Vent! Why do men do this? (Long)


New Member
Why is it when a guy breaks up with you or does something stupid to where you both agree that you're not going to contact each other again he CONTACTS you?

This has happened to me several times over the years. Before the breakup I tried to make it work and they continued to do the same things or act like they weren't interested. I don't do "back together agains", it hurts too much and is a waste of time. You either want me or you don't. Back in the day I ceased all contact and would change my telephone number often. I was notorious. My friends would be like "Girl, I got like seven different numbers for you. LOL" and this was before cellphones, emails, etc. Once I cut you off - YOU'RE CUT OFF. I also wouldn't open my door if I wasn't expecting anyone either, so if they did stop by unannounced they'd be *ish outta luck.

This one guy had a brother that worked for the police department and he found my number through the telephone company. Mind you, I hadn't seen him for about two years or so and I was already in another relationship. I was cold blooded - I asked him why he was calling me and proceeded to tell him I was in a relationship and not to call me anymore. He seemed hurt, but got the message. I never heard from him again. Like, did you REALLY expect me to be waiting or thinking about you after all this time? Please!

I bumped into another guy that I was really into once on the street one day and didn't recognize him. It had been a few years, but he remembered me. He was like "oh man girl, how you been?" all smiling, "You look good" And?? I had to ask him who he was and when he said his name I was like "you got fat" (to myself not to him). This dude used to have the bomb body and was foine. What turned me off from him was the sex. He came in two seconds (one, two strokes) and it was over. Can't say I didn't give him a chance. Anyway, he was trying to get my number and I told him I was in a happy relationship, wished him the best and kept it moving.

Now, there's this guy I was having a long distance "relationship" with for the past year that got mad at me for the upteempth time for calling him an emotional unavailable bastard (which he is). Told me I was crazy, to go f___k myself and that it was over. I called him some more names, told him that I agreed and was happy that we never slept together, so I wasn't going to lose that much sleep over it. I changed my cellphone number (which I was going to do anyway, not just because of him) and thought that was the end of it. This was two weeks ago.

Do you know this fool sent me an email today saying "Still luv me?" :perplexed

I didn't answer. I'm off the emotional rollercoaster with him. I'm sending his emails to spam, eventually he'll get the hint. I honestly don't get why he wants to stay in contact with me. He's a handsome man, smart and plays headgames. He can do that with women in NYC. I can have a gameplayer right here in LA if I wanted that.

Besides being an ex-cop (20 years on the force which I know probably adds to his "issues"), we're both scorpios. Never dealt with a scorpio male before and don't intend to do it again.

Why can't exes STAY exes? There are women all over the place looking for someone, why the need to go back to the past?
Bcuz in a mans mind...once you're're always his...

You cant decide to be done with them...they have to decide to be done with you...
Bcuz in a mans mind...once you're're always his...

You cant decide to be done with them...they have to decide to be done with you...

:lachen: That's funny.

Okay, even if that is true, the long distance relationship guy and I NEVER even kissed or hugged. I met him last year for all of 20 minutes while he was visiting LA. We've had several "fights" about him not opening up or trying to keep me "wanting" him. He says that I'm crazy and that he does "talk" which he doesn't. It's basically me prying information out of him and then him answering. It was very one-sided. The only thing I regret about "us" is that we never had sex. It's the one thing I was looking forward to cause I know he'd be bomb. LOL!

Oh well.
Hmph. He mad.

Its his pride girl..

How dare you decide you're not satisfied AND he didn't get the must be out ya mind!

:lachen: :lachen: You got me crackin up here! :lachen:

HE dumped ME. Told me to go "f___k" myself and that I was crazy. He said this would be the "last time" he'd do "this" with me. I cursed him out some more, told him good riddance and changed my number the next day. I had THOUGHT we were done.

I know he's seeing other women in NYC. He can play this b.s. with them with his always catching an attitude arse.

I hate men. I really do. Can't live wit 'em, can't live without 'em. I have YET to understand these fools. Doubt I ever will. They are needed for pro-creation and recreation services only. LOL! :lachen:
They hate to feel like you've moved on...EVEN when they're the ones to make that move...they feel better when you're calling them and begging to work it out...

Duh! girl u ain't know that's the way its supposed to be??!

I hate those fools too...good luck trying to figure them out...
:lachen: :lachen: You got me crackin up here! :lachen:

HE dumped ME. Told me to go "f___k" myself and that I was crazy. He said this would be the "last time" he'd do "this" with me. I cursed him out some more, told him good riddance and changed my number the next day. I had THOUGHT we were done.

I know he's seeing other women in NYC. He can play this b.s. with them with his always catching an attitude arse.

I hate men. I really do. Can't live wit 'em, can't live without 'em. I have YET to understand these fools. Doubt I ever will. They are needed for pro-creation and recreation services only. LOL! :lachen:
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They hate to feel like you've moved on...EVEN when they're the ones to make that move...they feel better when you're calling them and begging to work it out...

Duh, girl u ain't know that's the way its supposed to be??!

