Vatika Oil-I Think I Accidently Stumbled on Something!

What size bottle? The little one, or the larger one that comes with the brush? The larger one here is $5.49.

I'm afraid of that price hike as well. I'll be buying a few bottles next visit.
The 300 ml one but after looking around online I must have gotten it at a steal! I should have stocked up!
Anyone still using vatika oil? Any more testimonials?

It just dawned on me today that there is an indian grocer up the street. I went into today, looking for amla oil but they were all out. :ohwell: So I decided to try vatika instead.

I paid $3.99 for the 10 oz bottle. I got super excited and decided to try it as soon as I got home. It's currently marinating on top of my head. :look: Can't wait to see if I like the results. I want shiny and silky hair too.
So I tried the vatika oil last night.....

....And I LOVE IT!

I used it as a pre-poo and let it sit for a couple of hours before co-washing.
I wake up this morning and my hair is soft, soft, soft, and nicely moisturized. :yep: It even feels different. Definitely silkier, as someone mentioned before. I'm sold on the bottle's promises to nourish the hair from the inside out. This oil will be a staple in my regimen from now on. :yep:
I just came back from the Indian grocery store on 28th and Lexington (New York, NY)....definitely something I needed in my hair. I am doing an overnight pree-poo. It feels great already. Hopefully this will help me with retention...we shall see!
I think I want to try this. Has it made anyone's hair darker?

:yep: I just re-did my weave and my hair was looking lush (it was so shiny it looked wet) i think the vatika is definitely darkening my hair cause I coloured it a medium brown colour before I did the weave just over 3 weeks later my hair looks black! I don't really mind though I'll just colour again later in the year. I use the vatika on my scalp in the morning and then my MN/ sulphur mix at night and my hair seems to be thriving HTH
Okay I am not one to promote topical growth enhancers, not saying I have something against them, it's just that I am too lazy to try them. And I always feel that when doing such it is best to post before and after pics, which I don't have. So with that being said, I am going to call this a "recommendation" rather than a growth/enhancer story. Let me start by saying I also never had problems with my hair line thinning, sides yes, hairline never.

Okay, so now that winter has began (and I am in the cold cold state of Ohio) I have been noticing some flakes around my hair line and part ( I usually bun so my part is in the middle). Not dandruff because it couldn't be "scratched up" like most dandruff, just flaky dryness. So I ventured onto trying stuff to put on it. Moisturizers gave me pimples, kemi oyl game me dandruff, and so on and so on.

I read my bottles and I noticed that Vatika oil has lemon and neem oil in it which supposed to help with dandruff. So I started using Vatika oil once a day in the monring, which stopped the flakyness immediatly which I am very fond of. I just applied it to my part, the upper part of my sideburns and around my hair line, before I went in the shower, so I can remove any excess oil from my face while showering. So I have doing this for about a month and a half and I notice something. I am starting to look hairy.:eek:

I'm not talking about little short hairs, I am talking long baby hairs, and my side burns look thicker than Ashante's (before she got celebed up). Now once again, I never had trouble with my hairline, and as a matter of fact I always had thick sideburns. It just that this Vatika oil (I think it is the culprit) is making my hairline a lot hairier. I even asked my sister if she noticed it and she even said yeah.

I just wanted to tell you ladies this just in case you might want to try it or just need a little help thickening the hairline. I am not saying it is THE culprit but I am sure it is. I look around at the Indian woman at my school and they all have thick hairy hairlines and maybe it is something in this oil that they use that helps. Anyways just wanted to throw a suggestion out there. I don't have any before or after pics because like I said I never had problems with the hairline so why even take pics.

Pic of vatika oil:

Dabur Vatika Hair Oil Coconut Ingredients:
Coconut oil
Neem Leaves
D.M Water
Cow milk
Rosemary Oil
Lemon oil
Antioxidant - tert. Butyle hydroquinon

Oh Snap, that is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE this board :rosebud:
Ya know... I think the Vatika progress sort of sneaks up on you, because while I was using it (haven't used it for like 3 weeks now) I didn't notice anything much aside from the smell (which my husband hates) and luster it gave to my hair.

Now I am noticing a lot of thickness in areas that I had some concern about before and I think it's because of this stuff. I think it's a keeper ;)
Ya know... I think the Vatika progress sort of sneaks up on you, because while I was using it (haven't used it for like 3 weeks now) I didn't notice anything much aside from the smell (which my husband hates) and luster it gave to my hair.

Now I am noticing a lot of thickness in areas that I had some concern about before and I think it's because of this stuff. I think it's a keeper ;)

I like the smell. Am I weird?
I like the smell. Am I weird?

No you're not weird, because I liked the smell at first too :look: I think that after a while the smell can get to you. It feels like constant aroma around your head or maybe it was that I od'd on it :ohwell:
I'm curious to know how you ladies are using Vatika Oil? I used it only once and I can't seem to find out how to use it. Are you pouring the oil over your head or are you mixing it with stuff like DCs or something? How are you all prepooing with it? Forgive me for conducting a questionare :grin: but I'm getting a tad frustrated with this stuff now b/c I simply can't figure out how to use it!!:wallbash:
I'm curious to know how you ladies are using Vatika Oil? I used it only once and I can't seem to find out how to use it. Are you pouring the oil over your head or are you mixing it with stuff like DCs or something? How are you all prepooing with it? Forgive me for conducting a questionare :grin: but I'm getting a tad frustrated with this stuff now b/c I simply can't figure out how to use it!!:wallbash:

All of the above. :lol: I use the oil for scalp massages. If I use it for a prepoo hot oil treatment, I heat it in the microwave a bit the night before (or a few hours before) washing and apply all over my hair, then place a plastic baggy over my head until I'm ready to wash. I also apply it lightly to my hair post-wash, right after applying my leave-in conditioner. Occasionally, I will mix it with the leave in and apply them both together. I get amazing shine and my hair doesn't feel too greasy. I don't mix it with my deep conditioner.
I'm curious to know how you ladies are using Vatika Oil? I used it only once and I can't seem to find out how to use it. Are you pouring the oil over your head or are you mixing it with stuff like DCs or something? How are you all prepooing with it? Forgive me for conducting a questionare :grin: but I'm getting a tad frustrated with this stuff now b/c I simply can't figure out how to use it!!:wallbash:

I use it to seal my moisturizer with. I also use it when I massage my babies' scalp. As a pre poo I just slather it on. It seems like it should be a greasy mess but somehow it never works out that way, like it doesn't just sit on the hair.
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All of the above. :lol: I use the oil for scalp massages. If I use it for a prepoo hot oil treatment, I heat it in the microwave a bit the night before (or a few hours before) washing and apply all over my hair, then place a plastic baggy over my head until I'm ready to wash. I also apply it lightly to my hair post-wash, right after applying my leave-in conditioner. Occasionally, I will mix it with the leave in and apply them both together. I get amazing shine and my hair doesn't feel too greasy. I don't mix it with my deep conditioner.
Thanks pressncurl and justmesteph!
Is anyone mixing their vatika with amla oil and just applying it to the scalp without washing it out? TIA.

Also, my vatika oil smells good but I added some peppermint oil because I like the tingling feeling. Maybe the ladies who's smells bad can add some peppermint or something else to make it smell better.
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All of the above. :lol: I use the oil for scalp massages. If I use it for a prepoo hot oil treatment, I heat it in the microwave a bit the night before (or a few hours before) washing and apply all over my hair, then place a plastic baggy over my head until I'm ready to wash. I also apply it lightly to my hair post-wash, right after applying my leave-in conditioner. Occasionally, I will mix it with the leave in and apply them both together. I get amazing shine and my hair doesn't feel too greasy. I don't mix it with my deep conditioner.
It's amazing how this stuff give my hair shine and luster with out weighing it down. It renders all serum products useless for shine in my opinion.
Is anyone mixing their vatika with amla oil and just applying it to the scalp without washing it out? TIA.

Also, my vatika oil smells good but I added some peppermint oil because I like the tingling feeling. Maybe the ladies who's smells bad can add some peppermint or something else to make it smell better.

Well I infused mine with Amla powder and I apply it to my scalp and hair and don't wash it out.
I have major hairline and temple thinnage, i'm definitely going to give this a shot. i wonder if they have it at vitacost...
I'm in straight PJ mode. Ain't nothing gonna stop me except maybe PJ Anonymous and the twelve steps. I'm going to stop at our biggest Indian store tonight on the way to dinner with my hubby for date night. I'm picking up Vatika and Amla (i'm practicing pronouncing it with the 'w' and 'u'). I'll probably also pick up some garam masala and some other spices whilst I'm at it.

Someone earlier in this thread mentioned that they don't know where to put all of their stuff. Well, I put all of my stuff on a box covered with a cloth in the corner of my room. Kind of a shrine :grin:. The box underneath is the box that my husband's impulse $1500 dollar Bose home theatre system came in. When he has a problem with the money I'm spending on my products - I just lift the cloth and he shuts right up.:lachen:

I might mix it with MN but I've noticed a little bit of breakage since I started MN. This might help stop that.

Gracias much for the info.

Can I use it on my 11 year old's hair? She's in breakage denial since she snuck and let my mother (:wallbash:) and my cousin put a relaxer in her head. Her sides and back is so damaged, it's another color. She still thinks that her hair is long in those spots. Let's pray for the little hard headed heifer.
my mother bought me vatika oil and it SMELLED.... I looked and it was different than my original bottle, no expiration date and different ingredients... I am throwing it out bc I am scared of the new ingredients.... anyone using I supppose its the newer vatika that has the hydroquinone in it... is your hair ok?

Apparently there are two types of Vatika: one regular and one of "export quality". The first bottle I got was small- the export quality. It smelled a bit "Indian" to me, but the results were great! So I replenished with the larger bottle. It smelled way better, like coconut. However, it was much heavier and I didn't feel yeilded the same results. When I compared bottles, that is when I noticed the difference. The ingredients are the same, but I imagine the quality of ingredients used (and perhaps the concentrations) is what makes the difference. I stick with the small export quality size now and prefer it if it smells "Indian".

This may account for the difference you are noticing.

*This may have been addressed on this thread, I haven't read it completely.
Oh, and about a year ago we had a whole discussion about the hydrquinone. There was a lady on here who was a chemist (what ever happended to Navsegda?) and she and others discussed that there were no implications of using the product in the hair. The one I have has it also. HTH!
This is my last comment on this, I promise!

I am begining to wonder if people are paying attention to what you are reading. There have been many posts about products being expired, but many Indian products are stamped based on when they were manufactured. For example, my Vatika that I have from last year is stamped "07/06" and then it says "use within two years of manufacture".

I'm just saying. It can't be that everyone is buying all this expired stuff and this would explain a lot of it. Just an FYI.