Using Monistat for Hair


Well-Known Member
How do you use it for the hair?

My personal trainer is a 29 y/o balding male and as you all know, a personal trainer is quite vain. He says an older woman recommended Monistat 7 for his balding.

I'd never heard that, but he says he looked it up online and it's true, but he doesn't know the details.

I asked one of the members here and she says she read here that it's done by mixing grease with Monistat.

My question is, "How? In what measurements is the mixture generated...1 part grease to 3 parts Monistat, 50/50 mixture...what?"

I just want to tell dude. He just texted me asking how to use it.

I don't know. I don't have a clue, but I'm sitting and ROTFL! cause I'm picturing this big, muscular, buff dude standing in the mirror rubbing Monistat 7 on his balding head :lol::lol::lol:

:lachen: Funny image! Tell his arse to get him some Rogaine and call it a day.

Miconazole nitrite works, but it works by killing any fungus on the scalp for optimal hair growth. It won't work if the follicles are dead. He needs a DHT blocker.
I'm really unsure of the mechanism of MN, but I think I read it's a vasodialator and increases blood flow to the scalp.

I use mine straight up, undiluted/unmixed; been using it for about 4 weeks now. I try to apply everyday, but sometimes I can only do 4 times a week. So far, so good.
Thanks everyone!

So I told him what you all said here.

He's using the Monistat plus moisturizer. He had WL dreads and cut them off and saw the bald spot in the top of his head, so he thinks his hair loss is from the tension of the dreads and not male pattern baldness.

I researched using Monistat for myself. I discovered that migraine sufferers may not be able to use it as it may cause headaches. Additional research revealed that the headaches may result from using Monistat straight, without a cutter.

I'm a migraine sufferer. I tried it on my thinning edges yesterday with Shea Butter as a cutter and no headache; only minor itching for about five minutes, and that happened a couple of hours after application.

Also learned that Monistat use may result in building immunity against the product if used longer than four months. So if a woman is prone to yeast overgrowth in the body, she should take a break from Monistat. If she builds immunity against the product it won't clear yeast infections (wonder if that applies to yeast growths like Pink Eye and Thrush?).

The duration of the break should equal the duration Monistat was used.

Learned too, that when one stops using Monistat, the hair that wasn't lost as the result of using Monistat, may actually shed.

To avoid the shedding, it's recommended that around the third month of usage, the consumer gradually works away from using Monistat, and by the fourth month, should start the break from using the product to avoid possible immunity.

Well, that's pretty much what I learned. If y'all have stuff to add to help me along The Monistat Highway, please share!

Now I'm getting ready to apply some to my edges again lol

Thanks for all your feedback! Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
I just wanted to add that this did work for me. I stopped because I wanted to try sulfur instead. I might have to suck it up and go hard for the last quarter of the year.