(Vent) Naturals......How much growth did you get in 1 yr?


New Member
I just took one of my braids out tonight and did some measuring, and I must say that I am very very disappointed with my growth it's enough to make me cry.:cry: I big chopped on December 23rd, which was my nappiversary. December 23 '06 was my last relaxer, and then I put in braids but noticed that my hair barely grew 6 inches. WTH. Now I seriously just want to give up and forget the whole thing. I look at some fotkis and people achieved in 6 months what I can't achieve in a year. :wallbash: and I take care of my hair, I take my vitamins and cowash and everything else in between. I just don't know anymore. So, my questions is for those that are natural and did the BC or even those transitioning, how many inches did you grow in 1 year? I must say size does matter I want big hair so badly. Just wanted to vent. TIA
I've never measured my hair but I would say that taking comparison shots and putting them side by side helped me see my progress over time. Remember that when you take your braids out your hair has to shed all the hair that it normally sheds when it's not braided.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is a prime example of how comparing yourself to others breeds discontent. You are complaining about 6" in one year?! :perplexed That is great! Are you kidding? Can you imagine what the average black woman's hair would look like if they retained 6" a year? You are obviously doing something right. Man, i just really can't believe you think 6" in a year is insignificant.
I just took one of my braids out tonight and did some measuring, and I must say that I am very very disappointed with my growth it's enough to make me cry.:cry: I big chopped on December 23rd, which was my nappiversary. December 23 '06 was my last relaxer, and then I put in braids but noticed that my hair barely grew 6 inches. WTH. Now I seriously just want to give up and forget the whole thing. I look at some fotkis and people achieved in 6 months what I can't achieve in a year. :wallbash: and I take care of my hair, I take my vitamins and cowash and everything else in between. I just don't know anymore. So, my questions is for those that are natural and did the BC or even those transitioning, how many inches did you grow in 1 year? I must say size does matter I want big hair so badly. Just wanted to vent. TIA

6 inches per year is the average growth rate, so you're right on schedule. I'm about that too:yep:. So congrats to us :)

I just took one of my braids out tonight and did some measuring, and I must say that I am very very disappointed with my growth it's enough to make me cry.:cry: I big chopped on December 23rd, which was my nappiversary. December 23 '06 was my last relaxer, and then I put in braids but noticed that my hair barely grew 6 inches. WTH. Now I seriously just want to give up and forget the whole thing. I look at some fotkis and people achieved in 6 months what I can't achieve in a year. :wallbash: and I take care of my hair, I take my vitamins and cowash and everything else in between. I just don't know anymore. So, my questions is for those that are natural and did the BC or even those transitioning, how many inches did you grow in 1 year? I must say size does matter I want big hair so badly. Just wanted to vent. TIA

Umm, Imma hafta go with mwedzi- that's right on schedule in terms of the average PLUS you retained ALL 6 inches of healthy hair. At the end of this year-you would be well on your way past apl ---> bsl. I've never seen anyone whose hair has grown a consistent inch/month for a year (that would be some feat :drunk::drunk:)
Girl, you should be celebrating!!! It's been almost a year and a half for me, and I think I'm BARELY 8 inches.....
It's the exceptional person who can RETAIN more than 6 inches a year, and - well, we can't all be exceptional - so you are definitely ahead of the pack.
I know I shouldn't be complaining about actually retaining all my 6 inches within a year, but I guess I am just impatient. I would've like to gain a couple more inches because I want to wear my hair out so badly, even to make a small puff. I will have to learn to have more patience and stop the complaining at least it's growing some. Thanks for all the replies and listening to me vent.
I know I shouldn't be complaining about actually retaining all my 6 inches within a year, but I guess I am just impatient. I would've like to gain a couple more inches because I want to wear my hair out so badly, even to make a small puff. I will have to learn to have more patience and stop the complaining at least it's growing some. Thanks for all the replies and listening to me vent.

You should be able to do a puff at your length. You might have to stretch your hair out some (via braids or twists) but you should be able to do it.
Be grateful and bless your hair for doing what it's supposed to do!

Cathy Howse wrote her first book called, "Ultra Black Hair Growth II--another 6" longer 1 year from now".

6" is average in one year. Many (black or white) do not get that.

I know I shouldn't be complaining about actually retaining all my 6 inches within a year, but I guess I am just impatient. I would've like to gain a couple more inches because I want to wear my hair out so badly, even to make a small puff. I will have to learn to have more patience and stop the complaining at least it's growing some. Thanks for all the replies and listening to me vent.

Have you tried a pushed back puff? Instead of a ponypuff? :grin: I've been growing for a while, and I STILL can't do a proper puff - but I have a big head, too.... and I've noticed that a lot of the sista who have these amazing styles have....well, smaller heads than me. That makes a difference.

Not saying YOU have a big head or anything.... but that could be part of it... :duck:
Totally agree!! I might get only 5" in some places and I am cool with that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is a prime example of how comparing yourself to others breeds discontent. You are complaining about 6" in one year?! :perplexed That is great! Are you kidding? Can you imagine what the average black woman's hair would look like if they retained 6" a year? You are obviously doing something right. Man, i just really can't believe you think 6" in a year is insignificant.
Well I'm glad so many people have come in to say that 6 inches is normal growth. Because I don't know if my hair has even grown that much in the last year. I was feeling like the OP. I had a major hair cut last May (4-6 inches) and I feel like I'm just now getting that length back. It's so hard to tell with shrinkage. My ponytail just keeps looking the same week after week :ohwell:.
6 inches is great in 1 year. I have only grew about 4.5-5 inches last year. I would be happy for 6.
I just got a little depress because I am natural again after 10 years of relaxing and its just a shock to see my hair again after so many years. I have to get use to my growth rate and everything else that comes with being natural again. I was not mentally prepared for it, but I am learning now. Thanks for replies and for setting me straight.
I know how you feel only thing its been almost two years for me and I only have about 7 inches thats it in two years. April will make it 2 years I should have 12 inches but I don't. I did get a trim this month but only an inch was taken off. I compare my hair from month to month there is a difference but when i measure there isn't - Don't get discourage we all will get there just not at the same time. Instead of the four year stretch for waist length it might take me 6 or 8 oh well I just keep pushing forward. I do all the right things as well I just don't use any topical growth treatments but I'm gonna.
6 inches is the average growth rate. I believe that's what I got. I did trim quite a few times my first year though.

Why did you trim so much? Did you have a hard time with your ends? Is there any suggestion you would give as to how I can keep from having to do that after I BC? After reading this thread I'm kinda scared I won't retain length after Im all natural. :perplexed I think part of the reason I kept all the length of my natural hair is because I'm basically letting my relaxed hair break off or get trimmed away
Why did you trim so much? Did you have a hard time with your ends? Is there any suggestion you would give as to how I can keep from having to do that after I BC? After reading this thread I'm kinda scared I won't retain length after Im all natural. :perplexed I think part of the reason I kept all the length of my natural hair is because I'm basically letting my relaxed hair break off or get trimmed away

Don't be scared, you might get a lot more growth than I did if you use growth aids. I retained all my 6 inches in the year by not trimming at all after my big chop and I probably won't trim until maybe summer because I am in braids until the summer to get some growth. I would also suggest that you cut the relaxer off instead of letting it break off...that's just my opinion maybe another natural will chime in. I braided my air a week after I BC and that helped alot in retaining my length. HTH

OT: Trudy I like your puff, Iwould like to be able to do that. I will try and see how it works out when I take my braids out.
You are doing good. Only tip I would give is trim a smidgen when you really need it. When I had locks the growth rate was irritating to me, and everyone around me told eventually my hair would sort of let down or go into super drive and grow and it did. I am noticing the same thing happening as a loose natural now.

You are doing great!!! Just imagine 1.5 years from now, your hair will be 15inches long or longer :yep:. Whatever your regimen is, keep it up because it is working.
OT: Trudy I like your puff, Iwould like to be able to do that. I will try and see how it works out when I take my braids out.[/quote]
Oh Thank you. I love this style easy as pie.
6" is great. I did not realize how much my hair had grown until I looked at pictures of my first bc... one day I was wearing a twa and a year later I had a nice full flat ironed style. From there it just grew... people at church would say "wow your hair is growing", but I could not see it. Trust me, you are on the right track.
I have a Jewish friend who's hair has not grown six inches in the past 2 years ...no kidding .:perplexed
6" is great! Some people probably only get 3"-4", where others could probably get 8"-9" a year...always remember, 6" a year is the average growth rate. Be encouraged. :)
Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is a prime example of how comparing yourself to others breeds discontent. You are complaining about 6" in one year?! :perplexed That is great! Are you kidding? Can you imagine what the average black woman's hair would look like if they retained 6" a year? You are obviously doing something right. Man, i just really can't believe you think 6" in a year is insignificant.

I agree. I barely get 3 inches a year, and that's when I was natural as well. If I got 6 inches a year I'd be at my goal length in no time. OP, be thankful for the growth you got.
I've been natural going on 3 years come June, but stop relaxing in January of that year. I wish I got 6 inches a year. Or should I say retained 6 inches. I never really kept track of how much my hair had grown.

But, I am hoping that now with the new tools I have at my disposal and the new styling methods I am using I will be able to retain more length.

I know my hair has grown just from looking at pics of when I cut it ALLLL off. I crack up looking back like wow...You've come a mighty long way.

One thing I had to stop doing was comparing my hair to others. I have what I have and in saying that..I have to make it work for me. I might not be able to wear banging two-strand twist all thick and fluffy. But, I am mastering my pin ups. That's my signature style. I had to learn to do things unconvential to what people were expecting of nappy hair. So now I don't have to compare my hair to anyones. And feels GREAT!
Why did you trim so much? Did you have a hard time with your ends? Is there any suggestion you would give as to how I can keep from having to do that after I BC? After reading this thread I'm kinda scared I won't retain length after Im all natural. :perplexed I think part of the reason I kept all the length of my natural hair is because I'm basically letting my relaxed hair break off or get trimmed away

Sorry I'm just seeing this. The first time was bc I needed one. I BCed myself so my hair was uneven. If I had went to the salon and let them BC my hair I probably wouldn't have had that problem but I'm not totally sure. It was maybe 5 months after I initially bced though. The second time I got color and I hadn't had a trim in like 7 months so I told him to go ahead and trim it. The third time my ends were jacked because I had been manipulating and blowdrying my hair too much. :ohwell: It was only 2 months after the 2nd trim. So I had to stop that foolishness.

Plus when I get my hair straightened it looks so much better with clean ends. I don't get it straightened that often so I don't mind getting the trim. I've had my hair straightened 4 times in the last year and I got it trimmed 3 out of the 4 times. I'll probably be getting another trim soon. Maybe once the weather breaks.