Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Yes they are. I love their clothing and everyone is always asking me where I got my clothes from. You know, I'm an Island girl and we don't have all those pretty styles here so I shop where I can to stay lookin' goodt.

Besides, I hate buying clothes that everyone here is wearing.
I hear you! My cousin in Jacksonville where their headquarters is is friends with someone who works there and we can get up to 50% off most items.
I’m so over bath & Body Works. I have been waiting over a week for my items to ship and I get and email today saying half my order was cancelled and the utter half shipped.

Why was my order confirmed if they didn’t have it in stock? So I called them and they are refunding me my money for Shipping back.

But the candles I really wanted are the ones that were cancelled frosted cupcake & Cinnimon caramel swirl).

Nope. Not ordering again. If it ain’t in the store, then I don’t need it.
I’m so over bath & Body Works. I have been waiting over a week for my items to ship and I get and email today saying half my order was cancelled and the utter half shipped.
Why was my order confirmed if they didn’t have it in stock? So I called them and they are refunding me my money for Shipping back.
But the candles I really wanted are the ones that were cancelled frosted cupcake & Cinnimon caramel swirl).
Nope. Not ordering again. If it ain’t in the store, then I don’t need it.
The exact same thing happened to me and then it all shipped.

And the one(s) I really wanted that I thought were cancelled & OOS came too?:shocked:
I damn near lost my mind in there but got my Lil two items. She has EVERYTHING. It is definitely a PJs dream. I am going to see if I can upload some pics because I took some and shared them in another group I am in.

I just walked out with the SSI Okra Winfrey I went up there for and a Hairveda Red Tea Heavy cream. I should've included the Okra Winfrey in my protein journey because it has ceramides in it.

The lady asked me if I wanted a basket and I was like, unless I want to give you my paycheck, no :lachen:.

I need enough self control to go up there and haul twice a year. :look:
You were so disciplined sis! I wish we woulda met up when I lived in the ATL so we could do research together! :look: