Virtual Community for Christian Women

natural in ATL

15+ years natural
One of my very good girlfriends has started an online community for Christian women. Please check it out, post/comment, and share with your friends! I think as Christian women, we need to support each other more and as you know, that support can definitely be felt in the online world.

Here's the info -

One of the ideas God had pressed on my heart was to start a virtual meeting place for and about Christian women and our daily walk. I've had this idea for quite some time, but had simply put it on the back shelf. But NO MORE.

I have stepped out and started a blog at I made the very first post today! It may not be the slickest and most exciting web design, but it is truly what I have in my alabaster box that God can use. I have decided that no matter what, I'm living each day fully poured out and anticipating each of the experiences in life that God will use to fill me back up with Him!

I am really excited about what God is going to do through this new venture and I invite each of you to view the first post, visit the site often, subscribe, and tell your friends about it. I truly believe that this site will eventually become the premiere spot for women looking to KNOW the Word, LIVE the Word and BE the Word.

In the meantime, I appreciate all of your prayers and encourage you to STEP OUT and live like you've never lived before.
Follow me on Twitter: alabasterboxexp