Vent: Gas Station Overcharged Me And Wants To Review Video For Proof


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I went to Thornton gas/convenience store to buy a freezy drink for my son and I decided to get a small cup of soft serve ice cream. I paid, asked for receipt and left. When I get home I happened to look at the receipt and noticed they charged me for a large instead of a small ice cream. Now I never give my money away to businesses, because I believe they overcharge on purpose, so I called and let them know they charged me for the wrong size and I will be back to get my $1. Their response was not sorry, come on by and we will refund you, instead they said they wanted my receipt time and they planned to review their video before handing over the overcharged amount :confused:. Now anyone that knows me, knows that means it is time to act a fool. I told them they better review it before I get there and better have my $1 ready. When I get there the mgr has an attitude. I returned everything I bought that I hadn't eaten out of (chips, candy, etc) which were refunded, except the overcharge. She argued with me that I got a large so she was correct. I brought the different size cups over to her to show the difference and demanded my cash (obviously after cursing her out and throwing ice cream cups in her direction). I eventually received my $1 and she told me not to ever return, as if I would ever give them my cash again. So is this normal that a store would want video proof of them overcharging for something like this?

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They wanted to review video because people lie about stuff like this often
I feel like that's ridiculous though. I get all the way home and call the store telling what happened and you have to review the camera? That ish probably didn't even work. They just want to be difficult.

OP, next time review your receipt in store so you don't have to be bothered with them trying to get over.
I feel like that's ridiculous though. I get all the way home and call the store telling what happened and you have to review the camera? That ish probably didn't even work. They just want to be difficult.

OP, next time review your receipt in store so you don't have to be bothered with them trying to get over.

I think both are a little much, lol. But then again, I hear this is how people stay rich so maybe I need to get like the OP.
Well I called the District manager to complain about Katie and he slips and tells me she overcharged someone else after I left and the money was refunded immediately. Also reviewing video is not a policy, as this is not how they normally handle the situation. While he thought what he was telling me was a feel good example of how to handle an overcharge, I immediately told him that this sounds like a pattern, and asked if they are stealing money from their customers. I found it odd that this same woman overcharged another customer for ice cream after I cussed her out.
Well I called the District manager to complain about Katie and he slips and tells me she overcharged someone else after I left and the money was refunded immediately. Also reviewing video is not a policy, as this is not how they normally handle the situation. While he thought what he was telling me was a feel good example of how to handle an overcharge, I immediately told him that this sounds like a pattern, and asked if they are stealing money from their customers. I found it odd that this same woman overcharged another customer for ice cream after I cussed her out.
Man she's just a lousy employee. She should get fired ASAP
I'm glad you got your money back! Smh she lost a customer over $1...acting like that money is coming out of her paycheck.
She probably was pocketing all the money that was over her till at the end of the day.
I've worked with people who have done this. It's real.
That's why if I go to a place where they claim the register is down, I want a written receipt.

I have sent my son to the store for me only to have to drag him by his collar back to the store to get a receipt. The change he was given wasn't wrong, but I was teaching him that when it comes to money transactions, you get a receipt and look at it before you walk away, AND count your darn money.

I would not have acted out over this one, op because the girl could've called the cops and said anything and the way cops are acting today, your life could've been gone over a dollar.
For such a small amount of money it would've been best to just walk away and call the district manager from your car or home.
Over a $1 though???

"I told them they better review it before I get there and better have my $1 ready. When I get there the mgr has an attitude."

I'd have an attitude too if someone told me what I'd BETTER do. You basically got a dose of your own medicine. You gave attitude and received it in return.

"I brought the different size cups over to her to show the difference and demanded my cash (obviously after cursing her out and throwing ice cream cups in her direction)"

You are lucky the cops/security wasn't dispatched. That's borderline assault. I wouldn't want you around me, my customers or my store either clowning like that over 4 quarters. There was a better way to handle this situation that didn't involve attitude, cursing and slanging ice cream cups at employees. One day you going to run up on the wrong person on the wrong day and it won't end well.
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She probably was pocketing all the money that was over her till at the end of the day.


I would not have acted a fool over $1. But that's probably what she expects. Most folks won't come back over $1. I understand you had an attitude. But she had an attitude as well. You have to wonder why. The management should investigate her.

But stop throwing cups at people. They could charge you with assault. In today's climate, a sister has to be careful. Take it down a thousand.
Lmaoooo this just made me think of how convenience stores try not to give you your change back if it's only a little. Usually people start walking away leaving their receipt & change but I stand there waiting. It's funny because they don't even reach for your change. Y'all can get rich off of other people's coins but not mine, sorry. I get my dimes, nickels & pennies. Granted, I give it to my grandmother who collects change but still, it's mine. I get to chose who I give my coins to and it's not them
Well I called the District manager to complain about Katie and he slips and tells me she overcharged someone else after I left and the money was refunded immediately. Also reviewing video is not a policy, as this is not how they normally handle the situation. While he thought what he was telling me was a feel good example of how to handle an overcharge, I immediately told him that this sounds like a pattern, and asked if they are stealing money from their customers. I found it odd that this same woman overcharged another customer for ice cream after I cussed her out.
So you just wanna burn bridges and complain? What is the purpose of calling the district manager and then imply that they're all complicit in stealing money from their customers? This is the person you want to handle that situation and now you just look unreasonable. Now if you implied that maybe she (the manager) was stealing (as other customers were having this problem) or the clerk was inept and that he look into it that's one thing. However to suggest that a district manager, that was not in the store, is in on a con like this is insulting at the least. Even if he was he's not going to confess it to you. And if he's not, which is more than likely, you've now spit in his face for no reason. That's like someone calling and complaining about your employee and suggesting you're stealing for no reason.