Helpmeblongagain, you MUST create a relationship blog! :lachen:

You bring it in a way where it's mad funny, but incredibly truthful at the same time.

I'm just glad I wasn't in love with this knucklehead, but I ain't gonna lie, I still wanna sleep with him. His body IS nice and his voice is sexy. Yeah, I'm still pretty weak. If he had waited a month or so, I'd be over it, but I've invested so much time "talking/texting" him it's almost like a "relationship". Weird, huh?

The next LDR (long distance relationship) I get into the person will have to be 4 hours away from me and within the SAME state.

Ive been in similar situations...and honestly...I don't think its weird at all...I know certain guys just make the kitty prrrr just with the sight (and sound) of their sexy asses...

And it doesn't need to be official 2 feel like a relationship...its the time and feelings invested

Long distance relationships are I feel you 110%

And you're in LA...Im sure there's some local sexy chocolate out their with foot longs...

Ive been in similar situations...and honestly...I don't think its weird at all...I know certain guys just make the kitty prrrr just with the sight (and sound) of their sexy asses...

And it doesn't need to be official 2 feel like a relationship...its the time and feelings invested

Long distance relationships are I feel you 110%

And you're in LA...Im sure there's some local sexy chocolate out their with foot longs...

Actually, not really. There isn't a huge black population here.

Also, the NYC dude was white (jewish) and I was looking forward to some pink sausage. LOL
^^^Lmao...sausage is sausage...

**I never knew LA didnt have a big black population...pardon my assumption...its a bad habit**

No, it's not that large and the ones that were born and raised here self-segregate ON PURPOSE. You can always tell the transplanted blacks, because they live in MIXED neighborhoods like myself. LOL

But in general, we're not as large as on the east coast and in the south.

Gazillion latinos though, but I'm not feeling them like I used to.
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LMAO because I'm a Scorpio too and I handle breakups the same way you do (clean and complete cut-offs).

Men want to be in control of a woman's emotions even if he has no intentions on honoring and cherishing them. If you didn't see any value in me when we were together then there is nothing to rekindle.
Bcuz in a mans mind...once you're're always his...

You cant decide to be done with them...they have to decide to be done with you...

ITA! My ex still wants to keep in contact with me. He sent me an email out of the blue months after we broke up talking about some, "you can't email your friend sometimes?" WTF? :lachen: I don't want him in any kind of way, he's a sorry arse fool. I just ignored him, so hopefully he gets the message.
LMAO because I'm a Scorpio too and I handle breakups the same way you do (clean and complete cut-offs).

Men want to be in control of a woman's emotions even if he has no intentions on honoring and cherishing them. If you didn't see any value in me when we were together then there is nothing to rekindle.

HEY FELLOW SCORP!! :wave: :wave:

I did the "get back together" thing ONE time and stupid arse hurt me again with the same bullcrap and that's when I knew he thought I was a sucka. He was right and l learned from then on that once either one of us calls it QUITS- it's over FOREVA!

I remember changing schools in my senior year. After a few months this guy tried to talk to me and I gave him the time of day. He wasn't really cute, but he was part of the popular crowd (you know how being in high school is). As soon as it was established that I was talking to him he DUMPED me. :blush: I couldn't believe it! I asked him why (cause we didn't have sex) and he told me that he just wanted to see if he could get me. :blush:

I wasn't really mad though, because I didn't like him that much and I was glad we were never intimate. Matter of fact, we probably kissed maybe twice. Several years later, I bumped into this fool on the street! He chased me down the block to stop me from going into the subway and he was out of breath. He was like "Jada! Damn girl didn't you hear me calling you?" I didn't, but that was neither here nor there. I told him no and asked him how he was doing. He said he was fine and said HE HAD BEEN THINKING ABOUT ME OVER THE YEARS and wondered what happened to me. I said "Why?" He said he regretted what he did, apologized profusely and asked if we could start over? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I said No and that I was no longer interested and how he did it was f___ked up, yada, yada. For ten minutes or more he tried to get my number and I finally told him to get a grip, that it wasn't going to happen and that I wished him the best of luck. I really did. He wasn't a bad dude, just your typical high school idiot.

This has happened to me more than I can count and I always get great joy in telling said ex to f___k off (nicely :lachen:).

Have you ever dealt with a scorpio male Kacie? I never have until this ny knucklehead.
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Ugh. I hate this too. They just hope that you'll bite back so THEY can drop you on their terms or drop you first (if you initiated the first break-up). Or they just want to know they still got "it"

I'm actually re-dating someone and that is SO not my style but it seems to be going well.Generally though, I do the clean breaks too..if I done with you, I'm explanations needed or given.
Have you ever dealt with a scorpio male Kacie? I never have until this ny knucklehead.

When I see exes, I speak, then give out looks of death. There's no room to ask anything.

I've yet to deal with a scorpio male, but for some reason I don't think it would be all that bad. In a perfect world, I imagine that he would be as passionate and loyal as me :rolleyes:. Can I stress the loyal part?

I don't know what's up with "men" these days. Sometimes I wish that I could travel back to 1950 and pick out a ole timer.