Vitamin Junkie Roll-Call!


New Member
I've been taking my vitamins for maybe 2 months now, and boy can I tell the difference! My skin is *gorgeous*. My complexion was very uneven before and now it looks like I have foundation on when my skin is bare. I feel much happier and have more energy.

I take:
1 prenatal
2 chelated multi-mineral pills x day (which is the suggested dose)
1 vitamin C w/rose hips
1 mega B complex

and I will be starting biotin once my Puritan's Pride order gets here. I already get .75 inches a month, but I want to see if I can increase that.

I know super-high doses of certain vitamins can be bad for you... but I'm doing great with my vitamin reg.

What vitamins/supplements do you take? What benefits have you noticed? Any negative side effects (like the famous biotin breakout)?
I take:
  • GNC Bone Density Multi
  • Calcium
  • B Complex
  • Silica
  • Vitamin C
I'm ordering/buying this week:
  • MSM powder
  • Fo-ti root
  • Super Biotin
  • Udo's Omega 3 Oil
I know that I get about .5 inch per month normal growth. I won't know until the end of the year if these supplements have helped my growth or not. When I ran out of the bone density multi, my once clear face (miracle in itself) immediately broke out again. So I will never let my multi run out again.
I have been taking Vitamins since high school. I take them mainly for other health reasons, the hair benefits are just a bonus for me.

I take

Multi- Kal Enhanced Energy
Solaray Mega mineral multi-mineral
Flaxseed oil 1tbs
Fish oil 1000mg 2-3x
Biotin, 10mg
Bamboo 500mg 2x
B-complex 50mg; I don't take this everyday, maybe 3-4x a week


msm with extra vitamin C
I take:
Nature's Bounty Super Biotin 5000 mcg
Natures Bounty Omega-3 Fish oil(2x daily)
Puritan's Pride Pantothenic Acid(B5)
Walgreen's B-complex vitamins

My skin is radiant and my nails are long and strong. Also,my newgrowth is coming in alot thicker.

~*~Remember to take a b-complex vitamin whenever you take biotin to avoid breakouts. I have been taking my biotin faithfully for going on 2 months and I have not experienced any breakouts~*~
Fish oil
Multi vit - seeking a better one
MSM powder
Super vitamin C
:yawn: I got tired just reading that

Benefits are - improved skin
Knee pain gone
better blood circulation
shine to my hair
I'm regular:blush:
I take

1000 mg Biotin
Solar Hair Skin and Nails MSM formula
Solar Womens multivitamin

Benefits include, no more joint pain, and faster hair growth, radiant skin
I take Aphogee vitamins. They have biotin, protein, vitamin E, folic acid....too many goodies to name. They're awesome, my nails are so strong and my newgrowth is very thick as well.:yep:

Forgot to add that I have noticed slight breakouts on my face :sad: I never could figure out what was going on, then I read on here that biotin causes breakouts. Other than that I love the vitamins.
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I have been taking Vitamins since high school. I take them mainly for other health reasons, the hair benefits are just a bonus for me.

I take

Multi- Kal Enhanced Energy
Solaray Mega mineral multi-mineral
Flaxseed oil 1tbs
Fish oil 1000mg 2-3x
Biotin, 10mg
Bamboo 500mg 2x
B-complex 50mg; I don't take this everyday, maybe 3-4x a week


msm with extra vitamin C

Gym, any particular reason why you don't take the B-Complex every day?

ETA: I take

Biotin 5000mcg
Super B-complex 50mg
Vitamin C 1000
Fish oil (2x day)
Flaxseed oil (2x day)
Probiotics (2 or 3 x day)
Iron (anemic)

I'm regular (which is NOT the norm for me). Sorry TMI
My mood is better.
My concentration has improved.
My skin looks better.
My hair texture is soooooo soft.
My hair is shinier. People have even commented on it.
Hair is growing EVERYWHERE. I'm feeling like the cavemen in the Geico commercials.
I'm regular. I know I said this already, lol.
My nails are growing/harder.
My hair (on my head) is growing too.
My eye doctor even said that my vision has improved.
It's helping to maintain my weight.
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I'm a vitamin junkie no more.

I'm just taking a generic Walmart multivitamin. I plan to add biotin next week. I may order some liquid vitamins because I like that better. That's all I'm taking. Been there done that.
Gym, any particular reason why you don't take the B-Complex every day?

ETA: I take

Biotin 5000mcg
Super B-complex 50mg
Vitamin C 1000
Fish oil (2x day)
Flaxseed oil (2x day)
Probiotics (2 or 3 x day)
Iron (anemic)

Well, I have been improving my diet lately and I am taking the full recommended dose of my multi (3times a day) so I haven't felt the need to take it everyday. I usually take it at night with 5mg of biotin before bed so sometimes, its because I forget :lol:
Vitamin junkie checkin' in :look:

one-a-day multi
biotin 5000mg
super b complex
kelp 250mg
b-5 250mg
vitamin C 3000mg
flaxseed oil 3000mg
silica 1500mg

everyday :look:
Well, I have been improving my diet lately and I am taking the full recommended dose of my multi (3times a day) so I haven't felt the need to take it everyday. I usually take it at night with 5mg of biotin before bed so sometimes, its because I forget :lol:

Okay. I asked because I was considering taking my B-complex every other day since the multi has B's in it. I keep reading that B complex is water soluble BUT I remember one of the members saying that her doctor told her that her B6 level was off the chain. I was thinking, how is this possible since it's supposed to pass. It kind of spooked me a little.
Okay. I asked because I was considering taking my B-complex every other day since the multi has B's in it. I keep reading that B complex is water soluble BUT I remember one of the members saying that her doctor told her that her B6 level was off the chain. I was thinking, how is this possible since it's supposed to pass. It kind of spooked me a little.

Well, lets say you take a multi with alot of B's and a b-complex....They are water soluable but all of it doesn't come out at once, especially if your doses are spread out through the day. So if her doctor tested her at 1oclock and she had lunch and took her multi or b-complex at noon, then yeah, her levels are going to be higher. If you are not sure then alternate especially if your multi has a good amount of B's in it. My multi has a lot so I don't stress if I forget about the b-complex and I don't rush in replenishing my supply when I run out. In times where I am more stressed or sick I will take it everyday but otherwise just a couple of times a week for me now.

How much do you have left? What you could do once it runs out, is stick to your usual regime for a month and see if you notice any changes, positive or negative. Then you can decide what to do. Also, try looking for a b-complex that doesn't have the full 400mcg of folic acid since you take a multi or find a milder one to give you a boost when you need it. Freeda makes a mild b-complex, like 10mg bcomplex. They designed it for cancer patients I believe. I think I might switch to that one myself, especially if I keep taking all of my multi.