So it would be best when going up the chain of command to remain calm and not fly off the handle. I got your blowing your cool in the beginning because of what the store manager did, but then to go off on the district He was actually on your side and letting you know that's not how they do things. Perhaps she would've been disciplined or something but now he's just going to get off the phone and think how you should go kick rocks, and go on about his business. I understand losing your cool but not completely. You have to look at the big picture in this thing. Also slinging stuff can get you put in jail. Just not worth it for a dollar.

Glad you got your money back. In instances like this I just let them know I'm going to contact their merchant account and mine and one way or another I'm getting my money back (I say this calmly because I know it's all on tape). They quickly do a 180 degree turn because they know what that means (their ish can be frozen while the merchant investigates and they don't want to do that for a $1). So maybe try something like that next time. I used to work for a merchant account when I was in undergrad and I understand the procedure. If they get too many complaints, they can have their account frozen for good which means they can't process payments. So when they hear the magic words "contact your merchant account and my merchant account" they solve the problem super fast and I stay in my happy mood as I walk away because I'm not going to argue back and forth with someone.
Them: We have to look at the security tapes
Me: Regardless I will be there for my money in X time and if it isn't produced I will contact your merchant account and my merchant account as well. One way or another I'm getting my money back.
Them: There's no need for that. I'm sure that what you say is true. We'll make certain to have that available for you.
Me: Thanks (smirking).

Btw this works on the phone too when say you've ordered something and cancelled it but they are trying to hold your money hostage, etc.
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So you just wanna burn bridges and complain? What is the purpose of calling the district manager and then imply that they're all complicit in stealing money from their customers? This is the person you want to handle that situation and now you just look unreasonable. Now if you implied that maybe she (the manager) was stealing (as other customers were having this problem) or the clerk was inept and that he look into it that's one thing. However to suggest that a district manager, that was not in the store, is in on a con like this is insulting at the least. Even if he was he's not going to confess it to you. And if he's not, which is more than likely, you've now spit in his face for no reason. That's like someone calling and complaining about your employee and suggesting you're stealing for no reason.

It was obvious he had no plans to do anything based on what he was saying, although my tone was stern I was not rude with him. My implication was really to say she is stealing the money and something isn't right at that store. Also I did not have an attitude initially, until they told me they were going to review the video. That was totally disrespectful and as I found is not even policy. That is where this went downhill. It was all worth getting my dollar back. The fact that she(the manager) was caught overcharging twice says a lot and I hope they have been put on notice.
Over a $1 though???

"I told them they better review it before I get there and better have my $1 ready. When I get there the mgr has an attitude."

I'd have an attitude too if someone told me what I'd BETTER do. You basically got a dose of your own medicine. You gave attitude and received it in return.

"I brought the different size cups over to her to show the difference and demanded my cash (obviously after cursing her out and throwing ice cream cups in her direction)"

You are lucky the cops/security wasn't dispatched. That's borderline assault. I wouldn't want you around me, my customers or my store either clowning like that over 4 quarters. There was a better way to handle this situation that didn't involve attitude, cursing and slanging ice cream cups at employees. One day you going to run up on the wrong person on the wrong day and it won't end well.

This is funny, but seriously I didn't care about her attitude, and she should have expected me to have one after their ridiculous assertion that they were going to review a video. There was no way I was going to sit around and wait for them to verify she stole my money, so yes I told them they BETTER have my money on the counter when I get there. Once she disrespected me, all kindness went out the window.
Yep, what she said.

I wouldn't have thrown the cups. Technically she could have charged you additional for damaging "property". You could have potentially lost out on more than that $1. In the future, it's best to call the higher ups (which you did), and hit them where it hurts....negative reviews online.
You went too far but I understand the frustration when people mess with your money and basically accuse you of lying about it.

My local grocery store regularly overcharges. I bought 2/$5 salad mix and was charged $7 at my overpriced local grocery store. I noticed before leaving the store and the manager had the nerve to try to argue that I read the sign incorrectly. Not kidding. I went to retrieve the sign and gave it to him. I got my $2 back. They overcharge so often that neighbors have called the Department of Consumer Protection. Hubby took back some toilet paper that was on sale since he noticed they didn't give him the sale price of $12.99 ($5 off) and said we didn't have a reward account. He gave me 2 receipts, one for the original purchase and return and one for the repurchase at the correct price and using our rewards card. It turns out our rewards card was under the wrong name/number all this time. When I have to purchase anything from that store, I watch as they ring it up to make sure I get the correct pricing. DH started paying more attention after the salad mix incident and seeing a neighbor walking back over with her receipt in her hand saying they overcharged her.
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That was a lot to do over a single US dollar. :spinning: I kinda get it, but I wouldn't have expended the energy. I have too much going on to possibly go to jail over a $1.

But to answer the question: no, it isn't normal to review security footage over such a thing. All parties involved were being petty AF. I'm happy it didn't turn into a case of "when keeping it real goes wrong"" for one or both of you.