Vatika Oil Works! (with pics)

Hiya sorry ladies- that was 10 millimetres NOT centimetres :lol: I wish though! Vatika (or maybe the combination with sulphur) works great for me, but my consistency is not good with it and the smell gets to me after a week's regular use so I keep switching to other non-fragrance oils that do not work as well but don't irritate my nose...

ETA: brief metric update- 10 millimetres = 1 cm = almost a half inch so basically I got what I would usually get 0.5 inches in half the time!
So 4 inches will be 10 centimetres NOT millimetres, Hot Hair got 10 millimetres :rolleyes::)
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ok so ya'll made me bust out my rulers :brainy: ..10mm = 4inches :shocked:. That's a MASSIVE amount of NG. I used to use vatika oil when i henna'd last year but never alone on the scalp. if i can get that amount of NG..i will run to the idian grocery now!!!
I Mixed MTG & Vatika last night, the Vatika masks the MTG smell.

Pls tell me this is true!!! I have a bearly used..almost full bottle of MTG @ home but i cannot take the smell. i mixed it w/ peppermint EO and it got worse and the smell gave me a BAD headache :wallbash:.
Hiya sorry ladies- that was 10 millimetres NOT centimetres :lol: I wish though! Vatika (or maybe the combination with sulphur) works great for me, but my consistency is not good with it and the smell gets to me after a week's regular use so I keep switching to other non-fragrance oils that do not work as well but don't irritate my nose...

Girl... I was about to say! You're going cause a PJ stampeed! I can picture that stuff flying off of the shelfs at the Indian stores.:grin: