Vitamin Water


Well-Known Member
Is anyone drinking Vitamin Water?

Just wondering because I've been picking these Glaceau Vitamin Waters up at the grocery store and Target on sale. They're pretty tasty and come in different varieties; the "energy," "focus" and "revive" versions are full of B vitamins and according to the bottle you get anywhere from 50% to 100% of your daily allotment.

I figure it can't help to add a few more vits to my regimine and hydrate at the same time. Too soon to tell yet if these are actually benefiting my regimine, tho--but they're tasty.
I do! I like them but I'm not sure if they're actually "doing" anything for my hair or body otherwise. I just know drinking those is better than drinking soda since I just can't fathom the thought of drinking plain water.
I sometimes pick those up, but you need to watch the caloric content on those things. I'm very wary cos for some reason anything that has 'water' in the name seems to be choc-full of empty calories!(except the flavored waters like Dasani and Aquafina). They're :lick:, but be careful not to add an extra 500 calories to your daily intake from just one bottle.
True on the calories; these are not "water" per se, but more like fruity energy or health drinks. The Vitamin Water has about 125 calories per 20oz bottle and I enjoy one a day.

I wonder if they work too--but they taste so good I can't say I'm really pressed. I've read some reviews that the B-vit ones really do give some folks a pick-me-up.
I love them, drink them all the time! They're way better than juice or soda anyway, which I've completely eliminated from my diet for about 2 years now. I don't think it's done anything spectacular in the way of growth, but having those extra B-vitamins probably helps me absorb other vitamins better, such as Biotin for example.

Not a water replacement at all, but they are only 150 calories per bottle, which lasts me the whole day.
They look interesting, but one of my loves is that water is calorie free. One of the few pure and healthy things I can drink w/o worry.
I love them. They helped me "transition" to pure water cause I hated it but I realized that my health was suffering for not having enough water intake. I drank a couple of those a day, now I drink a jug of 80oz of plain water at least once per day. I only drink the vitamin waters on occaision and now I find that they are too "sweet" for my taste.
I drink plain ole water. And trust me this goes for anyone...if you keep it up, you will get used to the taste and actually crave it. 6yrs ago, i used to drink a 10oz cup of water for lunch and that was it. I'm not a health nut or anything, i just actually prefer the taste of water over soda...i've grown accustomed to it. I haven't tried the vite waters but i will soon try them since they taste good. I have lost all desire for sodas, so i occasionally drink Gatorade as a treat, (probably like 1 every 2 weeks). And now gatorade has become too sweet for me. So I'll give these a try....

{humm, now if i can only figure out how to enjoy an alcoholic mixed drink without feeling like i am swallowing a bag of sugar... :look:}