Vatika Oil-I Think I Accidently Stumbled on Something!

Oh, it's scented alright. As someone else put it, it smells like really bad Indian curry.

I do love the list of ingredients in it. That's one reason why I bought it and why I force myself to tolerate the smell. I use it to prepoo most often...but when I put a little on my hair after shampoo days, I always add a little Amla Lite oil to combat the smell.

P.S. I ordered mine from

Check the date on your vatika oil, it may be expired. My Vatika oil smells divine - like coconut actually and I like the smell of coconuts, I guess it's because I live here in the tropics. I've only been sealing with mine so far but now I have a new use for it. Thanks ladies.
Oh, it's scented alright. As someone else put it, it smells like really bad Indian curry.

I do love the list of ingredients in it. That's one reason why I bought it and why I force myself to tolerate the smell. I use it to prepoo most often...but when I put a little on my hair after shampoo days, I always add a little Amla Lite oil to combat the smell.

P.S. I ordered mine from

I think your bottle is bad. Mine smelled like coconuts and lemon (which surprisingly was a really nice combination)
Funny this thread should pop up because I just brought the Vatika and Alma Oil from Amazon and it came last Friday.

So now, I am going to try this stuff on my hair starting today. It's weird because I kinda feel like I don't know how to use this stuff either. I kinda feel like if I put it on my scalp and hair for like an hour, then rinse it out, I feel like I'm rinsing the product right out.

Am I right or wrong?
Okay thanks, if Hydroquinone is ok to use on hair I will finish out the smell bottles.... maybe just use before a wash.....
I use this too it makes my hair shiny and soft without feeling greasy. I bought another bottle at a local grocer today a 5.0oz bottle was $1.99

Now I'll go read the thread. :lachen:
I'm on a use it up challenge so I won't have to buy any but I have a big bottle to use. I'll be glad when its warm enough for the oil to liquify!! LOL I got tired of warming the bottle to get it to melt this winter!
I got this and the amla oil lite (non sticky edition) at least that's what it says. I've got the OCT and Creme Rinse sitting in my head (well dry now) and I'm about to put this on top of it with some Ojon (good Lawd) and wash it out in the morning, blowdry, and flat iron. We'll see what I think. But I'm excited based upon the testimonials here.
Ooooh vatika- i've been revisiting favourites but want to wait till its warmer for this one- its annoying when i have to wait for it to melt before using:grin:
I just had a delivery of Daburs Vaitika oil today and this bumped thread has just made me order two more LARGE bottles.:wallbash:
I guess its good to stock up.:ohwell:
I've reviewed this and some other products from the Dabur line. It's definitely a great product. The only oil I risk a break out for. Now you KNOW that's a good product.
I love the Dabur Vatika oil, I also love the Fresh Lemony Coconut scent, I use it on my daughter for her dry scalp, I just do a hot oil treatment with it before a shampoo and her scalp is good to go all week, she has no itching nor flaking. I always stock on this!!!
i used that on my scalp every day for a while and my hair did grow faster and my NG was looser and when i washed my hair it was shiner also my NG is more silky. i still use it on my scalp but now 2 time a week
This oil sounds promising! I recently started using Vatika Oil. Love it so far. I oil my scalp and massage with it every other day. Its soothes the itching. Love the scent. Definitely a keeper.
I absolutely loooove my Vatika oil. I mix it with amla oil for my pre-poos but I've realized I've been using it alone more often lately. IMHO it works waaaay better than the Amla oil alone or even mixed.

Actually I'm thinking of making my own Amla Oil by fusing some Amla Powder with coconut oil. Only problem is... I still have 2 unused 500ml bottles sitting here - That'll teach the PJ in me :yawn:.

Anyways, Vatika is great and I'm glad I found it. I also use it to oil my scalp almost daily and mix some with my DCs for extra shine.

Oh by the way, my SO brought me a couple of bottles from India a couple of months ago and they have a cool new bottle. I smells way better too. I'll post a photo soon as I remember to take it.

I absolutely loooove my Vatika oil. I mix it with amla oil for my pre-poos but I've realized I've been using it alone more often lately. IMHO it works waaaay better than the Amla oil alone or even mixed.

Actually I'm thinking of making my own Amla Oil by fusing some Amla Powder with coconut oil. Only problem is... I still have 2 unused 500ml bottles sitting here - That'll teach the PJ in me :yawn:.

Anyways, Vatika is great and I'm glad I found it. I also use it to oil my scalp almost daily and mix some with my DCs for extra shine.

Oh by the way, my SO brought me a couple of bottles from India a couple of months ago and they have a cool new bottle. I smells way better too. I'll post a photo soon as I remember to take it.


Sounds great. And good luck on your hair journey!
Not to rain on anyone's parade but I felt I needed to share the info regarding an ingredient in Dabur Vatika oil that may raise some eyebrows...TBHQ (t-butyl hydroquinone). You can read about it here, I used vatika oil until I found this information. The ingredient is the next to the last on the ingredient list, and is probably in the product in a very small amount, but this is just an fyi. Peace and love, ladies. :)
i read wat u posted and here is what i found. so it is safe

Determined safe for use in cosmetics, subject to concentration or use limitations - Safe for use in cosmetics with some qualifications
Not to rain on anyone's parade but I felt I needed to share the info regarding an ingredient in Dabur Vatika oil that may raise some eyebrows...TBHQ (t-butyl hydroquinone). You can read about it here, I used vatika oil until I found this information. The ingredient is the next to the last on the ingredient list, and is probably in the product in a very small amount, but this is just an fyi. Peace and love, ladies. :)

Where is this in the ingredients? Here are the ingredients on my Dabur Vatika bottle says:

Ingredients: Each 100ml of oil is prepared from Mehndi (Lawsonia inermis) 0.10g, Amla (Emblica officinalis) 0.10g, Lemon Oil (Citrus limon) 0.005 ml, Neem (Azadirachta indica) 0.30g, Brahmi (Hydrocotyl asiatica) 0.30 g, Harar (Terminalia chebula) 0.10g, Bahera (Terminalia belerica) 0.10 g, Kapur Kachri (Hedychium spicatum) 0.10g, Dugdha 0.60 ml, Sugandhit Dravyas 0.04 ml, Nariyal Tail (Cocos nucifera) q.s. (Processed as per Tail Pak Vidhi)