Vent: Years Later Side Piece Aint S...!

I really love your casual hey girl approach :lachen:

But does HE sleep at night? See she was desperate and obviously stalked for yearsssss. Him? He took the damn vows. Though she's done it a few times :lol: so should know...

:lol: I'd roll in there each time so unbothered. I know you do it in your own way that's why she stays hostage to her own guilt. How are you over the age of 18 held up in the bedroom ear glued to the door?

It's probably like clock work too.
Her "When is DarkJoy coming by?"
Him "She should be here any minute."
Her *feet shuffles on to the back of the house*

Girl, please.

If she's grown enough, bold enough to stalk, and marry her girl's man be grown enough, bold enough to come out of hiding and offer a greeting or salutation. :lol: Seems real simple to me.

And him? I just have no words. Not one.
DarkJoy gone be like....

That gif gets me every frigging time yo! :lachen:
Long story short:
  • We were all a HS clique
  • She tried to bust in on me and my man. She ousted from the crew
  • Advent of social media 10 years later and they stay in soft touch #whyihatefacebook
  • Another 10 years, 2 marriages and 3 baby daddies later for her as a career waitress :rolleyes: 20 years and a marriage and baby for us, she makes her move and his dumbass follows
The end. Of everything.

She really did me a favor though...

WOW for real though WTF??
As for old girl, guilt is real and karma has a nasty bounce back. How much do you want to bet she is miserable.
Because she deserves to have her a$$ whipped and she is just waiting for the day when it happens.
She is hiding out of self-preservation because in her mind he is still worth that effort.

I can't imagine going to jail over that nonsense...but she probably would not even press charges since she deserves to get stomped out.

I'd prefer it this way though rather than her trying to always be around. My cousin's new wife was always tagging along for his visits and to pick up the kids with the ex-wife. She was his former mistress. She finally stopped after his kids were overheard calling their step-father "dad" during a pickup. She confronted their mom, yeah, she went there, and it didn't end well.
Y'all still at this? OP, let that mess go. Its a waste of energy and peace of mind. It's been SIX YEARS. Everybody involved should let it go by now. He valued that woman more than you and your marriage which would make it much easier to let them go.
I been let it go. She the one hiding in the back of the house with the door closed though. I dont pay her no mind. But i can certainly come here to vent about their childishness.
You ain't let nothing go if you're still venting. Why is it a problem for you that she's hiding because she don't want the drama. I don't see you being angry at that man at all. You and your ex are civil towards each other when he was the one that betrayed you the most. HE was the one that destroyed your marriage, not her. That relationship could not have happened without HIM.

I been let it go. She the one hiding in the back of the house with the door closed though. I dont pay her no mind. But i can certainly come here to vent about their childishness.
You ain't let nothing go if you're still venting. Why is it a problem for you that she's hiding because she don't want the drama. I don't see you being angry at that man at all. You and your ex are civil towards each other when he was the one that betrayed you the most. HE was the one that destroyed your marriage, not her. That relationship could not have happened without HIM.

I think this is more of a light-hearted thread. She WAS very angry with her dh I believe and was just sharing about her former friend. I think she is genuinely surprised that his gf and her former friend is still hiding after all these years.
It wasn't just her that made me respond at all, it was also the comments. It's been way too long to still be doing this if you're not still angry. And I hate to see a bunch of women go in on the woman and be all good with the man when he was the main one that I could understand her being still mad at, because he was the one that broke their vows...but she seems all good with him.

I think this is more of a light-hearted thread. She WAS very angry with her dh I believe and was just sharing about her former friend. I think she is genuinely surprised that his gf and her former friend is still hiding after all these years.
It wasn't just her that made me respond at all, it was also the comments. It's been way too long to still be doing this if you're not still angry. And I hate to see a bunch of women go in on the woman and be all good with the man when he was the main one that I could understand her being still mad at, because he was the one that broke their vows...but she seems all good with him.

Obviously you missed a few posts.

@hopeful was right. This really is a lighthearted thread.


Good day.
Your ex is terrible, the worst type of man to be with. And what a nasty roach ass broad, I hate women like her and this is why I don't play that shady friend bs.

Op you got my blood boiling for you.
Aww you're very kind.

Whats great is, all these 6 years i had no idea thats what was going on and why he trying to rush me out :lol:. I was oblivious til i saw the purse last week! :lachen: then boom it hit me and i posted here.

The funny thing is my blood aint close to boiling for myself. Its like they're acting like theyre still cheating on me! Hes all protecting her from the (ex)wife in front and shes cowering in the back and i had no clue all this time.

They both need therapy for their guilt!

Heres clarification for other posts--they are NOT MARRIED. She just be spending the night. He told me he could never marry her several years ago. *shrug*
I'm sure folks would be plotting revenge on the husband too because he is foul! But she has to maintain a peaceful relationship with him for now for the child. She can't afford to have drama in that relationship.

The side chick can eat dirt though.
This is everything. Another 8 years of this co parenting **** to slog through. It would truly damage my child to see her mom black both her daddy's eyes every week during trade off :lol: