Waist Length 2014


Active Member
There isn't a thread for this one? I saw the 2015 one. Not that it matters much I was just wondering if I missed it. Maybe I should stop being thirsty and take care of my hair woes first. The 2015 might be a better mark for me anyway...

EDITED: Since there was never an official one made this will be it. It will mostly have the same rules as the 2015 one.

IF you interested just thank below, so I can add it, it is much easier to update the list :grin: TIA

Please feel free to state your,

Ultimate Goal:
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL:
Natural/Relaxed/Other: (OPTIONAL) doesn't matter to me, I love it all...
Issues or difficulties you're having:

:) I would love to check in a minimum of every 4 months, that way we can keep posted an motivated, but if you want to check in more that, you know we are more than excited to see. :look: :giggle:
January 1, 2014
May 1, 2014
September, 1, 2014
January 1, 2015
May 1, 2015
September 1, 2014
December 31, 2014
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Re: Waist lenght 2014

girl I thought this was it?? I'm coming in here about to join and whatnot :lol:
Re: Waist lenght 2014

If you give it a few more weeks someone will probably start one. Most hair challenge threads start in October.
Re: Waist lenght 2014

Can we just make this the real 2014 Challenge? LongCurlyLocks, you should just copy the rules from the 2015 thread so we can get this party started.
Count me in please. I'm in the HL 2014 challenge but I need to make WL first! DUH! LOL!

I've been in MBL purgatory for 2 years. I been scissor happy. So it's time to get to full WL by July 2014! My longest layer is 2 inches away but my shortest layer is like 5 inches away. I know my longest layer will be at WL for my December relaxer but I'm not claiming until my shortest layer gets there too.

I guess I need a starting pic. Been protective styling so let me dig one up.


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Re: Waist lenght 2014

First two pictures are pre-trim. I had put in a quick bun so its weirdly wavy in the picture.


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Re: Waist lenght 2014

Count me in please. I'm in the HL 2014 challenge but I need to make WL first! DUH! LOL!

I've been in MBL purgatory for 2 years. I been scissor happy. So it's time to get to full WL by July 2014!

SAME!!! LOL! We have to break free to the promised land :lachen:.

So is the WL 2014 Challenge on? :look: If so I'd like to hold my spot.
Re: Waist lenght 2014

Ok so this is my regimen post. The current length of my hair is in the avatar box, which is about an inch past collarbone.That picture was taken 10-8-13. I co-wash at least every other day if not everyday. Wash about once a week. I use Tresemme luxurious moisture shampoo and conditioner. I use my "power punch oil mix" which is a mixture of oils like JBCO, Argan, Grapeseed, etc with Sulfur. I basically made my own version of Liquid Gold. I use that on my scalp. 100% Shea butter for hair and ends. Bunning for protective style. Hardly ever use heat. Going back on my vitamins which contains of Grape seed, Ginkgo, and a multi which contains just about every B vitamin, Biotin, Kelp, and other good stuff. Reading ingredients and knowing what to look for helps. Drinking more water. I have some powders that I plan to use too for like DC (use up your stash) and I'm debating on picking up some Ovation Cell Therapy. I will get back to you on that one.
Yayyy! I am so excited to be able to join this challenge! After 4.5 years of growing my hair from bald... and MANY lessons learned, I am excited to see my end goal on the horizon.

My reggie is super simple--wigging with 10 cornrows. I wash my hair while braided with Trader Joe's shampoo when needed and condition with TJ's Nourish. I seal with coconut oil. I deep condition with the same (baggying). I have had been doing this for four months now, took them down, blow dried on low and put them back up twice during that time.

I plan to rotate in a light protein treatment 1-2 months.

The last time I measured was 4 months ago and my hair was 12 inches long. I am 5'2 and WL is 17 inches. I'll post starting photos and length in January. Adding check in dates to my calendar!


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Yayyy! I am so excited to be able to join this challenge! After 4.5 years of growing my hair from bald... and MANY lessons learned, I am excited to see my end goal on the horizon. My reggie is super simple--wigging with 10 cornrows. I wash my hair while braided with Trader Joe's shampoo when needed and condition with TJ's Nourish. I seal with coconut oil. I deep condition with the same (baggying). I have had been doing this for four months now, took them down, blow dried on low and put them back up twice during that time. I plan to rotate in a light protein treatment 1-2 months. The last time I measured was 4 months ago and my hair was 12 inches long. I am 5'2 and WL is 17 inches. I'll post starting photos and length in January. Adding check in dates to my calendar!

Yes that is simple. And it's great to know that WL is not that long for us. If you are 5'2 and it's 17 for you, I'm 4'11, I'm think it might only be maybe 14 for me. I'm going to measure my hair now! Me so excited!!!
Re: Waist lenght 2014

I'd like to join.

Ultimate Goal:
Waist length. I don't think that I could handle more than that.

Wash once weekly, DC weekly. WNG, twistouts, braidouts, or buns.

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL:
I have no idea. I'm going to straighten once it stops raining and see.

Natural/Relaxed/Other: (OPTIONAL) doesn't matter to me, I love it all...


Issues or difficulties you're having:
I'm lazy, so I often slack on my routine.
I may be doing a different PS for a few reasons. One, doing co-washing, and doing a bun just about everyday is too much manipulation. Plus, I will be starting a new job soon to where I won't be able to deal with styling everyday. So I may do braids under a wig, still do the co-washes with the braids in and stick to the rest of my said reggie. Leave in for a few weeks, wash, DC, let rest a few days and do it all again. I think that sounds better.
Re: Waist lenght 2014

yaaayyy! I am definitely in this one! I made it all the way to waist length last year then chopped to apl. Hopefully I make it there again by the end of 2014. I'm 52 weeks post relaxer and transitioning to natural. Will post starting pics next month as my hair is currently weaved up
yaaayyy! I am definitely in this one! I made it all the way to waist length last year then chopped to apl. Hopefully I make it there again by the end of 2014. I'm 52 weeks post relaxer and transitioning to natural. Will post starting pics next month as my hair is currently weaved up

Wait...you were waist length and you did what???!!!
Im in the 2015 challenge, but will join here too.

Update coming tomorrow and a beginning photo when these braids come out.
Re: Waist lenght 2014

Count me in!

Ultimate Goal: Classic length (if possible and so as to have really big buns and twist-outs)

Regimen: Really low manipulation is key for me (I moisturize every other day with water that contains a few drops of peppermint oil then I seal with monoi oil and the "African pride" leave-in). I DC with coconut oil and honey once or twice a month).

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: 2 inches

I've always been natural

Tips/Tricks: PS (twist-outed buns are my go to style).

Issues or difficulties you're having: A bald spot on my right edge that doesn't want to grow at all.

I'll post a starting picture in january 2014 but it is possible to see my current length on my profile (I'm in the WL 2013 challenge but I'm not sure I'll be able to reach that length in december 2013).

HHG girls!!
Re: Waist lenght 2014

I would like to join! :)

I joined a hip length for 2014 but I just made BSL (woo-hoo) so I think this would be more reasonable. I will come back and update the details later today or tomorrow.
Re: Waist lenght 2014

I'm wearing a twistout today which came out really nice. I used B.A.S.K. palm tapioca and pink eco styler gel. I really want to straighten next week so trim my hair, so I hope that the dews stay low and it doesn't start raining again. This is the first cold front that we've had all year.
Re: Waist lenght 2014: OFFICIAL!!!

Scratch this original post. I reposted down thread.
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