Argan oil on it and attempted to wrap it. So I'll take pics of it once I take it down