Vitamin Challenge 2013

I'm late posting, but I have been in braids since July and just took down my hair a couple of days ago. I didn't have my hubby to help take pictures, so I'll have to post them after a second washing. I have been pretty good with my vitamins. As soon as I get length pictures I'll post them.
:yay: Checkin in..... I make it my business to take my vitamins, I remember because I take it right after I brush my teeth with some OJ to get the taste on the tooth paste out.
I have plenty NG:bouncy:. I have included Bamboo Sicila to my regi, on top of my MSM and biotin. Today when I walked in the office, the front desk clerk said, "Tazzie, are you in love or pregnant, your skin is glowing!!" I think it's the Bamboo because thats the newest to my regi. I know my nails are growing cause I can long at the nail bed to see the space where no polish is.
Checking in...with morning vits.

Currently taking
Calcium/Vit D
Fish oil pills

Drinking bamboo tea a few times a week for silica.