Vitamin Regimen

  • Thread starter Thread starter AmilLion
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I recently visited my local GNC store. The following are the vitamins I picked up:

MSM - 1500 mg - $16.99 - 60 tablets - serving size 1 tablet
Evening Primrose Oil - 500 mg - $17.99 - 90 tablets - serving size 2 tablets
Flax Seed Oil - 500 mg - $5.99 - 90 tablets - serving size 1 tablet
Biotin - 600mcg - $8.49 - 120 tablets - serving size 1 tablet
Silica - 11mg - $7.99 - 90 tablets - serving size 1 tablet
GNC NourishHair - $7.00 - 60 tablets - serving size 2 tablets (600mcg of Biotin, 200mg of MSM, 1mg of Silica)

With this gold card, my total came to $40.00

From my understanding I should be taking in:
2000-3200 mg of MSM
500 mg of Evening Primrose Oil
500 mg of Flax Seed Oil
5000-7500 mcg (5-7.5mg) of Biotin
500 mg of Silica
A hair Vitamin and multi-vitamin. Is this correct?

If so, because I own the NourishHair (not that ultra nourishhair) I should be taking:
4900-6900 mcg of Biotin
1500-1800 mg of MSM
500 mg of Silica
500 Flax Seed Oil
500 Evening Primrose Oil
and A multi vitamin

Is this too much for me to take?
2 NourishHair
8-11 Biotin (wtf...I know there's a higher dosage)
1 Flax Seed Oil
2 Evening Primrose Oil
Multi Vitamin
Need a new Silica pill w/lower mg?

Sorry this was soo long winded and descriptive, but I'm trying to follow a healthy track. Additionally, did I pay too much?
Biotin from CountryLife comes in 5mg doses, 60 pills for $10. There might be some other vitamin companies that sell Biotin in a similar dosage. That would save you taking so many Biotin pills. You should be able to find it at a local vitamin store or online at
Thanks a lot. I visited the Purtian's Pride website and found that 1mg of Biotin, 100 caps = $2.80. Pretty cheap, but that's 5 caps I would have to take.

Thanks for your suggestions regarding Country Life.

You have to adjust your intake according to what produces the best results for you. I'm assuming you have just started taking the vitamins and supplements so to start use the dosages you posted. From there give yourself a month or two to decide whether to increase/decrease or eliminate/replace an item. Hope this helps.

Happy hair growing my dear!
Thanks a lot Legs because I'm the type of girl that if I don't see results within 2 weeks, I'm easily discouraged. I will stick to the program until my birthday (April).

I'm with you as well, bra strap length by October 03 /images/graemlins/smile.gif

My hair is currently 22" from hairline to ends.
you should really check your area for a store called the
VitaminShoppe. It is so much cheaper. I got 5000mcg of biotin for $6
Also, I got an EFA blend of flaxseed/borage and evening primrose for about $5. It is a liquid so I have to take a tablespoon a day but I get a higher dosage than I could get from the pills. It doesn't taste bad either.