Vitamin Challenge 2013

Hi everyone! I had to change my vitamin regimen. I'm only taking rainbow vitamin one a day. I'm scared to take anything else from just finding out we are preggo :-) Hercules. Hercules. :-)
Took my first hairfinity pill today. Noticed a random breakout trying to creep up so I instantly drank 1.5
Liter of water cleaned my face with witch hazel and took a salmon oil pill. Maybe my body has to get use to them. I'm almost out of my alive vitamins
checking in!

Almost out of my prenatals. Thinking about subbing them for a multi-vitamin.

Any recommendations?
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checking in!

Almost out of my prenatals. Thinking about subbing them for a multi-vitamin.

Any recommendations?

One more vote for One A Day! I take the petites (ironically, if you use the petites, you actually have to take two a day).

PS- Checking in.

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